Texas Hunting Forum

Blue Quail Lease

Posted By: tigger

Blue Quail Lease - 06/01/07 08:08 PM

100,000 acre Blue Quail lease $10,000 10guns 10 guest

Posted By: cattle69

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/03/07 08:36 PM

If you ever need some varmint hunting done to keep the quail and so forth in check let me know. Will travel have lots of experience and always looking for new land. Let me know if you need references.

Posted By: Quail Dog 1

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/04/07 05:10 PM

Tigger, I have hunted Bob's for 30 years but my experience with Blue's is nill. I know the Blue's run a lot, do you try to bust up the covey and then put the dogs down?

Posted By: cattle69

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/04/07 06:03 PM


Posted By: 7mag

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/04/07 11:24 PM



Boy, you wanna start World War III?????

Posted By: cattle69

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/04/07 11:38 PM

No wars need to be started just stating the truth, it is very hard on any quail dog with blue quail. I noticed you were form midland figured you would agree with all the blue quail around that country. Oh by the way don't forget your running shoes.

Posted By: tigger

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/05/07 11:44 PM

I prefer to bust the covey and then bust it again and then put dogs down. If you have a little cover you can get some dog work. However it is much harder on a dog then bobs. But when bob are a disaster like last year it can be a lot of fun.

Posted By: tigger

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/05/07 11:48 PM

I also have some friend that hunt with labs and jeeps 4 or 5 jeeps. Drive across the flats, flush covey, circle them let labs out and shoot as they pass over. I Have never done it but I hear it is a blast. When I was much younger I use to walk hunt them without dogs and had some great hunts.

Posted By: HWY_MAN

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/06/07 12:56 PM

Not many people have spent as much time as i have hunting Blues. I use a pretty simple method. Drive the roads and wait until you spot a covey. Leave the dogs in the truck on your first approach. Once you have birds down them release the dogs to pick up dead birds and to work you singles. I've even got to the point i don't use pointers or short hairs on blue quail at all. My best success seems to be with spaniels and labs and keeping them close. Interestingly enough my new pup I'm just starting this year is half lab and half English cocker and it looks like he's going to be everything I'd hoped for.

Posted By: 7mag

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/06/07 03:40 PM

He forgot to mention he skillet shoots the $hit out of every covey he sees

Posted By: HWY_MAN

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/06/07 07:35 PM


Posted By: kwrhuntinglab

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/06/07 08:25 PM

Nothing wrong with skillet shooting a covey of blues....

Posted By: 7mag

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/06/07 08:41 PM


Nothing wrong with skillet shooting a covey of blues....

Thats not sporting like

Posted By: garrett

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/06/07 08:47 PM

I have much respect for a person that can make a good skillet shot

Posted By: Cool_Hand

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/06/07 11:20 PM

Horse manure!

Posted By: cattle69

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 02:08 AM

I am betting most of the people denouncing shooting blues on the ground have ever been or definitley have not been very much. I did say most people not all. It is hard to get them to fly sometimes, they would sure rather run than fly. They are a whole different animal than a bob and the terain is usually way differnt also.

Posted By: 7mag

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 08:38 AM

I just can't justify it as ethical. They must be in flighr in order for me to shoot them. I am all about ethics and sportsmanship and would never skillet shoot blues. Right Hwy_Man?????

Posted By: HWY_MAN

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 12:02 PM

At least i give them a 2 ft head start, unlike other people i know. Your the only one i know gives them a warning shot.

Posted By: Cool_Hand

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 01:32 PM

I will repeat myself from another thread. The only thing you shoot on the ground (as my father taught me) is a snake. Cattle69, just because they run and the terrain is different, does that make it okay to do that. It's all in how you were taught to hunt. Skillet shooting ain't no sport, sorry. I've done it before but I felt like do-do afterwards!

Posted By: HWY_MAN

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 01:52 PM


I've done it before but I felt like do-do afterwards!

Did you miss?
I hate it when that happens.


Skillet shooting ain't no sport,

That's where the real problem hides. Hunting is not a sport, it's an instinct.

