I hunt hogs religiously and have worked for many golf courses in my area to eradicate their hog problems I live in lewisville and will travel and work for free I can trap and relocate or just put an arrow or .308 in them and will haul them off I'm willing to travel to help take care of your problem I know what it's like to have your pastures and roads destroyed I recently had a neighborhood in grapevine near the lake bring me in to take care of the critters who were tearing up their yards I work for free and will use any method you prefer to take care of them I'm currently working for a country club in Anna who has lost 8 brand new greens from hog rutting If you are interested in my service shoot me a text and I will get it done Reply for # info free

Management is key to keeping our herds healthy and BIG! Hunt hard and be ready! America is the greatest place on earth and still is because of our men and women in uniform still protecting our freedom! Life and love of back straps! - Ted Nugent