Texas Hunting Forum

Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will'

Posted By: TreeBass

Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 07:39 AM


A perfect storm is developing for Second Amendment opponents that could allow President-elect Barack Obama's choice for attorney general – Eric Holder – to "ban guns at will" despite the 2008 affirmation from the U.S. Supreme Court that U.S. citizens have a right to bear arms.

its going to get interesting

Posted By: DFWPI

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 02:27 PM

Well, I didn't put him in office. Maybe 2012 there will be eyes opening....

Posted By: JCB

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 02:33 PM

If they are going to try to ban and take our guns, this would not be a good time to try it!

With the economy on the verge of collapse, people will cling to thier weapons now more than ever because they dont know what the future holds for them and thier families!

Posted By: deerfeeder

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 02:39 PM

If you ain't in the NRA already, it is probably time to start thinking about joining.

Posted By: tattooedtexan

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 02:41 PM

Very good advice!!

Posted By: DCS

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 02:47 PM

AND to go along with that, we now have this!


We might need one of these.


Posted By: B_Bop77

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 03:07 PM

Posted By: Sethfish

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 03:14 PM

if he attempts to take guns from our citizens especially in times like these, where the fuse is short and stress is at astronomical levels, he won't have a chance. It would be suicide in every way for him. I doubt he will do it he doesn't have the guts to sacrifice himself for his screwed up liberal ideology, he will be so wrapped up in scandals and inability to lead our nation that gun control won't even cross his tiny mind. Although he may want the guns out of the hands of all the good citizens he is fixing to take to the cleaners, what seagull does to each of our money through legislation is going to make Madoff look like a good person to invest with. I hope I'm wrong but between Jan 21 and the end of march will show where he is going to take us.

Posted By: Jasb

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 03:20 PM

The NRA? They still have the jack booted thug stance on federal agents???? That's why I quit!

Posted By: jjbrown

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 03:23 PM


The NRA? They still have the jack booted thug stance on federal agents???? That's why I quit!

If you dont mind me asking "What does that mean?"

Posted By: Jasb

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 03:27 PM

The Nra said that about agents in 2000. Futher advised to shoot in the head because they wear vest....look it up boys, that's why I quit

Posted By: Big Orn

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 03:33 PM

First of all Holder is a liar and a cheater, but what can you expect from such a person? He has his sights set on what he thinks is working in Great Britain and other countries with gun control. He has no evidence whatsoever that gun control or ammunition control actually works.

He and his minions think that if they effectively pass legislation that can be more stringent than those already in place that the "rednecks and racists" (which is anyone of any skin color that legally keeps and bears arms) in the US will throw down their evil guns in disgust and frustration.
What he doesn't realize is that if this – by any stretch of the imagination – ever happens that the black market for guns and ammo will far exceed those of drugs and alcohol. Preachers, teachers, professors, husbands, wives, kids, and especially hunters...along with many factions of the crime community...will soon be making daily profits in the 5-figure range using a setup such as below:

Pretty soon Obama will face a problem bigger than any terrorist attack or war on terror overseas. In his panic to gain control, IMHO, he will try to push an executive order through while maintaining the directive of his "Change Agenda". All other facets of his "Dream" will begin to crumble as more and more lower-class families gain the power he lusts for. Congress will begin to split and a police state will emerge with curfews as its leading edge.

As y'all well know – the US citizens will then react, utilizing the power of the Constitution. Obama will be slung from the White House by "rednecks and racists" and Congress will be flushed, replaced by unknown patriots and heroes straight from the ranks of Free and Brave.

So, let the idiots play their games. They've whined long enough.

With all above said – I don't think the gun grabbers have a snowball's chance in hell.

Posted By: Jasb

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 03:39 PM

+1 Orn

Posted By: Bonehead

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 03:48 PM

How about posting a link? I've been a member since well before 2000 and don't remember that.

