Texas Hunting Forum

Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck

Posted By: cable

Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 04:19 PM

A THF member sent this email to my boss today.

To whom it may concern:

Cable Smith is a complete moron. He is incredibly biased and has very limited experience hunting and fishing. Cable thinks that he knows everything about bird hunting, but did not even know what a banded duck was. Cable did not even know the difference between a high fence and low fence in regards to deer hunting.

Hunting has come under fire by many vocal organizations in recent years. The last thing we need is to have an uninformed radio personality making a feeble attempt to support hunting. On Texas Hunting Forum he has been repeatedly ripped apart by numerous members for his opinions and beliefs. I would also expect someone who works for a Christian radio station to refrain from cussing; however, Cable is very fond of a few choice words. Please follow the link to see his latest online screw up.


Who posts online to tell people he feeds the ducks that he shoots to his dog....................Cable Smith


Please remove this idiot from the hunting/fishing radio show.

a few things just to clarify.

1) I know what a banded duck is- the post was made in attempt at humor. I apologize if some individuals didn't pick up on that.

2) I never once claimed to be an expert on any of these topics. I didn't know I would be hosting this show when I joined THF. I am glad I did though and felt comfortable enough to ask people on here questions- half of the post made on here are questions seeking answers from those with more experience.

3)I have made some good friends on here and recieved tons of valuable info and enjoyed everyone's pics and stories.

4) I am as pro-hunting as anyone on here- didn't say the most knowledgeable or experienced because I am clearly not, but I am passionate. I too my knowledge haven't and never would say anything over the air to make us look bad.

I am going to read this email over the air next week. The indivual who sent is welcome to call in to the show. I appreciate and respect if thats how you feel. I am not begging for you guys to listen, just thought some of you may enjoy hearing some of the guests and learning from their knowledge and tales just as I am.

Either way. I love all you guys. I apologize to you CrazyHorse for calling you an arse.

Good luck this weekend


Posted By: garrett

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 04:23 PM

geez...I love it when people get all fired up over an internet forum...better yet when they send an email to someones boss calling them out.

Cable, where they at least man enough to include a contact name?

Posted By: FamousAmos

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 04:24 PM

What radio program; what time does it air; what station? I want to tune in!

Posted By: spanky

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 04:25 PM


What radio program; what time does it air; what station? I want to tune in!

Likewise, I am intrested

Posted By: Sethfish

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 04:28 PM

interesting, I wonder if they will take ownership of it. you probably should watch some of the cussing, that wouldn't be the best thing to do if in fact your show is on a Christian radio station, as a Christian all we do should be Christian, if at Church or work or hunting or fishing. I know God and I have been having some talks lately about my poor shooting this year you think he would at least let me hit a few of them. Cable I hope you have success on your show.

Posted By: TSU_Wildlife

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 04:29 PM

This is ridiculous. It's like 9th grade all over again.

Posted By: TSU_Wildlife

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 04:32 PM


...as a Christian all we do should be Christian, if at Church or work or hunting or fishing.

Bingo Sethfish. And I'll lift you up in prayer about your shooting if you do the same for me.

Posted By: ducknbass

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 04:32 PM

WHat a sorry POS. Spineless impitant coward. I am embaressed by it, and will not be seen on this forum for a while.

Whoever it was, find a rope, make loop at the end, and find a tree.

Posted By: roadgoeson20

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 04:33 PM


that is amazing.

keep your head up. some people just don't have enough problems of their own I suppose.

Posted By: Sethfish

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 04:34 PM



...as a Christian all we do should be Christian, if at Church or work or hunting or fishing.

Bingo Sethfish. And I'll lift you up in prayer about your shooting if you do the same for me.

with the way I have been shooting I need the prayer and the practice and since I have been shooting alot I need the prayers alot more than the practice right now.

Posted By: Threecurl

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 04:35 PM

Nut up, Mr. Angry Letter Writer. Own it.

Posted By: mbass

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 04:36 PM

Boo... Thats pretty spineless to try to get someone fired due to them having a different view than you do.

Posted By: TSU_Wildlife

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 04:36 PM

I tried drinking some of what my dad said was holy water out of the lake to help with my shooting, but all I got was Giardia.

Posted By: spanky

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 04:37 PM

Sometimes I just don't understand, and this one takes the cake.My apologies to Cable, no one should have that happen to them, especially from someone on here. That's low.

Posted By: Sethfish

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 04:40 PM



I tried drinking some of what my dad said was holy water out of the lake to help with my shooting, but all I got was Giardia.

Giardia is not fun by itself, but when you pick up some of the lunch truck sushi in Dallas which is ecoli tuna roll with a hint of salmonela, (spelling I think ), they offset each other a provide a wonderful, picnic lunch.

Posted By: TSU_Wildlife

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 04:43 PM

That's funny...but Giardia was not fun, either time i had it, nor was Shigella. But a great weight loss plan.

