Texas Hunting Forum

Why do I feel this way?????

Posted By: lakewaydr50

Why do I feel this way????? - 07/28/09 05:38 AM

Since last year and our first duck hunt I have just totally lost interest any other form of hunting. This time last year I was addicted to bow hunting like a drug. I shot every week usually 3 to 4 times a week and had done this for many many years. I haven't touched my bow since the first week of duck season last year with the exception of the split when we went hog/deer hunting. I used to love Spirit of the Wild, Archer Choice, The Wild Outdoors, The Drury Brothers shows, the Eastmans, etc. now if I try to watch one of these shows I get real bored with it in a hurry. If it ain't duck or some type of bird huntin' I'm not the least bit interested. Let something come on where there's birds falling out of the air and dogs going to retreive and I get an adrenaline rush from it. Come on duck season!!!

Posted By: HOU Razorback

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/28/09 05:46 AM

I agree brother. I was a straight deer hunter and bass fishing guy. Now, waterfowl season is all I care about. I still bow and gun hunt deer but only when duck season isn't open. Duck hunting is the worst drug on earth but I like it!!!!

Posted By: lakewaydr50

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/28/09 05:55 AM


I agree brother. I was a straight deer hunter and bass fishing guy. Now, waterfowl season is all I care about. I still bow and gun hunt deer but only when duck season isn't open. Duck hunting is the worst drug on earth but I like it!!!!


Posted By: ProximoMetalica

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/28/09 06:02 AM

I have hunted deer, quail, dove, hog and duck. By far the biggest rush for me is hunting ducks over decoys. The idea of trying to get them to come close enough to shoot them seems like it is such a challenge.

I enjoy calling and there is nothing more satisfying than seeing a flock of greenheads turn towards my spread as a direct result of me calling them in. Until you have done it, you will never understand.

I too cannot wait until duck season. It will be the first for both of my boys. It should be a season to remember!

Posted By: Team Hillbilly

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/28/09 06:54 AM

Hummm another duckaholic

From the Duck Commander


Duckaholic Credo
Duckaholics Anonymous (DA) is a group of individuals who, like us, have gone “over the edge.” We are good people, but we readily admit that we are addicted to ducks and particularly to the art of hunting them. We eat, sleep, and breathe ducks. We are not looking for sympathy or recovery from our addiction, just others who view ducks as we do – with a passion. Our motto is simple: “If it flies, it dies, and if it just sits there, it dies too!”

Step One: I have admitted that I am powerless when it comes to hunting ducks. My life becomes unmanageable when season begins, so do yourself a favor and stay out of my way!

Step Two: I have come to believe that without an opportunity to “paralyze” a duck with a Commander call, life would just not be worth living.

Step Three: I have made a decision to turn my life, my time and my resources over to getting ready for the second split.

Step Four: I have made a searching and fearless inventory of myself, my truck, my shed, my closet, my carport, under my bed and everywhere else I might have some gear. I will always be ready for duck season!

Step Five: I have admitted to God, to myself and to another human being (probably a hunting buddy) the exact nature of my love for duck hunting and why I can’t stop.

Step Six: I am entirely ready to have God remove all my defects of character, as long as He leaves me my shotgun, shells, decoys, dog, boat, duck calls, etc.

Step Seven: I have humbly asked the Federal Government to remove many of their obtrusive restrictions on my beloved sport.

Step Eight: I have made a list of all the people I have irritated because of my addiction (wives, bosses, girlfriends, game wardens, etc.) and became willing to make amends to them, after duck season.

Step Nine: I would have made direct amends to the people on the above-mentioned list, but my retriever ate it.

Step Ten: I continue to take a personal inventory of all the latest duck hunting gadgets and products to make sure I’m on the cutting edge of my addiction.

Step Eleven: I have sought through practice and meditation to improve my duck hunting skills and to learn as much as possible from the Duck Commander about how to deal with this life-long addiction to ducks.

