Texas Hunting Forum

Deer Crawl

Posted By: RMR

Deer Crawl - 12/15/09 05:47 PM

Last year, my papa was hunting and he shot at an 8 point and missed. He thought he hit it because it fell down. But then it started crawling away. On the ground, crawling away! There was no blood and he said it was a bad shot so he knows he didn't hit it to cause this. I, at the time, had never heard of anything like that. Thought it was BS. But then a guy on our lease said it happened to him after he had missed a buck. Then, I seen it on the television on a hunting show. Just wondering if anyone else has ever had this happen to them?

Posted By: wgonfan

Re: Deer Crawl - 12/15/09 05:58 PM

mad dad use to always tell me he would see deer crawling through a field where he hunted. I didn't believe him until a couple years ago I saw a doe do it coming out of the cover. But that is the only time I have ever seen anything like that.

Posted By: Stump_jumper

Re: Deer Crawl - 12/15/09 06:43 PM

I watched a beautiful 10 pointer walk backwards about 10 yards Saturday evening. He took one step back at a time until he got under some cedars. Head never moved.

Posted By: preston629

Re: Deer Crawl - 12/15/09 07:34 PM

i havent seen them crawl, but i did shoot a little 3 pointer a few weeks back that immediately dropped but then ran about 15 yds, but he never stood all the way up, it was like a crouched run. wierd....

Posted By: Bucks and Ducks

Re: Deer Crawl - 12/15/09 07:48 PM

Happened to a guy two weeks ago at our lease. He shot at an 8pt it went down on its front legs and crawled a couple yards then got up and took off. No blood at all.

Posted By: BowHuntinTX

Re: Deer Crawl - 12/15/09 07:55 PM

I had a BIG 8 point crawl under a fence close to my feeder pen once, but that is all I have ever seen crawling...

Posted By: CBHunter

Re: Deer Crawl - 12/15/09 08:05 PM

I've had several people tell me they have watched deer crawl. I've just never seen it myself.

Posted By: KG68

Re: Deer Crawl - 12/15/09 10:59 PM

What you guys been smoking in the blind? Deer don't crawl. At least our Mills county deer don't. They sometimes get down on their front knees to eat but not often.

Posted By: tferg51

Re: Deer Crawl - 12/15/09 11:00 PM

I saw a big buck walk across a powerline in tall grass. All I could see was the antlers. When I got to the place the deer crossed the grass was only a little above my knees. He had to be crawling. One other time 2 bucks were coming down a trail and I shot the first one. The 2nd one ran about 30 yards and crawled in a brushpile. I sat in my treestand another hour and he never come out. Only after I made alot of racket did he crawl away.

Posted By: Bucks and Ducks

Re: Deer Crawl - 12/15/09 11:01 PM

Originally Posted By: KG68
What you guys been smoking in the blind? Deer don't crawl. At least our Mills county deer don't. They sometimes get down on their front knees to eat but not often.

I get my stuff from a guy in South Dallas.............just kidding I have never seen it just been told it happened.

Posted By: 1FowlHntR

Re: Deer Crawl - 12/20/09 06:37 PM

I have seen it in 2 different places...once was under a fence bordering a field. The other was about 300 yards from my home when I was a teenager...it was a doe, and all of the fawns she ever had that watched her do it. They would crawl under a guard rail that they couldn't jump b/c it was on the side of a steep hill.

Posted By: deerhunter721

Re: Deer Crawl - 12/20/09 07:17 PM

I saw a deer crawling across the road one morning as we were driving back into where we were going to hunt. I am glad I am not the only one who has seen this. I have thought about that since then, I keep telling myself.." I KNOW that deer was crawling"

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