Posted By: Jasb

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 03:54 PM

I'd have to ask you to google it (NRA jack booted thugs) I'm in a city council meeting on my phone!

Posted By: DCS

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 03:54 PM

The NRA said that during the Waco fiasco. The first President Bush turned in his NRA Lifetime membership also.

Posted By: Sethfish

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 04:01 PM

If PE seagull does attempt to take the guns of law abiding citizens for no reason other than he wants to take them, them govt law enforcement employees will have to make a choice and pick a side.

Posted By: Bonehead

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 04:02 PM

Found it, read it and it still doesn't change my mind that the NRA does more good than bad for gun owners.

Posted By: Jasb

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 04:08 PM

JMO....but the if they say that I don't want anything to do with them. I have guns and won't give them up, however I cannot support a group who says things like that....JMO

Posted By: DCS

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 04:11 PM

By the way, that's about THE cleanest reloading room I have ever seen. Yours?

Posted By: Bonehead

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 04:14 PM

Everyone makes a slip up now and again. Remember "Read my lips"? that Bush coined in his "no new taxes" slogan? I gave him a pass on that one also.

Posted By: Jasb

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 04:17 PM

That wasn't an anti lEO statement that was a lie to get into office.

Posted By: Jasb

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 04:20 PM

If they made a gun ban, would we all then break the law of the US and risk time in prison? I don't think I would!

Posted By: Big Orn

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 04:20 PM


By the way, that's about THE cleanest reloading room I have ever seen. Yours?

No...I don't have that kind of setup. I might soon...

Posted By: Bonehead

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 04:21 PM

I'm just saying that people make mistakes once in awhile. We are all human. The NRA does more good than bad IMHO.

Posted By: passthru

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 04:39 PM

That comment was made by a man speaking for himself and not for the organization. He was speaking about the attitude of individuals with in the ATF organization who feel that our rights don't mean anything and they have the right to kick in your door at any time to assert their authority whether justified or not.

That said. . .

I think Wayne LaPierre is a poor representative for the average gun owner but he has money, is respected by the gun manufacturers and effective at lobbying for our cause. Whether I like him or even respect him does not change his effectiveness and does not change the fact that the NRA fights for your gun rights whether you support them or not.

Another fact in that is that all of us contributing members sink millions of dollars every year into the fight against gun control while folks like you reap the benefits without sacrifice, effort or involvement.

Sit on the side lines and hope for the best. Those of us who know that we have to do some things we don't like to keep what we have hopefully can do enough to save ourselves and even those of you who have looked hard enough to find a excuse not to contribute.

And for all of you fooling yourselves by saying it can't happen to us understand it has happened all over the world. The United Nations is pushing this agenda and the liberal side of our political system supports sacrificing our national soverienty to the UN.

Join now, renew now and contribute what you can be it $10 every couple of months or more. Make no mistake ladies and gentlemen, we are in a fight. Don't allow yourself to get sucker punched.

Posted By: longhorn_cop

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 04:43 PM

The NRA is a joke.
The NRA solicits big money, but it seems like they get nothing done in congress. Everytime a "liberal" is elected or appointed to a major position the NRA and gun companies start the "they are going to take our guns away!!!!" b.s.
They only do it to increase membership/ sell more guns.
It actually is a pretty good marketing move on their part.
Come on guys. Never will all guns be banned here in the USA.
They are playing on our fear of loosing guns.
Oh, by the way, this is just my opinion..

Posted By: Black02z28

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 04:43 PM

The moment the government trys to disarm citizens is precisely why the second ammendment is there in the first place.

Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/08/09 09:56 PM


The NRA is a joke.
The NRA solicits big money, but it seems like they get nothing done in congress. Everytime a "liberal" is elected or appointed to a major position the NRA and gun companies start the "they are going to take our guns away!!!!" b.s.
They only do it to increase membership/ sell more guns.
It actually is a pretty good marketing move on their part.
Come on guys. Never will all guns be banned here in the USA.
They are playing on our fear of loosing guns.
Oh, by the way, this is just my opinion..