Posted By: WhiskeyandMe

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 04:44 PM


I am speechless!!!!!!!!!

Cable, I am sorry someone had the gaul to do that!


There is one thing to call someone out on here, or on a pm, but to indanger their place of work!!!!!!!!

That is low!

Pm sent!


Posted By: Marcstar

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 04:45 PM

Wow...I want to know who wrote that letter. DId they sign it or was in anonymous?

Posted By: skyshark

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 04:49 PM

Thats pretty low

Posted By: Sniper John

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 04:52 PM

Cable, not to defend the email, but remember Jim Zumbo. Years of Books, magazine articles, interviews, firearm manufacturers rep, etc. One paragraph of comment about AR15s having no place as hunting rifles and the status of his carreer was changed overnight. Your a much smaller fish swimming in the same water as Zumbo, so even more so than him you have to be very careful how you "publicly" stand on issues IMHO. Otherwise expect such emails. Again though I actually agreed with more of Crazyhorse's thoughts on the issue that than I did of yours, I feel it is a shame someone felt the need to call your boss based on your feelings on it. You should expect such things from your "listeners" anytime you make a public stance far from center on any issue. But on the forum, we should be able to have friendly debates no matter how strong each side feels on an issue. Including not call names, and certainly not negatively interfear with each others lives outside of this forum. Yea that email was not cool.

Posted By: garrett

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 04:54 PM


But on the forum, we should be able to have friendly debates no matter how strong each side feels on an issue. Including not call names, and certainly not negatively interfear with each others lives outside of this forum.

I like this part of your post

problem is that lots of times people start taking it personal, they dont know how to handle disagreement and keep things civil..."my way or the hi-way"

Posted By: Danno

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 04:58 PM

Call in to his show, maybe.

E-mail his boss? Low.

Posted By: waterfowlinrealtor

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 04:58 PM

author make fist and punch self in balls repeatedly. but then again if you had a set you prolly wouldnt have done something that cowardly.

Posted By: LuckyDucker

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 05:06 PM

Surely you have the email address that it was sent from. Post it up!

What a douche!

Posted By: tjs011

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 05:26 PM

Wow... I can't believe this person can be so passionately angry about something posted on a web forum! I mean really.. What motivates someone to take that kinda action? Like others have said, this is supposed to be a place to share hunting experiences, ask questions, and express opinions. It's downright embarassing to think that as a hunter I fall into the same general category as the person who did this. I've never seen anything like it.. I wish this person would man up and at least try to justify his stupidity..

Cable, I'm sure your boss, being a manager in the radio industry, probably has experience with this type of stuff. I appreciate you posting details about your show and asking for opinions and feedback from other hunters. I think it shows that you are passionate about your job. Keep it up!

Posted By: FETCH_UP

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 05:29 PM


This is ridiculous. It's like 9th grade all over again.

Agreed...pm i can understand...this is just ridiculous

Posted By: No Choke

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 06:17 PM

Sad to hear about this stuff.

When you are a "known public person" you will be more at risk to anyone who might have a conflict of interest, a bone to pick or who just wants to bring you down. You are a target because your job or position puts you on a public pedestal. Be careful out there...

Posted By: Crazyhorse

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 07:59 PM

Cable, calling me what I am does not bother me, there is no need for you to apologise.

If me being an arse because I don't think you, or anyother Radio/TV/Magazine personality should label any type of hunting, and yes the shooting of pheasants or mallards being released from a tower is a form of hunting, you have to buy a license issued by TP&W to do it, Riduculous.

You can say you don't think it is really hunting, I have no problem with that.

I have not gone thru and read the rest of the responses on this thread, but yes, Jim Carmichaels little indescretion involved saying that "Black Rifles/Assault Type rifles, whatever you want to call them", should not be allowed out in the hunting field and he was crucified.

I think whoever sent that letter to your station was wrong, period.

You have been asking for opinions on different subjects pertaining to hunting, as you have found out, some folks are not only opinionated as heck, but they are also very passionate about how they view hunting.

I think the only way you can accomplish what you are trying to do with your show, is by getting peoples opinions and seeing that everyone has their own ideas nd concepts about hunting, both what it is and how they feel about it.

Personally, I would rather see/hear your program, with your having the base knowledge that hunting means many different things to all that enjoy it.

Whether you think something is a form of hunting or not, and state that here on the site is one thing.

For you as a Media Personality, to make those same type comments on the air, is a whole different matter, or at least in my opinion it is.

I hope your show does well, and that your station manager does not place too much stock in the letter that was sent.

The bottom line will be, if your show is well received and your message is clear that while you might not be interested in trying a certain form of hunting, there are folks that do enjoy it.

JMO, an attack on any form of legal hunting, is an attack on hunting in general.

As long as your program is well balanced and does not promote one type of hunting over another, then I believe it will be a good show.

