Texas Hunting Forum

Discontiuned Foxpro FX3 for $240 + shipping or Wildfire for $300

Posted By: bwk1975

Discontiuned Foxpro FX3 for $240 + shipping or Wildfire for $300 - 12/23/11 07:26 PM

Would you guys buy a dicontiuned FX3 or go with the new Wildfire? Also does foxbang come standard on wildfire, or is that a $85 upgrade? I'm leaning toward the FX3. Advantages in the Wildfire seem to be upgraded remote, and foxbang. What are yalls thoughts?

Posted By: Uncle Buck

Re: Discontiuned Foxpro FX3 for $240 + shipping or Wildfire for $300 - 12/24/11 10:11 AM

Hey BWK,

I've had an FX3 for several years and recently upgraded to the Prarie Blaster. The FX3 was a great unit however it was slightly frustrating as well and the new units from Foxpro seem to eliminate these.

Having to make a list everytime I changed calls on the FX3 was a pain. With the newer models, having them wirelessly transfer to the remote was a big advantage to me. Having them displayed by name and easily scrollable is great! Also, with the ability to have all of the sounds on the new unit because of increased storage was a big plus. Load them once and move on.. !

The Foxbang feature on the new models is fantastic as well as we always used to scramble for the remote after a shot was taken to switch the sounds up.

I think it's called Foxfade, but the up/down modulation of the sound is nice as well. We were always doing it manually with the FX3.

I originally was going to go with the Scorpion model with the Foxbang function built in however, I like using the Jack in the Box Decoy and use it quite a bit. I choose the Prarie Blaster because of that as the decoy was built in and the volume levels that made calling crows etc. better on very windy days. They are two completely different units though. I didn't mind giving up the portability of the Scorpion becuase I would still be carrying the Jack In The Box.

The Wildfire is a nice unit but for the extra $50 I would go with the Scorpion X1B because it comes with the FoxBang and has the ability to hold more sounds.

I purchased mine from AllPredatorCalls.com. They are great to work with and getting to choose the 50 sounds that come on the unit is a plus...not many moose in Texas smile

Again, all of this is just my opinion but I've had a ton of fun in many areas of the country using the caller....

Posted By: foxtrot400

Re: Discontiuned Foxpro FX3 for $240 + shipping or Wildfire for $300 - 12/24/11 10:59 PM

X2 of what Uncle Buck said. I have the fx3 and do like it but would much rather upgrade if it didn't cost so dang much

Posted By: bwk1975

Re: Discontiuned Foxpro FX3 for $240 + shipping or Wildfire for $300 - 12/31/11 05:42 PM

Ordered the Scorpion from allpredators, thanks guys

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