Step Twelve: Having been awakened to the fact that there are many other Duckaholics out there, I will carry the message that there is help available and encourage others to join Duckaholics Anonymous.

Posted By: Waderator

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/28/09 07:46 AM

duck hunting quickly took over as my favorite 2 years ago when i first tried it. use to think that nothing could top turkey hutning...i was dead wrong!

Posted By: kdub

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/28/09 04:29 PM

My name is kdub, and Im a duckaholic, my drug of choice is quack.

Posted By: wal1809

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/28/09 05:35 PM

It has consumed everything about me to the point of killing my bank account.

Posted By: Team Hillbilly

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/28/09 05:38 PM


It has consumed everything about me to the point of killing my bank account.

Yep my account is history too

new blinds
new dog
new shotgun

Humm better stop here the wife has access to this forum too

Posted By: KellyAsh

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/28/09 10:39 PM

Hahahaha. I like that one...Im addicted to quack.

Posted By: dav42070

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/29/09 01:59 AM



I agree brother. I was a straight deer hunter and bass fishing guy. Now, waterfowl season is all I care about. I still bow and gun hunt deer but only when duck season isn't open. Duck hunting is the worst drug on earth but I like it!!!!



Posted By: lakewaydr50

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/29/09 02:29 AM


It has consumed everything about me to the point of killing my bank account.

I with ya there. I've already accumulated a $500+ shopping list and most of it except for a portable blind, is items under $50 and I just remembered it's got to grow some more because I hung my waders up to dry on the fence in the back yard and Miley my lab was back there at the time. She drug them off of the fence and chewed them up.
I think another part of what drove the addiction for me is the fact that I really got my butt kicked last year. I've always been a fighter and nothing can get me going like a real challenge and this by far is the best one I have come across in a long time. My wife knows better than anybody once I lock on to a challenge there's no stopping me.

Posted By: wal1809

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/29/09 02:53 AM



It has consumed everything about me to the point of killing my bank account.

I with ya there. I've already accumulated a $500+ shopping list and most of it except for a portable blind, is items under $50 and I just remembered it's got to grow some more because I hung my waders up to dry on the fence in the back yard and Miley my lab was back there at the time. She drug them off of the fence and chewed them up.
I think another part of what drove the addiction for me is the fact that I really got my butt kicked last year. I've always been a fighter and nothing can get me going like a real challenge and this by far is the best one I have come across in a long time. My wife knows better than anybody once I lock on to a challenge there's no stopping me.

How bad a whoopin did you take? I have seen you post this several times.

Posted By: wal1809

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/29/09 02:59 AM

I aint picking on you but $500 bucks is cheap. It is impossible for me to add up what I have spent over the years, not including leases just equipment, I guarantee it is over $50,000. Throw leases, gas, hotels and whatever else in there and I should be living in a cardboard box.

Posted By: lakewaydr50

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/29/09 04:32 AM

Wal I could probably spend $200,000 easy, especially if I bought the property I've been eye balling. I've got two kids that have expensive hobbies so $500 is a lot for me. I took a pretty good pay cut at the first of the year so I may have to settle for just ammo and tags. If I can spend $500 that will just get the me extra dekes, new choke tubes, ammo, tags, a mojo, a portable blind, and maybe some new waders.
I am hoping next season my budget will allow me to purchase a duck boat so we don't have to tote everything. I think we hit the water over 25 times last year and a most of the time we had to walk at least a half a mile or more, toting all that gear will wear you out. I rigged most of it up so we could "wear" it to make it a little easier but even with freezing temps my son and I would still be sweating in our waders.

Posted By: wal1809

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/29/09 03:55 PM

Yes sir Lakeway I been there and done the walk in hunts. I re-read my post this morning and I believe I was just plain rude for putting a dollar amount in my post. It was not the right thing to do. I apologize.

