The wait is almost over! I just wanted to inform all you guys out there that follow all the predator shows that next month will mark the begenning of something that has been in the works for quite some time and will undoubtably a show that you dont want to miss. Gary Roberson(Burnham Brothers Calls) and Dustin Whitacre(Mossy Oak) have teamed up with some of the biggest names in the hunting industry to bring to the public what is truly a predator hunting show with class. Emmy award winning producer Brian Hawkins has really stepped out of the box with Carnivore and has delivered a show in the likeness that has never been seen on any outdoor network to date. Carnivore will be aired to over 42 million households on the Pursuit network starting Tuesday June 28th. The prime time slots for each week will be Saturday at noon, and Sunday night at 7. For more information about the show, you can visit Don't miss it.

CARNIVORE'S night hunting Professionals!

Only on Pursuit...