Texas Hunting Forum

Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen

Posted By: cable

Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 03:52 AM

I started recording a regional television hunting show last week on my DVR. Sat down to watch the episode and was shocked at what I saw:

The entire 30 min show was 6 dudes standing at 6 different stations in a field. Every ten seconds or so a live european phesant was released out of a 20 ft high tower.

The "hunters" then picked off the helpless phesants as they appeared out of the big funnel-like tower. They kept saying what a great "hunt" it was and were holding up each rooster like they shot some kinda trophy.

I know that people go on quail hunts and other hunts where birds are released into a certain area for the purpose of immediate harvest, but this was a glorified skeet shoot.

I guess you can hunt just about anything for the right $$$ but it just doesn't seem like there is anything redeeming about a hunt like that.

The gratification and sense of accomplishment of a successful hunt is what gives me a buzz...knowing that all the hard work and preparation that went into it was well worth it.

I just thought it was sorry.


Posted By: helomech

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 03:57 AM

Doesn't sound like a hunt to me. I am with you on this.

Posted By: duckiller

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 04:03 AM


The "hunters" then picked off the helpless phesants as they appeared out of the big funnel-like tower.

"helpless" .......Seriously, it's just a bird. I have been wanting to do a tower shoot for sometime.

I wouldn't call it hunting, it's more like skeet shooting. But it looks like it would be a fun thing to do if you had some good company with you. It would also make for a good dinner. It is definatly a lot more sporty than buying frozen chicken breast at the grocery store.

Posted By: cable

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 04:10 AM

to each his own...just doesn't seem sporting too me

Posted By: eevinrude

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 04:15 AM

My brother went on one of these up in OK sponsored by his company. He said its mostly for rich guys that like to "hunt" but don't make the time to do it for real. All total, out of 24 people on their hunt, he said based on what he saw there was probably over $30,000 in fancy shotguns.

He said although it definitely isn't hunting, it was a blast doing all that shooting.

Easiest - buy your pheasant killed by someone else and prepackaged at the store
Easier - get your pheasant fresh farm-raised and kill it yourself
Easy - get your pheasant fresh by letting people throw them up for you to shoot at.

Posted By: HOF

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 04:24 AM

There was a time in my life when I told folks I didn't like girls. Of course, this wasn't true and when I was in elementary school. I said this due to the fact I was scared of looking stupid with the opposite sex and didn't know enough to know what to do about it.

I'd imagine the same thing is true with your sentiment on Tower Shoots. I've had the opportunity to participate in Nebraska and it's about the most fun a bird hunter can have with his clothes on. Keep in mind, the birds are pen raised. I don't believe anyone has ever accused this practice of actually being hunting. Comparing it to skeet shooting is a fair comparison, except these taste better.

Posted By: duckiller

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 04:26 AM

Thats why it's called a tower shoot. Not a hunt.

Looks like a blast to me.

Definatly not sporty or a great accomplishment but looks like it would be a really memorable time with good friends.

Oh wait...the poor helpless birds...seriously bud

Those kind of comments would be more fitting on the PETA forum.

Posted By: helomech

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 04:43 AM

Well in his post they were calling it hunting.

Posted By: fitchjr

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 05:46 AM

Im pretty sure this style of "hunting" came from germany/europe. Where they would set up a line of drivers, and have a couple shooters on the other side of hill pick them off. Just like a deer drive. Back in the day, they were all wild birds. There are some videos on youtube Ive seen, that are in german or something that are pretty neat to watch.

Posted By: wigeon

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 07:47 AM

Tower shoots are great but i would not conisder it hunting. I usually take my german shot hair and go find the birds that have got away. i know a guy who does it and i get to do this for cheap.

Posted By: Crazyhorse

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 12:44 PM

For someone that has been asking for advice about hunting and topics for a rdio show, yor not showing much latitude for being open minded.

Do you want to help solve a problem or add to it????

As long as people are buying licenses/gumns/ammunition/clothing/paying for leases/lodging/meals, anything involved with keeping hunting a viable sport, it should not matter how they care to hunt, but that they are hunting and trying to keep the sport alive.

Some people like to hunt high fence properties, some won't hunt anything but Public Land.

One is not better than the other, just different.

