January 25, 2012 Managing brush for wildlife is topic of Feb. 2 webinar

By Kay Ledbetter SKledbetter@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5608

Brittany Grube, Brittany.grube@agnet.tamu.edu

COLLEGE STATION – Brush sculpting with wildlife in mind will be the topic for
the February webinar offered by Texas AgriLife Extension Service’s ecosystem
science and management unit, according to Brittany Grube, graduate assistant and
webinar coordinator.

The webinar series, which offers a way to earn Texas Department of Agriculture
continuing education units online, are scheduled from noon to 1 p.m. every first
Thursday of the month, Grube said.

On Feb. 2, Dr. Dale Rollins, AgriLife Extension wildlife specialist in San
Angelo, will present “Brush Sculpting for Wildlife.” It will qualify for one
general pesticide continuing education unit.

This webinar, as well as those from the 2011 series, can be accessed at

Grube said a change has been made to the webinar series beginning this month.
Payment will no longer be required to participate in a webinar for anyone not
seeking continuing education units. However, if participants would like to
receive the Texas Department of Agriculture continuing education units, they
will still have to pay a $10 fee.

“Rangelands in Texas are often managed as much for wildlife as for
livestock,” Rollins said. “Brush management can be a powerful tool for
improving wildlife habitat, if you ‘know when to say when’.”

Brush sculpting is the tailoring of one’s brush management goals to enhance
wildlife habitat, he said. This webinar will discuss the need for, and
application of, precision brush control techniques to wildlife habitat, with an
emphasis on deer and quail.

For more information on the webinars, contact Grube at
Brittany.grube@agnet.tamu.edu .

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�Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in,
where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.�
~ John Muir