Now on with the conversation. Right now there are some smokin deals on boats if you can find a way. I do believe the deals are going to get even better with the economy tubing the way it has been. Here in Texas we have been hit but not hammered. If you will notice the price of pontoon boats, RVs all the extras are selling at really good prices.

Banks are not willing to lend as in the past. They are very jumpy. I looked at buying a houseboat in Louisiana. They were asking $145,000 The first minute on the telephone with the broker I was told I could easily get it for $120,000. This tells me I could buy it for less than $90,000 Maybe even $80,000. My first offer would be in the $60,000 and then we would go from there.

A good place to find boats is the forums here and some others. Word of mouth works too.

Posted By: JR

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/29/09 08:18 PM

I was quite surprised when I felt the same way a few years ago. I still bow hunt but my rifle has gathered a lot of dust over the last few years. I might take a few shots with it before season but that's all it gets for the rest of the year. I'd say I spend more time Duck hunting. 70% VS 30% bow hunting.

Posted By: cable

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/29/09 09:07 PM

there are other types of hunting?

Posted By: DSST_Construction

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/29/09 09:25 PM

i think you need to see a doctor, there is somthing going wrong in your head.

Posted By: HOU Razorback

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/30/09 04:26 AM



It has consumed everything about me to the point of killing my bank account.

Yep my account is history too

new blinds
new dog
new shotgun

Humm better stop here the wife has access to this forum too

Same here!! New blinds and decoys. I'm looking heavily at one of those new Browning Maxus shotguns. Thing looks and sounds pretty cool.

Posted By: Team Hillbilly

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/30/09 05:28 AM

I'm still looking at another shotgun, the new Rem 887 is sweet gun for both the blind and the field

Posted By: lakewaydr50

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/30/09 07:22 AM

Wal after thinking about it I kind of lied when I said I shot 4 to 5 boxes of shells. I keep forgetting I had my son with me so he shot close to half of them. We did take a lot of shots we shouldn't have, but we were learning and I understand more now what an acceptable vs. what's not acceptable shot is. If we cut out all the unneeded shooting hide better, and use what we have learned at the range we should be much improved this year.
Calling still needs work but basically I have got that down to feed calling when they are coming to me and hailing when they are going away and just being quiet if they respond.

Posted By: DerekKMartin

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/30/09 07:55 PM


Posted By: wal1809

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/30/09 08:21 PM


Wal after thinking about it I kind of lied when I said I shot 4 to 5 boxes of shells. I keep forgetting I had my son with me so he shot close to half of them. We did take a lot of shots we shouldn't have, but we were learning and I understand more now what an acceptable vs. what's not acceptable shot is. If we cut out all the unneeded shooting hide better, and use what we have learned at the range we should be much improved this year.
Calling still needs work but basically I have got that down to feed calling when they are coming to me and hailing when they are going away and just being quiet if they respond.

Did you get in on the thread about shotgun patterns? to me that is absolutley the essential when it comes to shooting a weapon and creating success. A 30 inch circle at 30 yards will tell you mor about what is happening than any other thing you can do.

It is easily worth the time to do it especially with the cost of ammo these days. I promise you if there is a problem you will find it. THe best thing for the ammo market is the high priced shells. I am not going to name them because an arguement about shells is not going to teach or help you.

I shoot the dirt cheap walmart crap shells and can knock a duck flat at 40 yards like a stone went through him. Same load with geese will do the same thing. I shoot a 3 inch #4or #3 pellet Remington or winchester if they don't have the cheap Remingtons. I try to keep my shots in the 30 yard range but have gone out to 40 if I feel it is right.

If you have a patterned weapon and you place that shot pattern on a bird it will knock him flat. Without a patterned weapon you might as well shoot yourself in the foot. You get into wounded birds and the list goes on.

Paterning will get your confidence up as well. It is also another excuse to the wife to get out and be with your kid for a little while, popping off rounds. It just doesn't get any better than that.

I don't know if you need it but help is here when you need it.

