Texas Hunting Forum

new to hogs

Posted By: bholland

new to hogs - 05/14/11 12:56 PM

I live just outside of Fredericksburg and we have not yet had any problems or even sightings of hogs. I have always been interested in hog hunting and trapping but have not had any real opportunities to learn what really works. I have a friend who has gotten us permission to hunt a couple of areas that do have issues with hogs. The hogs have been tipping over feeders and have now killed several mature trees from exposing the roots during the current drought. So, my question is, "What should we try first?" We have talked about trapping one area and hunting the other. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Posted By: JakeinTX

Re: new to hogs - 05/14/11 01:18 PM

Good luck! It's addicting hunting them things!


Posted By: Capt. Andrew

Re: new to hogs - 05/14/11 07:20 PM

if ya need help shoot me a pm im not to far and have killed a ton of hogs i can bring out some of our product to use as well

Posted By: deewayne2003

Re: new to hogs - 05/14/11 07:32 PM

People will tell you about secret recipies about souring corn with beer, jello, koolaid ect ect....

Truth is all you need is CORN and nothing else, if your hunting land with hog problems ask the land owner if you could put up a feeder in a remote place.

pitch it to them like this....

" Well sir they can either root up your oak trees here or we can contain their damage to an out of the way place where we put our feeder up. this way we can contain, kill, and trap them"

After that if you can put up a feeder then get some game cameras, put them up and that way you can patern the hogs and try and set up 2 different blinds for each hunting location. That way you have a stand thats down wind no matter which way the wind is comming.

Posted By: pafree

Re: new to hogs - 05/14/11 11:35 PM

Originally Posted By: bholland
"What should we try first?" We have talked about trapping one area and hunting the other. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

you could trap some if they have never seen a trap but they become trap shy and won't touch them plus it would have to be checked daily with the heat these days. i would set up cameras to see what there schedule is for coming into the feeders. use T-posts on the legs of the feeder to keep them from tipping them. set up a feeder light and after a few nights of camera action then you will be close to their schedule. sit downwind from them in a blind or tree stand and pick them off.

if you decide to trap then research using a corral trap.

Posted By: M Bennet

Re: new to hogs - 05/15/11 11:17 PM

use dogs what you dont catch you will push out of yur land , they cant handle the stress or pressure of the dogs.good luck

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