I see your point, but I gotta' disagree vehemently. They do nothing? Do we still have our guns? Still have the ability to buy guns? We do.....and that is an accomplishment in and of itself. While I don't agree 100% with every stance ever profferred by the NRA, I do support them and know that their existence is vital to keeping our 2nd Amendment freedoms.

Like it or not, there are many, many people currently in a position to do something about it who would like nothing better than to take that away from all of us and remove or at least reword the 2nd Amendment. How do I know this? Well, for one, they've said so.

Posted By: PrimitiveHunter

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 12:08 AM


If they made a gun ban, would we all then break the law of the US and risk time in prison? I don't think I would!

I wouldn't have to worry about it. I don't have any guns. Should I repeat that louder and slower for the Narcs?

Posted By: uthornfan

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 12:17 AM



If they made a gun ban, would we all then break the law of the US and risk time in prison? I don't think I would!

I wouldn't have to worry about it. I don't have any guns. Should I repeat that louder and slower for the Narcs?

I don't have any either. I lost all my guns in a canoeing accident.

Posted By: Jasb

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 12:38 AM




If they made a gun ban, would we all then break the law of the US and risk time in prison? I don't think I would!

I wouldn't have to worry about it. I don't have any guns. Should I repeat that louder and slower for the Narcs?

I don't have any either. I lost all my guns in a canoeing accident.

We all say that and then if it happens and you see people go to jail you might change your tune!!

Posted By: KRoyal

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 12:53 AM

Well all I can say is that I am an American citizen born and raised, Pay my taxes every year, Never been to jail, Obey every law besides a few speed limits hell I even work for the good ol' State of Texas. With that said there should never be anyone bust through my door with warrants or to take anything that I bought with my money that is stealing, For that you get shot on site regardless of who you are... Anyone busting in my door is going to be met with hot lead and alot of it. So all I can say is come take my guns I dare you I wouldn't feel to bad either considering most government officals are more crooked than actual criminals. JMO of course

Posted By: ScottF

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 01:31 AM

The ACLU gets it right some of the time. But, mostly, it stands up for liberal/socialist ideas that are un-American. Just because they get it right some of the time doesn't mean I can support them.

Join the NRA!

Posted By: OFBHWG

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 01:59 AM

they will be extremly sorry if they do! im not convinced they have the votes yet. maybe they do but i certainly hope not. but then again maybe that will get it to the supreme court and maybe settle it once and for all.

well i can dream cant i.

Posted By: passthru

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 02:17 AM

These people have the votes and the votes to put people on the supreme court to help forward their agenda. Have you not seen that most of our victories are coming with one vote difference and that 2 of our justices are soon to move on so the balance could easily shift against us soon there also. Like I said. Put your head in the sand. It won't happen to you. BTW, the NRA is not an organization I agree with everything on but they are the enemy of my enemy and we do have common ground.

KRoyal, if you think they care who bought the stuff they decide is illegal and come to confiscate it because you broke the law and didn't turn it in you are funny. If you think they won't be better armed and out number you when they come for you think again. If you think that they will just shoot you as you "defend" your rights and home just look at Ruby Ridge.

It's better to stop it before it comes to them prying our cold dead fingers from around them.

Posted By: tex_ttu

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 02:21 AM

Love the new map. We made it on our own once, we can do it again......

Posted By: longhorn_cop

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 02:39 AM

Who is putting their head in the sand???
It sounds like someone has their head stuck somewhere else.
This is the USA. I love my guns. If some should become illegal then I will turn them in. I love this country too much to defy it's laws.
I do not think our own government would start kicking in doors on a large scale over gun ownership.
Call me naive, but I believe in this country more than that.
Believe me law enforcement has made mistakes in the past, but that is what they were "mistakes", not the norm.
If you feel like you would die for your guns go ahead and think that way.
I on the other hand will live in this great country.
Some of you sound like radical jihadists bad mouthing the US.
Some people might tell you that if you don't like it here, leave.
I on the other hand, think it is cool we can have differing opinions in this country. That's what makes us America!
Again- just my opinion

Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 02:59 AM


This is the USA. I love my guns. If some should become illegal then I will turn them in. I love this country too much to defy it's laws.