One of the biggest, if not the biggest problems facing hunting/hunters today, is the constant infighting/back biting/I am a hunter because I do it this way, and your not because you don't do it my way, that goes on in the hunting community.

Now, are you serious and sincere in wanting to do a program that actually deals with hunting in all its aspects, or do you intend on just dealing with forms of hunting that you think is proper?

Posted By: HWY_MAN

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 12:54 PM


All total, out of 24 people on their hunt, he said based on what he saw there was probably over $30,000 in fancy shotguns.

Not too fancy if ya ask me. When Coolhand came over last year, we had over 15 thousand in just 3 shotguns.

Posted By: ducknbass

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 12:58 PM

Back when I was still bartending at night had a rich guy that drove a little sports car, and laughed when I told him I would not trade my old rusted up 77 heavy half with a 454 for that little pos. Either way he told me about going on a hunt like that. Exept they were each on a row, and they had so many of these baskets sitting on your row, and as you would approach the row, they would launch this pheasant into the air. I was like really, really he was just pleased as all get out. He explained the cool part is if someone misses theirs its free game.

I told him that wasnt hunting. He said well it's hunting to me, and I liked it. I really think I offended the guy.

Well I have offended better people for sure.

Posted By: Crazyhorse

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 01:11 PM


All total, out of 24 people on their hunt, he said based on what he saw there was probably over $30,000 in fancy shotguns.

Not too fancy if ya ask me. When Coolhand came over last year, we had over 15 thousand in just 3 shotguns.

Not to take this off topic real far, but the first Dallas Safari Club show I ever attended, I was walking thru the exhibits in Market Hall and stopped at the James Purdey and Sons display, and the gentleman that came over and talked to me asked if I would like to look at one of their english bird guns.

I said okay, and he went over to a rack, picked up the most beautiful shotgun I had ever seen up to that point, came back over, handed it to me and asked what I thought about it.

Things sort of went south then, because after bringing it to my shoulder, and the taking it down, i turned it around to where I could see the price on the hang tag, 25,000 pounds.

I very carefully handed the thing back to the gentleman, Thanked him for letting me look at the gun, and went and sat down and had a beer.

Back on subject.

Cable, I am sorry, if my earlier response comes across as harsh, but to refer to any form of hunting as "Ridiculous", is insulting.

Any form of hunting has its merits.

Hunters, having the attitude that any other form of hunting, Other Than The Way They Like Or Believe In, is ridiculous or even worse, are the REAL ENEMIES of hunting.

As a group, we have to stand together and support all legal forms of hunting, or we will lose ALL hunting in the end.

Posted By: Zack

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 01:22 PM

Tower shoots have their place. Its about the only type of hunting left in England. They are semi common here in the States.

As an outdoor personality, I would try to be a little more open minded. Until you have seen it in person, how can you form an accurate opinion. Have you ever tried to shoot a pheasant that you have just thrown into the air? Its not as easy as you might think.

Have a good day. Divided we fall, United we stand.

Posted By: HWY_MAN

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 01:27 PM


I very carefully handed the thing back to the gentleman, Thanked him for letting me look at the gun, and went and sat down and had a beer.

I've been there! I used to work for Wagner Brown out of Midland. One of the owners has a ranch just north of Meridian. He showed me a pair of shotguns his wife had made for him in England. He had to go over there 3 times for fittings before they were complete. Just a little over 200,000 for the pair. That’s just 2 of about 60 O/U’s and SxS’s he had in his gun room.

Posted By: ducknbass

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 01:28 PM

Guys you can say what you want, but that kind of shooting, not hunting but shooting. Gives anti hunting groups fuel, and gives real hunters a bad name.

Posted By: HWY_MAN

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 01:35 PM


Guys you can say what you want, but that kind of shooting, not hunting but shooting. Gives anti hunting groups fuel, and gives real hunters a bad name.

So you think they shouldn't be allowed to do it, just because you disagree?

Posted By: cable

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 01:50 PM

I was the show and thought it was ridiculous because the guys were holding up the birds like they just went out and killed an 800 lb kodiak bear.

They were also saying what a great "hunt" it was.

Never once did I say it didn't look like fun, or that I wouldn't do it ( I would never pay to do it, but if someone asked me to go with them I would). You guys are way to quick to dogpile on people and jump to conclusions,

I also never said people shouldn't do it or that it shouldn't be allowed, that isn't my opinion and that is the type of opinion that would oppose what makes this country great.

