Texas Hunting Forum

Buck bombs?

Posted By: enock

Buck bombs? - 12/03/15 10:49 PM

Saw at TSC today there were a bunch of buck bombs on clearance. There was Doe "P", Beet smash, accorn rage.
Has anyone used these and had success?
Posted By: texassippi

Re: Buck bombs? - 12/03/15 11:40 PM

I've only had very young deer respond to the buck bombs. I haven't used one in a probably 4 years. Never know though.
Posted By: dogdown23

Re: Buck bombs? - 12/04/15 01:57 AM

Posted By: Texasrebel649

Re: Buck bombs? - 12/04/15 02:33 AM

Originally Posted By: dogdown23

Posted By: kmartinusa

Re: Buck bombs? - 12/04/15 05:00 AM

I'm not a big believer in gimmicks however I've had success with mature bucks responding to the stuff during the rut.
Posted By: CharlieCTx

Re: Buck bombs? - 12/04/15 06:19 AM

My son let one off upwind of our popup blind last year. It still smells like deer vagina... but he did shoot his first buck. smile

Posted By: jshouse

Re: Buck bombs? - 12/04/15 02:59 PM

Originally Posted By: CharlieCTx
My son let one off upwind of our popup blind last year. It still smells like deer vagina... but he did shoot his first buck. smile


Posted By: redchevy

Re: Buck bombs? - 12/04/15 03:21 PM

I have tried a few different scents, never seems to do much for our area.

The only scent attractants that have worked for us are the tarsal glands cut off of a local deer. We have seen several better than average bucks for the area respond to and get shot while hanging them out.
Posted By: John Humbert

Re: Buck bombs? - 12/04/15 04:06 PM

Originally Posted By: redchevy
I have tried a few different scents, never seems to do much for our area.

The only scent attractants that have worked for us are the tarsal glands cut off of a local deer. We have seen several better than average bucks for the area respond to and get shot while hanging them out.

+1 - this works pretty well actually.

Tried buck bombs - not much response.
Posted By: Steven Bates

Re: Buck bombs? - 12/04/15 04:09 PM

I have used several different buck bombs.... the Ambush works pretty well as an all season scent.... haven't had a ton of luck with any others.
Posted By: jim1961

Re: Buck bombs? - 12/04/15 04:09 PM

Never have had success with any of the bomb products
Posted By: John Humbert

Re: Buck bombs? - 12/04/15 04:16 PM

One thing y'all should remember with scent products - especially natural scent products. Urine, or anything urine-derived - has a shelf life. More than a month or two old and it's no good. I laugh when I see guys pull out their Tink's or CodeBlue and it is syrupy and brown. That stuff is so old! And that why so many people report little success with these bombs, drips, or other scent products. If it's not fresh, it ain't gonna work - and could actually drive deer off.

Young bucks especially will investigate ANY different smell - they're kinda stupid - you remember what it was like. I've seen young bucks come investigate a cigarette butt, or where someone took a big dump. I even know I guy who makes his own scrapes by peeing in it himself f- and swears it works (actually I have heard this from several sources)

Doe urine - the urine itself - has no value. This is what folks don't understand. When a doe urinates, the stream sometimes picks up uterine discharge - and THIS is what the bucks pick up and smell - even in small does. It's the female hormones.

You want to do any experiment? Try getting your GF's or wife used pads and hang them in a tree. It's the same hormones, but in a 1000x greater concentration. See what shows up by your stand then - if you dare
Posted By: fouzman

Re: Buck bombs? - 12/04/15 04:18 PM

Only tried them twice during the rut several years ago. No effect whatsoever. I've also never had any success with Tink's, Code Blue or any of the other doe estrus scents.

Like redchevy, the only thing I've found that may successfully bring in mature deer are tarsal glands from a doe in heat. Killed one two seasons ago, determined she was in estrus so I removed her tarsal glands and placed in a ziploc. Hung them near one of my stands that afternoon and had a really nice mature buck come in about 15 minutes later. He came from downwind and had his nose in the air, to the ground, back in the air. Have never seen that buck before or since, except on trail cameras but it was obvious he was looking for that hot doe!

Posted By: BenBob

Re: Buck bombs? - 12/04/15 05:09 PM

I haven't had much luck with them, but here lately the only luck I have had was bad.
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