Problem with your analysis is that what makes the USA great is the ideals that it was founded on and the freedoms that it affords its citizens, including in a big way our 2nd Amendment freedoms. Once that way of life and those freedoms begin to erode little by little until they are eventually gone, the USA that you now love no longer exists. It becomes something that the USA has long fought against since its inception. I'm sure there were lots of German citizens who loved their country too in the early 20th century.

See the irony?

At any rate, call me a jihadist if you like, but I'll fight as far and as long as I have to to keep mine and your constitutionally protected rights as a law-abiding American citizen. You should too.

Posted By: longhorn_cop

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 03:03 AM

The USA was founded as a democracy. Some of the constitution has changed since we were revolting against good ole england.
That is what a democracy is meant to do..
The constitution has been amended and will be amended in the future.
See the irony??

Posted By: Sethfish

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 03:13 AM

longhorn since you agree that there are guns, that if deemed illegal for us to possess by our PE Seagull and his cronies, that you would gladly and without question accept as illegal if they said so and that if you owned them you would rush to jump in line and turn them in again without question, which guns would these be?

Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 03:23 AM

That's not irony at all....

Well, your idea of what a democracy is supposed to do and mine are two very, very different ideas. I've always been under the impression that our freedoms and liberties were sacred and were to be protected by our laws, govenrnment, and our Constitution. I love the USA too, but when the USA ceases to honor and protect those liberties, to me at least, it ain't the USA.

Guess we won't meet in the "firearm drop-off line" eh?

Posted By: Redneck Messiah

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 04:23 AM


The USA was founded as a democracy. Some of the constitution has changed since we were revolting against good ole england.
That is what a democracy is meant to do..
The constitution has been amended and will be amended in the future.
See the irony??

Yes i agree, the country was founded as a democracy,.......... so if a chosen,elite, left wing few declare guns illeagl and try to confiscate them, where may i ask is the democracy in that??

Is it meant for the wants/needs of the few outweigh the wants/needs of the many??

In the history of the world there has been one country to achieve complete gun control.......... It was Germany circa 1935, how did that work out for the world??

See the irony??

Posted By: tkuehn5410

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 04:32 AM

Obama has put all antis in his cabinet. Does not look good for us.

Posted By: Eland Slayer

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 06:21 AM

"Nobama" aint gettin' his crooked paws on any of my guns, not a single one!!


Quoted from longhorn_cop: "If you feel like you would die for your guns go ahead and think that way."

Thanks for your permission. You can bet your a$$ I would.....because anyone coming in my house to "confiscate" my guns is actually stealing them.....and thieves get shot in my house, ESPECIALLY if they are armed.

I'm gonna have to agree with KRoyal, HillbillyDeluxe, and all the other rational minds on this one.

God Bless America!!

Posted By: cajundave

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 06:36 AM

The 18th Ammendment banned alchohol. Average law abiding citizens began to make it at home, including my Great Grandfather, and many made fortunes(not including my Great Grandfather) selling it illegally. Heck, NASCAR even got it's start from the runners of alchohol getting away from the police. Several years later, the 20th Ammendment(or 21st--can't remember exactly) reppealed the 18th Ammendment because it was a futile attempt anyway and the government realized taxing it was a much better thing to do.

Could Our Guns become the 21st century's prohibition?

Posted By: DFWPI

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 06:38 AM

A new twist? Do you really think that the liberals will spend all the money it would take to fund the courts and prosecuting attorney in order to convict people for illegal possession of firearms? Heck, I can't even get a drug case filed half the time because the intake attorney wants to try the case at his/her desk and pass judgement.