All I was saying is that it looked like a glorified skeet shoot and that the gratification I get from planning and executing a successful hunt would be absent in this situation.

Also, talk show hosts are paid to have their OWN opinions...doesn't make them right or wrong, but that is what they are paid to do.

My opinion on a tower shoot is that it is just that a "shoot" not a hunt. Doesn't make it right or wrong- just my opinion.

As for the "helpless birds" comment, Duckkiller get over it. It was just a word I used to describe how I was seeing the situation...I obviously think God put all animals on this earth for humans to enjoy...whether through consumption, companionship, or just admiring the beauty.


That is all,


Posted By: ducknbass

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 01:57 PM



Guys you can say what you want, but that kind of shooting, not hunting but shooting. Gives anti hunting groups fuel, and gives real hunters a bad name.

So you think they shouldn't be allowed to do it, just because you disagree?

No it should not be illegal not at all. I find it crazy that so many people think it is okay. If anyone wants to participate in it to each their own. I think jumping on cable for expressing his dislike for it is kinda crazy. I see everyone's point. But your not really looking at his.

But again if anyone wants to do it go right ahead, I just did not know there were that many rich Dallas folks on here.

Posted By: Crazyhorse

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 02:03 PM


Also, talk show hosts are paid to have their OWN opinions...doesn't make them right or wrong, but that is what they are paid to do.

Having an opinion is fine, but having an opinion, when you are a Public Personality, has to be tempered with some degree of knowledge that because you are in the "Public Eye", that "Opinion" can do as much or more harm as it can good.

Some folks will tell you that setting in a stand watching a feeder and shooting a deer at said feeder is not hunting, or that standing on a road thru a swamp listening to a pack of dogs chasing a deer toward you so you can wing shoot it with a shotgun is not hunting, but both are forms of hunting, and have their followers, and their detractors.

If you do not believe that you need to becareful in how you state your opinions on such matters on your radio program, you ned to stop now, and do a little research on a man named Jim Carmichael and see what happened to him over an openly stated opinion.

Posted By: ducknbass

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 02:11 PM

Did not know we had so many media "experts" on the THF. WOW

Now I know.

Hey guys I just found a place in Mexico that has trophey deer on a leesh, when you get 10 yards from it the let go, and you get to shoot it. PM me if anyone would like the info.

Posted By: Threecurl

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 02:21 PM


i turned it around to where I could see the price on the hang tag, 25,000 pounds.

25,000 Sterling is what you call a starter gun on a Purdy.

Posted By: cable

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 02:41 PM

you know i am tired of this. you are an arse. that's okay...you can be whatever you want and say whatever you want it this country

you obviously didn't read my last post or you woulda realized i didn't say i thought there was anything wrong with tower shooting ( i know some people have selective hearing, and now i know they also have selective reading) but in MY opinion it sure as hell isn't hunting - it's skeet shooting live birds.

i don't know what you do for a living and i don't really care, don't listen if you don't want. but don't tell me how to do my job. i have experience and a degree in my field. and now matter what you say- people listen to either agree or (in your case disagree) over a point that a radio personality has.

that being said...i didn't make that post to start an arguement and if people can't come on here and share their thoughts, experiences and opinions then what the hell are we doing here? thats what this forum is for. At least that's why i joined it.

and to specifically single me out because of my profession on a freakin' internet chat forum is a load of crap. i don't need to look up jim carmichael...i am sure what he said was no way near as important as sharing an opinion about a TOWER SHOOT OF EUROPEAN PHESANTS!!!

that is what we are talking about right? not the cure for aids or whether gay marriage should be allowed?

and as for your examples you gave (hunting with dogs or waiting in a deer stand) HELL YES that is hunting. preparation, hard work, time, traveling all those things help define hunting too me in the true sense of the word.
but subbing live birds for clay pigeons ain't the same thing as what you described.


Posted By: jrs_39

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 02:52 PM

Of course it's not hunting, and it is expensive, but it is a blast. I have done it a few times. You rotate towers, and depending on the wind direction, there will be one or two hot towers. For the most part, you are just waiting for your turn in those two towers. Gotta make you shots count when you are there. It's like a live action video game.

