Texas Hunting Forum

mojo on second split

Posted By: timawa

mojo on second split - 12/26/12 03:43 AM

Does duck mojo make a difference or just jerk cord will be ok during the second split?
Posted By: Youngin'

Re: mojo on second split - 12/26/12 04:03 AM

If you wanna flare birds it works great. Jerk cord will get it done up
Posted By: chilled shot

Re: mojo on second split - 12/26/12 04:06 AM

Originally Posted By: Youngin'69
If you wanna flare birds it works great. Jerk cord will get it done up

Good answer.
Posted By: Corn

Re: mojo on second split - 12/26/12 04:20 AM

I'm a firm believer in pulling the mojo after the split. Against my will my buddy somehow convinced me to use one Sunday morning and every group that we saw decoyed up perfectly and we killed our limit.

Guess just when you think you know something about ducks they teach you that you don't know sh!t!!!
Posted By: Trout-killer

Re: mojo on second split - 12/26/12 01:14 PM

I usually use my mojos everyday I hunt. But this is the time of year I start to pull them soon after lst. Unless birds are working in with it out. I also run a jerk rig when there's little to no wind.

Its not wrong or bad to use a mojo. Pay attention to the birds if you choose to put one out. They will let you know if they like it.
Posted By: WestexGators

Re: mojo on second split - 12/26/12 02:17 PM

Originally Posted By: Trout-killer

Its not wrong or bad to use a mojo. Pay attention to the birds if you choose to put one out. They will let you know if they like it.

Agreed, I generally place the mojo out on sunny days after the sun hits the decoys and observe their reaction to it.
Posted By: seethemkillthem

Re: mojo on second split - 12/26/12 02:21 PM

I usually pull mine after the split.
Posted By: BMowatt

Re: mojo on second split - 12/26/12 02:30 PM

Had mine out xmas morning, made no differance as there were no birds. Shot 2 divers.
Posted By: Cooter II

Re: mojo on second split - 12/26/12 03:04 PM

I believe it has more to do of WHEN to use them. You haft to understand somethings about duck hunting. If you just go out and throw out decoys in the same ole way every trip out, it is not going to work every trip. You do the same ole thing, the same ole way and get the same ole results. It isn't the ducks, it's the hunters.

When you KNOW that you are hunting/shooting at the same birds week after week, you haft to realize it, and adjust to it. Change the shape and numbers of your spread.

Spinners is the same as anything else. When you are hunting/shooting the same birds, they get wize to what they are seeing day after day, and won't come in to such a spread. But on days that a front is blowing thru, or has just blown thru, the chance of NEW BIRDS arriving, or moving thru, a spinner is still just as good a tool as they ever were.

Makes birds that are flying high easier to see your spread, and drop in on ya. Jerk strings can not draw in these birds. Jerk strings are another great tool, but they fall under the same faults. You must understand their strenghts and weaknesses. Anything used over and over on the same birds is trouble, as the birds are not without the ability to learn.

You will have greater success, when you try to understand what is happening or not happening around you. What weather pattern has just taken place, or if you are in the same weather pattern as the weeks before. If you have been having good luck with 3 dozen decoys, and birds are no commiting or seem to be flaring, reduce you spread to 3 drake (More Color) and a jerk string with 2 drakes on the string. Just a couple of twitches with the string, once they go by, twitch the string again. Creat movement on the water, but don't let them see the decoys actually move. Make your move with the string after they pass, and before they turn around. Do things different than you have been doing them, find a pattern that they will work to, then stay with it, or keeping looking for the key. Ducks want to be with other ducks, but are not wanting their butts shot off.

Spinners I have found to still work great late in the season, but you just can't keep doing the same ole thing, the same ole way. Use your head, think about what is and has been happening, is it a new front, new birds are easier the first days than after they have been here for a week. You can't be predictable and expect to keep shooting limits of ducks on the regular bases.

Just A Thought, from a Blast From The Past.

Posted By: Is That Good?

Re: mojo on second split - 12/26/12 03:42 PM

Used jerk cord all year. Only used mojo once and it was in some flooded high vegetation. Needed it then but that's it. Motion in the spread is key...oh and that whole being in the right spot thing as well.
Posted By: Cole P

Re: mojo on second split - 12/26/12 04:28 PM

If its flaring the birds either move it or pull it. If its bringing 'em in leave it be.

An oversimplified statement for an overexagerated question.

I use jerk rig, mojo spinner, and mojo duck butt with lots of success.
Posted By: Youngin'

Re: mojo on second split - 12/26/12 05:05 PM

In the early season on the lakes stupid gadwall mojo perfectly, as the season progresses they get a little bit smarter and don't like it as much. Depends on where you're hunting in my opinion some people think they work all year, because they're on the x and regardless the ducks are gonna come in either way. If you're trying to decoy in some migrating in mallards that are looking for somewhere to go at 8:30 in the morning, I'd bet 9 out of 10 a mojo would flare a big group of ducks. Especially if you have sitting right in the middle of the hole where they can see it the whole time they're making their passes.
Posted By: Guy

Re: mojo on second split - 12/27/12 04:15 AM

Originally Posted By: Cooter II
Spinners is the same as anything else. When you are hunting/shooting the same birds, they get wize to what they are seeing day after day, and won't come in to such a spread. But on days that a front is blowing thru, or has just blown thru, the chance of NEW BIRDS arriving, or moving thru, a spinner is still just as good a tool as they ever were.

I agree, early morning or new birds, spiner works great. The birds around now are not new, they are hitting the same spots and know if something not right/out of place. I have been using jerk cord all second split, but if I see a lot of new birds move in, I'll try the mojo again.
Posted By: duckman10

Re: mojo on second split - 12/27/12 04:41 AM

I've been using anywhere from 1-4 mojos. I hav had good hunts using them in the second split. I have noticed that the pintails DO NOT like them but it had worked on everything else. I had to pull an couple last Saturday but other than that I've had great hunts using them.
Posted By: Guy

Re: mojo on second split - 12/28/12 04:45 PM

Originally Posted By: Duks-R-Us
I've been using anywhere from 1-4 mojos. I hav had good hunts using them in the second split. I have noticed that the pintails DO NOT like them but it had worked on everything else. I had to pull an couple last Saturday but other than that I've had great hunts using them.

I used mojo all last year, and they are effective second split. You use the big mojos? I think the big ones are better.

One thing I learned about pintails is that they respond to pintail deeks and pintail call only. I never shot pintails until I got pintail deeks, then I started shooting them. Started out a friend gave me one pintail deek years ago, that was all it took, I started shooting pintails!!
Posted By: Pittstate

Re: mojo on second split - 12/28/12 04:52 PM

Since I have learned to do the Pintail and Wigeon whistles, I have killed many of both. Didn't kill hardly any of either before the whistle.
Posted By: zippo

Re: mojo on second split - 12/28/12 05:34 PM

The nice things about mojos if there flaring birds you can pull them!
Posted By: Texsun

Re: mojo on second split - 12/28/12 05:41 PM

Flared them all morning. Nothing wanted around it. Pulled it, then they wanted in.
Posted By: Sinkey

Re: mojo on second split - 12/28/12 06:38 PM

Look into the Splash and Flasher. Forget the Mojo's. It splashes and flashes every 10 seconds.

In your open pocket, put your jerk string ducks. The ducks will literally try to land on them normally in the second split.
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