Posted By: Dave Speer

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/30/09 10:25 PM


Did you get in on the thread about shotgun patterns? to me that is absolutley the essential when it comes to shooting a weapon and creating success. A 30 inch circle at 30 yards will tell you mor about what is happening than any other thing you can do.

It is easily worth the time to do it especially with the cost of ammo these days. I promise you if there is a problem you will find it. THe best thing for the ammo market is the high priced shells. I am not going to name them because an arguement about shells is not going to teach or help you.

I shoot the dirt cheap walmart crap shells and can knock a duck flat at 40 yards like a stone went through him. Same load with geese will do the same thing. I shoot a 3 inch #4or #3 pellet Remington or winchester if they don't have the cheap Remingtons. I try to keep my shots in the 30 yard range but have gone out to 40 if I feel it is right.

If you have a patterned weapon and you place that shot pattern on a bird it will knock him flat. Without a patterned weapon you might as well shoot yourself in the foot. You get into wounded birds and the list goes on.

Paterning will get your confidence up as well. It is also another excuse to the wife to get out and be with your kid for a little while, popping off rounds. It just doesn't get any better than that.

I don't know if you need it but help is here when you need it.

I'm curious are you making adjustments to your shot based on pattern? Or just shooting a shell, looking at a pattern, saying that won't work and picking a different brand of ammo?

For example if I shoot high and right with a particular gun and round I'm not sure I could make the mental adjustment while swinging on a bird in the heat of the moment.

Posted By: HOU Razorback

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/30/09 11:29 PM


I'm still looking at another shotgun, the new Rem 887 is sweet gun for both the blind and the field

I bought two new Remington shotguns a year apart (870 followed by a 11-87) starting about 4 years ago...and both of them broke or wouldn't function correctly on the first hunt out. I got my 870 fixed but that 11-87 had problem after problem and it wasn't from a lack of cleaning or care. So that burnt me with Remington arms. Still love their shells though.

Since then, I have bought a Browning Gold and couldn't be happier. I like the SBE II but the talk surrounding the new Maxus is that its one bad MFer.

Posted By: Team Hillbilly

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/30/09 11:51 PM



I'm still looking at another shotgun, the new Rem 887 is sweet gun for both the blind and the field

I bought two new Remington shotguns a year apart (870 followed by a 11-87) starting about 4 years ago...and both of them broke or wouldn't function correctly on the first hunt out. I got my 870 fixed but that 11-87 had problem after problem and it wasn't from a lack of cleaning or care. So that burnt me with Remington arms. Still love their shells though.

Since then, I have bought a Browning Gold and couldn't be happier. I like the SBE II but the talk surrounding the new Maxus is that its one bad MFer.

I'm still looking at the new Rem 887, I need a good goose gun, I've got a couple 870 Wingmasters, one of them is over 25 years old, never even had a jam with this gun, the other about 10 years, trouble is it only shoots 3" and not 3.5".

I trade guns every few years, then go back to using the 870's for what ever reason. I did have a 1100, that won't shoot Rem shells, Rem even traded it out for me

Posted By: lakewaydr50

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/31/09 01:55 AM



Did you get in on the thread about shotgun patterns? to me that is absolutley the essential when it comes to shooting a weapon and creating success. A 30 inch circle at 30 yards will tell you mor about what is happening than any other thing you can do.

It is easily worth the time to do it especially with the cost of ammo these days. I promise you if there is a problem you will find it. THe best thing for the ammo market is the high priced shells. I am not going to name them because an arguement about shells is not going to teach or help you.

I shoot the dirt cheap walmart crap shells and can knock a duck flat at 40 yards like a stone went through him. Same load with geese will do the same thing. I shoot a 3 inch #4or #3 pellet Remington or winchester if they don't have the cheap Remingtons. I try to keep my shots in the 30 yard range but have gone out to 40 if I feel it is right.