Posted By: roadgoeson20

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 02:58 PM


...... i have experience and a degree in my field. ......

Grow Up.

things are bigger than just you. Sure, these guys jumped on you a bit hard, but its only because as a "radio/tv personality", it does put you in a position to influence alot of folks in the way they view hunting, and the outdoors.

I totally understand you expressing your opinion, and think this is the place for it and have no problem with it. However, you gotta see where these guys are coming from. Don't let a little internet bashing get at ya. You gotta have thicker skin than that. Otherwise, wait till the media gets at ya. You've been posting awhile and are a good guy with what i would consider ethical practices and I'd share a blind with you in a heartbeat. just don't let these guys get ya worked up.

Oh yeah, and lose the sense of entitlement. That degree don't mean sheeat in the realworld. It means the most to the guys who realize how little value it really holds, but appreciate the work it represents. But that's just my .02 cents.

Good luck and keep up the good work. I look forward to listening to the rest of your broadcasts.


Posted By: Threecurl

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 03:10 PM

If driven pheasant shoots are ethically wrong, then anyone who shoots live flyers for dog training should hang their head in shame.

Posted By: ducknbass

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 03:14 PM

actually that is illegal.............

Posted By: duckiller

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 03:17 PM

What's illegal????

Posted By: waterfowlinrealtor

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 03:19 PM

not hunting at all. There is no chase and to me that is the best part of hunting, working to get an animal. not having some one throw a bird in my face and say shoot. but to each their own. and before we worry about sensoring this guy how about we work on the far left hippie media that sways elections.

Posted By: ducknbass

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 03:20 PM

I thought killing live birds for training was. Not saying I think it is wrong..... But I BELIEVE your supposed to go to the feed store, etc to get your live birds for working your dog.

Posted By: waterfowlinrealtor

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 03:21 PM

i hear there is a black tie hunting trip to the dallas zoo, all sorts of rare species. anyone in?

Posted By: Threecurl

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 03:28 PM


I thought killing live birds for training was. Not saying I think it is wrong..... But I BELIEVE your supposed to go to the feed store, etc to get your live birds for working your dog.

Your pen raised live flyers can come from anywhere. Pen raised pheasants are very commonly used for dog training - the exact same birds that are used for driven pheasant shoots. So someone, anyone explain how shooting live flyers for the dog is ethically sound, but driven pheasant shoots are not.

Posted By: cable

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 03:33 PM

i apprecaite your honest response. didn't mean it as a sense of entitlement comment- just saying i wouldn't tell you or anyone else how to run their business. education isn't everything but it helps.

internet bashing is fine with me but i thought it went a little over the top.

it took me 9 years to earn a degree and i am proud that i finally did- and i don't mind sharing that.

the only thing i miss about UNT was lake X and lake X were right in my backyard...ah yes the days of showing up to class in camo and covered in mud. good times

Posted By: helomech

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 03:34 PM

I don't think pen raised anything is hunting. Shooting yes, but not hunting. I have no problem shooting a pheasent from a tower, but would not return and tell everyone I went huntign. I would tell them I went shoot some pheasant that were thrown in the air.

Posted By: TSU_Wildlife

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 03:54 PM

The people that put on these tower shoots aren't doing it to be in the hunting business, they're doing it to be in the entertainment business. I don't like these shoots. But they're pen-raised birds, so who cares? It's not really different than chopping a chicken's head off to eat it.

But I do agree that when people who don't really know much about hunting hear about this kind of shoot (done by hunters), it does give them reason to have a bad taste in their mouth about hunting.

Posted By: Danno

Re: Most Ridiculous "Hunting" Ever Seen - 12/12/08 04:02 PM

I have supplied the dog work at several tower shoots and they are a blast for me and my dog to 'work' and observe. I look forward to working them every opportunity I can. It is also interesting to note the various backgrounds of those that participate. Very entertaining. I agree, it's not a hunt but rather one heck of a fun shoot. Kinda like going to a catfish pay-to-fish pond. Both are fun to participate in and the resultant eats are pretty good as well.

With that said, doing it a time or two as I introduced the young ones to each sport is fun but the initial thrill looses its luster soon after and its off to the real deal.

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