Posted By: cajundave

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 06:58 AM


The USA was founded as a democracy. Some of the constitution has changed since we were revolting against good ole england.
That is what a democracy is meant to do..
The constitution has been amended and will be amended in the future.
See the irony??

We are a republic and were founded as such which is why we elect representatives to vote for us. We have democratic principals in that we all can take place in the voting process. There's a big difference.

We have had a total of 27 ammendments since 1787, however, 10 were added immediately in order for the 13 States to ratify the the Constitution. Two Ammendments cancel each other out (see my previous post). Therefore, we've only really changed the Constitution 15 times in 222 years and four of those were rights given to women and race rights. There is no other country in the history of the world that has had a governing document last as long. It works and I to am proud of our country; I served it for 7 years.

I get sick and tired of hearing the arguement about what our government intended when it wrote the 2nd Ammendment. "The right to bear arms" was purposely put into place because England tried to collect the storage of arms at Lexington and Concord-the first battles of the American Revolution. The miltia(minute men like regular shop keepers and farmers) were collecting their guns to fight against a corrupt government. The Ammendment was put into place for that purpose, so citizens could maintain/bear arms in case the government ever became corrupt. I'm not saying our government is, just the intend of the 2nd. But if I hear that the National Guard, highly funded and controlled by the Federal Government, is supposed to take the place of average citizens having guns, I may just throw up.

I don't think our guns will be taken, and if they are, I do believe the backlash will give them right back.

Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 08:26 AM


A new twist? Do you really think that the liberals will spend all the money it would take to fund the courts and prosecuting attorney in order to convict people for illegal possession of firearms? Heck, I can't even get a drug case filed half the time because the intake attorney wants to try the case at his/her desk and pass judgement.

But that's not how it's supposed to work anyway....I sure don't believe that all of a sudden, gun ownership will be a crime and some government appointed henchmen are going to come and kick my door down. They do it through taxes on firearms and ammunition, essentially making these things unattainable for the common folk...they do it through the legal system, filing lawsuits against the gun manufacturers which are nothing but an attempt to drive up their overhead and out of business entirely....been tried unsuccessfully before. They do it through what they'll call "mandatory healthcare funds" where it will be required of the gun manufacturers to commit so many millions of dollars per year (perhaps a % of gross sales) to a fund to help victims of gunshots with no insurance.

I once worked with an attorney who was in-house counsel for a company I was with at the time. He was a lefty big time and did alot of pro bono stuff for all these liberal causes, including gun control (or abolition) in his spare time, and he knew I was a hunter and such. We used to have some lengthly discussions/arguments about this very issue. He used to tell me..paraphrasing.."you morons on the right are so scared about someone taking your guns, but there will be a time when you can't get them, and by the time you finally figure it out how it happened, it'll be too late."

It's bad enough that the media and all the urban elite have the world convinced that we're a bunch of backwards arse rubes with 3rd grade educations. But now we've got our own (hunters/gunowners) calling us jihadists. Looks like the plan is working.....

Posted By: luv2brode

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 09:33 AM

we are a country founded by the act of treason.
we took countrol of our country once, we could do it again.
hopefully it will never come to that, but one never knows.

Posted By: ILoveLamp

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 11:52 AM

I am only 19 years old but i know my politics. It would be suicide for the government to ban guns. Now they will most likely renact the assult rifle ban, or ban handguns like in D.C. (and we all know that it really helped the crime rate there...sarcasm).

