Texas Hunting Forum

Guess they took a lil vacation.

Posted By: billyhunt

Guess they took a lil vacation. - 12/12/15 03:54 PM

I have not seen a deer in three days, not in the pasture, on the fence lines. Not even on gc, night or day. Anybody else not seeing at all?
Posted By: JH117

Re: Guess they took a lil vacation. - 12/12/15 04:20 PM

Nope, haven't seen anything at all this last week. According to my game cams they are nocturnal with this 70 and 80 degree weather. Maybe this rain we're about to get will get them moving.
Posted By: krazy kris

Re: Guess they took a lil vacation. - 12/12/15 05:16 PM

I've seen more deer on camera Wednesday and Thursday then all season. Came out friday at noon and haven't seen a deer yet in eastland county
Posted By: Texas buckeye

Re: Guess they took a lil vacation. - 12/12/15 06:32 PM

I also have seen more deer on my cameras this past Tuesday through Thursday since summer it seems. Almost all nocturnal. Would have had a decent shot at a couple older bucks in the first light on Wednesday and Thursday, but had to work.

Then last night and this am nothing. The weather has them bunkered down I think, I hope. I hope to see them back out in full force come sunday/Monday. Was finally seeing some good activity since the rut started in early november.
Posted By: jsplinter

Re: Guess they took a lil vacation. - 12/12/15 07:04 PM

I have a neighborhood I drive through on the way to where I hunt and there are always deer laying or eating in the yards. This last week not one, morning or night.
Posted By: billyhunt

Re: Guess they took a lil vacation. - 12/12/15 10:56 PM

Well of course since I posted this. Sat in the blind for almost two hours, nada. Came back to the house, had to feed animals, it is raining here. Walked out the front door, a buck at about 175 yds in the wheat( cant figure why he is there, they sprayed Round-Up Thursday)gone before I could glass him. Hunting, its hunting.LOL
Posted By: billyhunt

Re: Guess they took a lil vacation. - 12/12/15 11:02 PM

Well of course since I posted this. Sat in the blind for almost two hours, nada. Came back to the house, had to feed animals, it is raining here. Walked out the front door, a buck at about 175 yds in the wheat( cant figure why he is there, they sprayed Round-Up Thursday)gone before I could glass him. Hunting, its hunting.LOL
Posted By: Savage388

Re: Guess they took a lil vacation. - 12/12/15 11:08 PM

You think it's bad where you are?!? I haven't seen a deer period since November 13. I hunt at lest 4 times a week. Sometimes morning and evening.
Posted By: billyhunt

Re: Guess they took a lil vacation. - 12/13/15 12:10 AM

Dang I hate when I do that.^^^^^^^ Dern Savage388, that is bad, where you hunt?
Posted By: Lil Joe

Re: Guess they took a lil vacation. - 12/13/15 03:27 AM

went duck huntin this morning and apparently the ducks are on vacation too roflmao
Posted By: TxDispatcher

Re: Guess they took a lil vacation. - 12/13/15 05:06 AM

I haven't seen a shooter in person or on camera since Nov. 8 bang we've slaughtered some pigs, and got a couple of doe, but I've been trying to get my wife on her first buck and there just hasn't been an opportunity. We've seen several youngun's, but none who are legal and flipped her switch
Posted By: banderabound

Re: Guess they took a lil vacation. - 12/13/15 10:20 AM

Last year I saw deer every single time I hunted. This year I haven't even seen one since the Sunday of opening when my son killed one.
Posted By: enock

Re: Guess they took a lil vacation. - 12/13/15 12:26 PM

Same here. its been 3 weeks since my last sighting. Shouldn't be any pressure here either, other hunters got their deer on opening day and haven't been back. It's not from lack of hunting either, my wife claims to be a widow. Got plenty on game cam at night.
Posted By: Davezerg

Re: Guess they took a lil vacation. - 12/13/15 01:13 PM

Haven't seen much either, I've seen does here and there but nothing like last season. Last year I saw does every day, most I counted was 12 at one time. This year has been extremely slow for me. Just a little four pointer on the cam.
Posted By: Espy

Re: Guess they took a lil vacation. - 12/13/15 02:59 PM

still seeing quite a few doe just not many bucks
Posted By: 603Country

Re: Guess they took a lil vacation. - 12/13/15 03:05 PM

Well, I thought it was just me having a bad season. Coulda shot a nice 8 a few weeks ago, but saved it for the grandson, who did I get it later. Since then, not much going on. Had some doe at 300 yards last evening, during a driving rain, but saw no horns. Had 10 doe in the front yard, maybe 50 feet from the house, but no horns. Nothing eating corn. Slooooooow.
Posted By: Texas buckeye

Re: Guess they took a lil vacation. - 12/13/15 03:50 PM

Well just as I thought, I had deer at the feeders this am in my cell cameras. Dang if I wasn't at home. Had a date night with the wife, don't get to do that very often with all the kid stuff we have going on. So a good trade. She gets it though, she knows my hunting is going to take priority in the coming weeks. Had a good bow buck for my son at the one feeder and a bunch of doe at the other, all during legal shooting light. I am hoping that trend stays and it stays a little cooler.
Posted By: billyhunt

Re: Guess they took a lil vacation. - 12/14/15 01:18 AM

Well here we go again, cause I said something.This evening a doe goes screaming by the blind at about 60 yds, behind her, a buck we have never seen, is full board on her. Guess they are still in rut here, might be why i haven't seen many at my feeder.
Posted By: Bobby Frey

Re: Guess they took a lil vacation. - 12/14/15 01:30 AM

Mine have not been coming to the feeders, the are shacked up with does in the thick cedar.
Posted By: Txduckman

Re: Guess they took a lil vacation. - 12/14/15 05:15 AM

Seeing lots of doe, not many bucks.
Posted By: ranman12

Re: Guess they took a lil vacation. - 12/14/15 04:41 PM

Its the same around Burkeville,havent seen a deer since Nov 12th.I have deer on every camera starting at just after dark till 5am.I even have bucks fighting at the feeder with does all around them.I never really saw any rut activity so I don't know if they fighting over corn or what.Hoping colder weather will get them moving.Anybody have any info about the rut in this area.Frustrating seeing all these deer on t/c and never seeing any. I have even cut back on the corn to try to force them in earlier but it has made no difference.I have set up some tree stands back off the trails and still Im not seeing them.Anybody have any suggestions?
Posted By: GLC

Re: Guess they took a lil vacation. - 12/14/15 05:51 PM

Same in Red River county but then again mot of the area is under water. See a few on cameras at night time. Hogs are gone too, go figure. They used to be at one stand 24/7 now nothing.
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