For some strange reason i feel the words " Morally and Ethical are fixing to come into this conversation.

Posted By: Cool_Hand

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 02:03 PM

Yeah, I think I did!!

Posted By: mark3

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 03:01 PM

I don't shoot them on the ground either, but was raised a ground harvester. I agree it is not a sport, but I just don't care to shoot them on the ground. My dad, who taught me to hunt, took the skillet shot, but that didn't take in his training of me. Anyway to each his own the blue quail is a formidable opponent on the run.

Posted By: Crazyhorse

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 03:14 PM

I know that I should stay out of this one, but when did the Outdoor Annual start trying to categorize ethical concepts, or the GW's start issueing citations for legal harvest methods?????

Also, when did our Game Laws change from Legal Methods to Ethical Concepts????

When did buying a license and doing what was legally stipulated by TP&W, become Not Good Enough for some folks????

Did I miss something somewhere over the years????

Aren't our Game and Fish Laws formulated to pertain to EVERYONE, while ethics are PERSONAL/INDIVIDUAL CHOICES and CONCEPTS????

Posted By: HWY_MAN

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 03:25 PM


when did our Game Laws change from Legal Methods to Ethical Concepts????

I guess i missed that one, maybe i should go back and reread. As long as an individual is abiding by the law, they have my blessings.

Posted By: mark3

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 03:27 PM

Blue Quail are fast, they run a bunch and some guys want to shoot them on the ground and some of us don't. I don't think ethics and legality are an issue on this thread. I am sure if someone said, I like to sneak over pond dams and blast away on the water, then the pot will be greatly stirred.

On this thread though I think it is a matter of I will not shoot quail on the ground and others have no problem with it. My Dad, who I hunt with a lot shoots bobs on the ground, but he is still my dad. So while I agree with you, I just don't think that is what this thread is about.

Posted By: HWY_MAN

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 03:33 PM


I like to sneak over pond dams and blast away on the water,

Done that also.

Posted By: mark3

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 03:34 PM

Yeah me too.

Posted By: Crazyhorse

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 03:39 PM

Just wait, some of us have been down this road before, and it got real ugly, real fast.

As for the sneaking over pond dams and taking skillet shots at ducks, as far as I know, that is perfectly legal also, as is hunting upland game birds in Texas with 22's.

I think if you will just watch and wait, you are going to see that this topic will go south in a hurry. If I am wrong, I apologise.

Posted By: mark3

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 03:41 PM

No need to apologize to me. I was involved in the baby bob-cat post 2-years ago. I know about thread deterioration.

Posted By: txcornhusker

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 03:44 PM

I say skillet shoot if you want. It was against the law where I grew up. Wouldn't shoot them on the ground if I had my dogs with me or if I was hunting with someone else. Awful hard not to when your by yourself and you would like quail, mashed potatoes, and gravy for supper! I can honestly say I haven't done it but that might change one day who knows.

I will tell you what is unethical...shooting a buck that is under 3.5 years old!

Posted By: txcornhusker

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 03:46 PM


No need to apologize to me. I was involved in the baby bob-cat post 2-years ago. I know about thread deterioration.

LOL I remember that. Glenn Guess ended up leaving over it. Well that and one other thing!

Posted By: mark3

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 03:49 PM

Yeah he did. That happened on my lease. Dang we killed a bunch of birds on that place.

Posted By: txcornhusker

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 03:53 PM


Yeah he did. That happened on my lease. Dang we killed a bunch of birds on that place.

Now that you don't have any cats?

Posted By: fourtrax

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 04:07 PM

Your suppost to let them fly before you shoot?

Posted By: Crazyhorse

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 04:14 PM

This Rolley Coaster has just topped out and is fixin to start fer tha bottom. JMO.

Posted By: txcornhusker

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 04:25 PM


Your suppost to let them fly before you shoot?

No...remember if your in tall grass and you see the grass moving, unload so that they don't have a chance to fly. I usually get a lot of different animals killed that way as well! Never know what you are going to get!

