We have some awesome auction items up for grabs! Including;
A) A guided bass fishing trip for two with BASS elite pro and Belton native Keith Combs on either Falcon or Sam Rayburn
B) guided fishing trip for four on Belton with well known, professional guide Jay Garrett
C) an exciting guided catfish noodling trip with Adrian Barnes, Belton Guru!!!!
D) guided nighttime smallmouth trip with Adrian Barnes
E) an incredible, once in a lifetime, LIVE CAPTURE HELICOPTER HOG HUNT!!!!! And much,much more...

We are very blessed and gratefull for everyone's generosity, and the donations keep coming in! You don't want to miss this, no telling what we will have before tournament date hope tosee you all there and thanks for the support

In addition to the normal registration dates/times; for convenience You can register the week before the tournament at Millers smokehouse in Belton. Open till 630 Tuesday thru Thursday and 9 pm Friday and Saturday.. Ask for Robert Reid. Thanks!!

There will be a tournament held on lake Belton on March 17th to benefit John Beasley and his family. He was an avid outdoorsman and tournament angler who is now suffering from severe diabetic complications and an overall decline in health. This has been an ongoing battle for the last 2-3 years and, as you can imagine, the medical costs have really piled up. We are still seeking donations and The family really need the help.

Tournament info:
Lake Belton, March 17, 2013, 6am-3pm, Entry Fee is $100 per team, 80% payback,Weigh will be held at 3pm at Liberty Mart at the 4 way stop just up the road from Temple lake park
There will be an auction at the weigh in and barbecue from Millers smokehouse from Belton who was recently voted as one of the top three barbecue in the state!!!!!

We are hoping for a great turnout for this. The fishing should be awesome so load up and come on!!!!!

Please contact Robert Reid at 254-541-1583 for more info. Thanks everyone, hope to see you there!!!!!!

There is only one dumb question: "Why did'nt I ask about that?"

My idea of a trophy deer or hog mount is chicken fried, on my plate, ready to eat!