Posted By: cable

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 08:16 PM

It wasn't anyone that has posted on this thread or the deer huning thread from yesterday.

His email was the same as his THF id. He never pm'd or contacted me prior to let me know he had such an issue with me.

I don't think saying who it was will accomplish anything. Appreciate the support. Thanks for the calls/pm's and posts.

Have a good one

Posted By: Sethfish

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 08:27 PM

you are correct on that, if this person is too much of a coward to come out and say what they said to your boss, then it says a ton about their character. I bet they are liberal, that is SOP for those cowards they will make a big stand until they have to be responsible

Posted By: sig1921

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 08:28 PM

what a low life and I hope your boss just tosses this aside. you should post his screen name though

Posted By: duckiller

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 08:57 PM

That's a very shady thing to do.

If you got a problem with someone call them out to there face and you two can solve it. No need to tell on them to there boss.

That being said, Cable if you can't handle that kind of pressure then you won't last long doing what you are doing. Expect those kind of replies when you state your wack-a-do opinions to the public.

Speaking of calling someone out to there face, I never did get those wood scraps Randy and you won't reply to my pms??????

Posted By: R.G.C.

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 09:06 PM

they were sent to the adress you pm'ed me two weeks ago.

Posted By: duckiller

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 09:19 PM

I thinks it's funny how you don't reply to pms but the minute I ask you publically, you have an answer all of the sudden.

I never received them. Do you have a tracking number?

Posted By: TreeBass

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 09:27 PM

Take it offline gentleman

Posted By: R.G.C.

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 09:30 PM


I thinks it's funny how you don't reply to pms but the minute I ask you publically, you have an answer all of the sudden.

I never received them. Do you have a tracking number?

I don't answer cause you want nothing but to cause me problems so I just delete them form you. someone called and told me you where calling me out again and I thought I would answer for everyone to see my reply so you can't claim somthing stupid. No I did not put a tracking # on them it was more money out of MY POCKET so I seen no need for it.

Posted By: cable

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 10:18 PM

"wack-a-do opinions to the public"

Posted By: Spanky_Jr

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 10:28 PM

You have way more restraint then I do.

I would have posted his email address for everyone to see.

Posted By: kdub

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 11:03 PM

wow, when I read your post I thought that it was a joke being played on you by a friend, thats crazy. Don't worry about it, everyone is cooler online.

Posted By: monkeyexpress

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/12/08 11:06 PM

I hope this Douchebag is reading this thread right now.

Posted By: Rhodes 520

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/13/08 12:11 AM

I agree, the nerve of some people.

Posted By: ishootspoonies

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/13/08 12:25 AM

wow, off the forum for a day and miss ALL KINDS of action. you gotta tell us who it was.

Lets play a guessing game.. my guess is... oneyear wonder

Posted By: Crazyhorse

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/13/08 02:01 AM

I agree, let us know who it was.

That would kill two birds with one stone.

The main one being that it would put to rest some peoples suspicions.

Posted By: spanky

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/13/08 02:04 AM


I agree, let us know who it was.

That would kill two birds with one stone.

The main one being that it would put to rest some peoples suspicions.

Some folks ain't got a clue either.

Posted By: Crazyhorse

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/13/08 02:27 AM

I know that and you know that, but we are Geezers and don't really understand all this InterNet Intrigue like the young, In-The-Know folks do?????????????

Posted By: spanky

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/13/08 02:31 AM


I know that and you know that, but we are Geezers and don't really understand all this InterNet Intrigue like the young, In-The-Know folks do?????????????

Right, like some folks don't know what a hand shake used to mean. Sad times indeed.

Posted By: Sniper John

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/13/08 02:33 AM

If it was an email address from one of the free email providers, beware that the person who sent it might have used someone elses forum name when creating it. Could have been an effort to stir the pot between you and someone else. Stranger things have happened.

Posted By: Crazyhorse

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/13/08 02:52 AM

I am not sure that anyone really can think in those circles John, it is easier to suspicion than find out the truth.

If this makes anyone mad, so be it, but does anyone know for sure that an email was even received by this person's bosses?????

Posted By: cable

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/13/08 03:59 PM


I am not sure that anyone really can think in those circles John, it is easier to suspicion than find out the truth.

If this makes anyone mad, so be it, but does anyone know for sure that an email was even received by this person's bosses?????

I was trying to give you some credit, but forget it. You are a total a-hole.

Attacking my integrity and insinuating that I fabricated that email is just as low the person who sent it.

I asked for info on the deer thread and you blasted me.
I called a tower shoot not "real hunting" and you blasted me. Those things I can brush off.

CALLING ME A LIAR IS CROSSING THE LINE and I take serious offense to your comment.

Posted By: dgilbert

Re: Thick Skin- kinda like a ringneck - 12/13/08 04:09 PM

Stand in line buddy!

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