Posted By: Cool_Hand

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 04:35 PM

Right Fourtrax!! My outfitter has had group after group that he has taken to the Colorado City area and several other areas close to that this last quail season and he has yet to have one person shoot a blue on the ground. If they had it would have been their last hunt with him. Now thats not my rule, thats his rule. I think I made myself clear on the thread that some are referring to and the roller coaster has not stopped rolling because I still feel the same way! I'm just grearful that I can choose who I hunt with.

Posted By: 7mag

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 04:42 PM

Like I stated before I will not make an unethical shot, on birds, deer, turkey ect. I like the Blues to take flight in their marvelous splendor of glory as the wind reaches their tail feathers and they coast like a beautiful butterfly to the ground, or crash from being struck from BBs' I also do not hunt ANY game from a blind. I am like my forefathers hunted, from a donkey at full strut. Anyone can shoot a deer from a blind. Me I like walking and stalking my prey. The Lord rewards me with the best game edible this way. I am of the old schol hunter, who actually works for his game harvest, unlike some others on here.

Posted By: HWY_MAN

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 05:28 PM

Anybody else smell something?

Posted By: HWY_MAN

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 05:48 PM


My outfitter

There's where the rules change. Once you turn hunting into a business, it's a different story. Your trying to make allot of hunters happy, without anybody getting hurt or a dog shot. Your trying to manage your coveys and keep them healthy. Under those circumstances i totally understand. What I'm saying and i believe others are as well, is it's not our standard practice of hunting, it's just an opportunity. Have i shot birds on the ground? You dang right i have. Have i shot ducks on the water? Yep, guilty once again. Is this something i do every time? Not at all. Most of the time it's when I'm by myself and out feeding and the opportunity comes up to get a half dozen quail real quick. Couple of shot and I'm eating quail that evening. Now if you want to only shoot birds on the rise, thats your decision and i have no problem with it, even admire it. I do the same thing 90% of the time. But if i want some quick quail or a couple of ducks, on the water or running down the road, I'll take them and nothing anybody can say will make me feel the slightest bit of remorse or guilt.

Posted By: 7mag

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 05:52 PM


Anybody else smell something?

Na can't say I do Mike Burnt popcorn maybe???

Posted By: fourtrax

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 06:20 PM



Your suppost to let them fly before you shoot?

No...remember if your in tall grass and you see the grass moving, unload so that they don't have a chance to fly. I usually get a lot of different animals killed that way as well! Never know what you are going to get!

Posted By: fourtrax

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 06:34 PM


Right Fourtrax!! My outfitter has had group after group that he has taken to the Colorado City area and several other areas close to that this last quail season and he has yet to have one person shoot a blue on the ground. If they had it would have been their last hunt with him. Now thats not my rule, thats his rule. I think I made myself clear on the thread that some are referring to and the roller coaster has not stopped rolling because I still feel the same way! I'm just grearful that I can choose who I hunt with.

Posted By: Crazyhorse

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 09:13 PM

Yes Sir, Burning , and a bunch of it.

Posted By: cattle69

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 11:41 PM

Hey tigger getting any reponses on your ad, or are all of us bs'ers just hijacking it?

Posted By: Cool_Hand

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/07/07 11:56 PM

Not that I agree so much with what you said, I can see your side of it. I just choose not to engage in shooting anything on the ground lest it be a snake! I don't smell anything burning so much as I feel some sort of agitating prod in my back side. That wasn't directed at you HWY_MAN!

Posted By: Crazyhorse

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/08/07 12:10 AM

That is one of the constants when a person pays to hunt with a guide/outfitter, you hunt the way they dictate, or you complain and go home empty handed.

That is why it is so important for potential clients to get such things as how a hunt is conducted, out of the way before any money changes hands.

If a person does not want to go along with the way the guide/outfitter does their hunts, then by all means move on, and find another operation.

From what I have seen and been involved with over the past few years, most hunters go along with what the guide/outfitter dictates, as to how the hunting will be done, and everyone has a good time. Those that don't either have a bad time or are refunded part of their money and escorted off the ranch.

I always felt that what a person does on their own time and on their own property, was their business, and that other peoples opinions were just that, OTHER PEOPLES OPINIONS!