If you have a patterned weapon and you place that shot pattern on a bird it will knock him flat. Without a patterned weapon you might as well shoot yourself in the foot. You get into wounded birds and the list goes on.

Paterning will get your confidence up as well. It is also another excuse to the wife to get out and be with your kid for a little while, popping off rounds. It just doesn't get any better than that.

I don't know if you need it but help is here when you need it.

I'm curious are you making adjustments to your shot based on pattern? Or just shooting a shell, looking at a pattern, saying that won't work and picking a different brand of ammo?

For example if I shoot high and right with a particular gun and round I'm not sure I could make the mental adjustment while swinging on a bird in the heat of the moment.

Wal and Dave, I am going to a benefit shoot at a friends house next weekend that does machine work on gun stocks on the side. Adjustable combs etc. He has a 3' x 3' piece of steel on post behind the shop that he can spray paint and do patterns on. I'll be taking both of my 870 duck guns to check the pattern with Remington Nitro Steel and Federal Hy shock Steel #2, 3 in. 1-3/8 ounce loads. I have a Rem Choke Mod. in one and a Briley IC in the other. I am really curious to see what they will do.
Dave, the guy that owns this shop also shoots trap on a competitve level. He has a Berretta single barrel trap gun he's got a small fortune tied up in that was pulling the pattern left real bad. He decided to clean the barrel in question with some Hoppes #9 by soaking it good with a swab and then putting his barrel brush on a drill and running it up and down the barrel for a few minutes. He got a ton of plastic and lead residue out of it. He kept power brushing and swabbing until he didn't get it anymore. The shotgun patterned perfect after that.
After he did that I did the same thing to my shotguns. My A5 was loaded with that crap, but I didn't get a lot out of the 870's they are fairly new. My son shoots the A5 in trap competiton and his shooting definately improved from it.

Posted By: wal1809

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/31/09 02:11 AM

I made my adjustments through different shells, speed, brand weight ect. Now the dumbest thing I ever did was pattern my hunting partners weapon. At 20 yards he was a foot low and a foot to the right. He couldn't hit the ground the first year he got his shotgun. He like you did not want to make the mental adjustment so we bought an after market sight and cut it and fabricated it to perfection. Now the SOB hits everything he shoots at.

For now step off 30 yards and shoot your weapon at a blank sheet of paper. Then draw a 30 inch circle from the center of the pattern. Then count the number of pellets in that circle. Subtract from the number of pellets in the shell and do the math to get your percentage. It should be in the 75 to 80 plus percent.

If it is not that high then you need to start with your choke and see if there are any deformed areas. I found mod or less to be better for steel. Start with that.

If it is not obviously deformed you need to start with the shells and go up in speed or down in speed. If that doesn't do it then you need to go pick out a choke.

Start with Terror, Wad Wizard. Pattern Master ect. I believe the first two are your best choices. Pattern Masters put too much wad restriction with the studs in the choke and the studs fail. I have had two of them and they both failed. Now the company took care of me but they still failed.

Do the same thing with the new choke until you get the right pattern. I like to go as fast as I can until it starts to blow out the pattern then I back off until it is right.

Doc and I did extensive research on this and our Browning Gold hunters are goose killing machines. His Terror choke puts 65% of the pellets in a 55 inch circle at 55 yards. Mine with the Pattern Master drops to between 55% and 60%.

Once you got hte shot and the choke dialed in--- If your not hitting where your pointing then you can change the mental image or you can fab the gun sight like I did my partner's.

If you got questions just let me know. If I don't know then somebody will.

Posted By: wal1809

Re: Why do I feel this way????? - 07/31/09 02:17 AM

Hey Lakeway it sounds like your good to go. Now my advice is just let them cup and slip to the decoys. Don't move a toe until they are almost over the deeks. Then get them. When I have someone with me that hasn't hunted ducks very much then I take a lone decoy straight out from the blind at the 40 yard mark. I tell them don't raise up the gun until I call the shot. That gives them a reference point for the future when they are alone.

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