Texas Hunting Forum

My first cat

Posted By: atascosa_red

My first cat - 09/07/07 08:04 PM

We were hunting in Uvalde on a lease that we had been hunting on for 2 or 3 years. One of the other hunters gave up the fact that he had seen a cougar in a certain area of the lease and that caught my attention.
I had been yearnin to kill a bobcat or mountain lion for years, had opportunities at the bobcats, but never got the right shot....and I had missed a few times.
The guy who had seen the mountain lion was leavin that night, so I decided that I would hunt at a blind in that area the next morning and evening to lay for that cat.
The morning hunt was uneventful, saw deer, no cat. The evening hunt proved to be better....
I got into the blind and set up. I was a little tired from the long weekend and knew I had a long drive back to town that evening, so I set my chair where I could lean back and take a little nap before prime time.
Sleeping soundly, and probably snoring a little bit, I was awakened by the SNORT of a deer. I woke up, cleared my eyes and noticed a nice little six-pointer standing about 25 yards from the blind and looking back in the brush where there was a shallow, dry, creek bed. I looked in that direction and saw something low to the ground, yellow in color, making its way through the creek bed. The deer ran off and I knew that my chance had come to take my ultimate trophy. The mountain lion was a mere 75 yarda away.
I threw up my rifle, settled on my scope (9 power Redfield...and it was cranked all the way up), drew a bead on the cat and fired. I saw him go down and I was ecstatic!! I finally woke all the way up and my heart was beating with excitement. I jumped out of the blind and did my little dance and shouted "I GOT HIM!!!"
Well everyone hunting around me within 1500 yards heard me yell. I walked over to my trophy and guess what?
It was the biggest house cat that I had ever seen. A feral cat, but no trophy. Of course everyone that heard me came over to my area that evening and theere was nothing I could do. I had to show them what I shot and boy,...did that hurt.
There, I told on myself!!

Posted By: Crazyhorse

Re: My first cat - 09/07/07 08:11 PM

That Sir, is a good hunting story.

Posted By: atascosa_red

Re: My first cat - 09/07/07 08:13 PM

Thanks, I have enjoyed everyone of yours. Keep them coming!

Posted By: HupDog Daddy

Re: My first cat - 09/07/07 08:59 PM

Thats what I'm talkin about

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