Posted By: tx270

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/08/07 12:29 AM

I've hunted blues every year for about 20 yrs now in the trans-pecos. I wish the little devils would always fly! I personally think they are harder to hit (especially singles)skipping through the greasewood and sage than they are in the air. My average on flying birds is much higher than the ones I take on the ground. I get the feeling some on this post who disagree on ground shots have hunted blues very little or none at all.

Posted By: cattle69

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/08/07 01:11 AM


I've hunted blues every year for about 20 yrs now in the trans-pecos. I wish the little devils would always fly! I personally think they are harder to hit (especially singles)skipping through the greasewood and sage than they are in the air. My average on flying birds is much higher than the ones I take on the ground. I get the feeling some on this post who disagree on ground shots have hunted blues very little or none at all.

I agree totally!

Posted By: Crazyhorse

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/08/07 01:37 AM

Welcome to The Forum. Hope you enjoy heated discussions, because this one is really beginning to start simmering.

You'll have to furnish your own beverage, but these little guys have plenty of popcorn

A couple of them might even have some of that yeller salt, or even some parmesan cheese.

Posted By: tx270

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/08/07 02:28 AM

Thanks for the welcome.

Posted By: 257heaven

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/08/07 04:56 PM

The reason all the blue quail are gone is because mark3 potshoots them, kicks them in the face, and slides into them like he's sliding into home plate. I can't recall how many slaughters I've been to with him, but it ain't purty!! 12 Ga magnum with #4 shot so he can shoot them before they fly! The poor things don't have a chance!!!

Posted By: mark3

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/08/07 05:03 PM

Huh, if I remember right you are the plugless wonder with the 20 gauge out the window. And I have never kicked a blue in the face that I shot on the ground. Maybe off the high-line wire, but not the ground.

Posted By: 257heaven

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/08/07 05:47 PM

That Beretta's sure quick to spit out 4 shots, ain't it?? I wish it held 5!!

Posted By: blanked

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/08/07 05:50 PM

i hunted gambels before i moved to texas. gambels are just like blues. now i hunt blues. love it. i think all this boils down to some hunters are out to kill as many birds as possible. those are the skillet hunters. then there are those that are out because they want good dog work. they shoot just enough birds to keep the dogs motivated. they hunt terrain that have just enough cover to hold the birds after the first flush. no skillet shooting here. i feel there is a sense of maturity at this level

Posted By: HWY_MAN

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/08/07 06:54 PM


i think all this boils down to some hunters are out to kill as many birds as possible. those are the skillet hunters.

I'll take a skillet shot, and probably shoot less birds a year than the average hunter. I rarely take more than 12 birds a year.


i feel there is a sense of maturity at this level

So it's immature in your opinion to take a skillet shot?

Posted By: blanked

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/08/07 08:36 PM

i am speaking in general terms, not all hunters but those hunters that feel they have to kill there limit every time out are either young hunters who havent reached a level that being outdoors is more than limiting out or older hunters who do not hunt very often. these are the guys who will do whatever it takes to kill a limit. so in terms of being a responsible outdoorsman yes if feel they have not yet reached the same level as hunters who do not have to kill as many birds as possible and feel like it was a waste of time if they didnt. again i am speaking generally here and not saying ALL hunters who skillet shoot are immature.

Posted By: deerfeeder

Re: Blue Quail Lease - 06/21/07 01:41 AM

In 11 years of guiding quail (blues and an occassional covey of bobs) as a sideline to deer hunts I have never seen anyone bring in their limit of quail. They have hit enough to fill a limit but very few people listen when you tell them if it is flopping on the ground you better go get it because it will not be there when you get back. I have seen a blue take two 12 guage blasts (he was in the center or the patterns as the pellets hit the ground) and fly away. They are tough beautiful birds and deserve more respect than what they get. Blues in cactus are murder on dogs in my opinion. What bothers me is not so much ground shooting them is when people don't spend anytime trying to find the bird or very little time. They do the same on whitewing. And before you blame the guide you need to blame the outfitter for encouraging it. I no longer guide for this person.

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