Texas Hunting Forum

Hogs and fat...?

Posted By: RICK O'SHAY

Hogs and fat...? - 03/12/10 04:16 PM

I've tried the air compressor method of skinning a hog twice now, and haven't figured it out yet. It seems the air goes between the hide and the fat, but when I skin them I cut between the meat and the fat. I never find the part that the air has sepparated.

Should I be leaving all the fat on them?

What about the "shield" up around the shoulders, is that just fat or is it different?

Posted By: Boudreaux

Re: Hogs and fat...? - 03/12/10 06:24 PM

I dont even skin my hogs out when I clean them any more. Clean them from back to belly, cut down the back starp so you can just pull the hams, shoulders, and straps out from the top of the pig.

Posted By: WaterTurkey

Re: Hogs and fat...? - 03/12/10 07:07 PM

Could you both go into more detail please....I need this info

Posted By: Justin T

Re: Hogs and fat...? - 03/12/10 07:29 PM

Originally Posted By: Boudreaux
I dont even skin my hogs out when I clean them any more. Clean them from back to belly, cut down the back starp so you can just pull the hams, shoulders, and straps out from the top of the pig.

+1 This is what I do, but half the time I just take the straps.

Posted By: filly

Re: Hogs and fat...? - 03/12/10 11:12 PM

yep, same here. cut right down the spine from neck to butt. then skin down on each side from this slit a few inches to expose both backstraps. cut the backstraps out. then, cut the hams off. cut a slit at the achilles like for a gambrel, and then hang each ham from a stout branch. skin each ham out while hanging, cut off at the knee.

that's what i do with my hogs. backstraps and the two hams. i don't bother with the shoulders.

Posted By: DSST_Construction

Re: Hogs and fat...? - 03/13/10 12:06 AM

i have never heard of air skinning a hog.

Posted By: Dink Dodger

Re: Hogs and fat...? - 03/13/10 12:23 AM

Never tried it on a hog, but seen it done on yotes.

Here you go...

Posted By: TAT

Re: Hogs and fat...? - 03/13/10 12:27 AM

ive used a truck to skin deer

Posted By: jodster

Re: Hogs and fat...? - 03/13/10 01:49 AM

I skin my hogs the old fasion way, pull skin and cut. The fats are different; a hard grizzle fat and a greasy soft fat. The fat on the back and shoulder blades (shields) and other spots is a hard grizzle fat, you can see and feel the difference between them even when raw. The hard grizzle don't tase bad it just stays chewy like grizzle when you cook it. I remove or leave the grizzle fat with the skin. 20% fat makes for a lean sausage.

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