I think they will just slowly force hunters to drop their guns by jacking up the ammo prices with taxes, while we all bicker back and forth on wether or not they will bust through our doors trying to pry our guns from our cold dead hands

Posted By: luv2brode

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 02:09 PM

sounds like the gov't

Posted By: OFBHWG

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 05:38 PM


Who is putting their head in the sand???
It sounds like someone has their head stuck somewhere else.
This is the USA. I love my guns. If some should become illegal then I will turn them in. I love this country too much to defy it's laws.
I do not think our own government would start kicking in doors on a large scale over gun ownership.
Call me naive, but I believe in this country more than that.
Believe me law enforcement has made mistakes in the past, but that is what they were "mistakes", not the norm.
If you feel like you would die for your guns go ahead and think that way.
I on the other hand will live in this great country.
Some of you sound like radical jihadists bad mouthing the US.
Some people might tell you that if you don't like it here, leave.
I on the other hand, think it is cool we can have differing opinions in this country. That's what makes us America!
Again- just my opinion


Posted By: KRoyal

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 08:24 PM


KRoyal, if you think they care who bought the stuff they decide is illegal and come to confiscate it because you broke the law and didn't turn it in you are funny. If you think they won't be better armed and out number you when they come for you think again. If you think that they will just shoot you as you "defend" your rights and home just look at Ruby Ridge.

It's better to stop it before it comes to them prying our cold dead fingers from around them.

Well actually I don't think I will be out gunned outnumbered maybe but I have the same guns the police do I have a AR15 with plenty of mags and plenty of surplus ammo to hold out for a while. Want to go long range I have a Savage 10FPLE 308 20" sniper rifle made for Law Enforcement... want to go close up got 12gauge shot gun... So no I will not be out gunned hell half the police force has problems qualifying with their pistols. I practice all the time so I'm not too worried about it... Not that I would ever want it to come to this because I know the Local law enforcement that would be stuck with the job is only following orders from the higher ups with fear of losing their jobs or worse…

Also to address your question of would I die for my guns... Your damn right I'd die for my guns because it’s our right and I would die for my rights and anyone that says differently is unpatriotic... The 2nd amendment is in place for the common people the voice of our country to take our country back from tyrants both foreign and local so if our Government tries to step on the very thing that makes us the USA and tries to turn us in to a tyrannical government well I’ll be ready and I’m sure I will have plenty brothers in arms with me.

Posted By: sig226fan (Rguns.com)

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 09:25 PM

OFBHWG is right... it ain't their money to spend, and until we make them realize that... it won't change.

We are a Republic, not a direct democracy.

We won't ever be a direct democracy at the national level because the HAVE's have become the elite, the praetorian's... and are our "representatives".

Posted By: Sabrinavonbach

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 10:54 PM

If they made a gun ban, would we all then break the law of the US and risk time in prison? I don't think I would

There's the attitude that made American great.

Posted By: KRoyal

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 11:05 PM


If they made a gun ban, would we all then break the law of the US and risk time in prison? I don't think I would

There's the attitude that made American great.

I'd have to disagree, it would be un-constitutional to pass a law that breaks one our god given rights as an American. Therefore we wouldn't be the ones breaking the law the Government would.

Posted By: Saginaw223

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 11:12 PM

If you don't think that they will confiscate your weapons, then REMEMBER NEW ORLEANS. The NRA took them to court and won, but the majority of people still not had their weapons returned.Also, for all the people who reload you need to get on this bandwagon also.

Posted By: hautlynk

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/09/09 11:38 PM

I propose a "Million Armed Man March" on Washington the day the Congress is voting to ban our guns. That'll be a hoot. Let's all rent buses, drive to DC and march on the Washington Mall. When the law passes, the limp-wristed hippies can turn their guns in. The rest of us can turn ourselves in for breaking the law.

Posted By: texretvet

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/10/09 12:28 AM

Quoted from longhorn_cop: "If you feel like you would die for your guns go ahead and think that way."

Yes, I would die for my right to bear arms. Just as I would die to defend the freedom of speech for the a55holes who burn our flag. I can't think of anyone that I hate more than a flag burner, but it is there constitutional right.

I have already served to defend these rights, and I would gladly do it again.

Also, the worst part about the NRA is simply the fact that it must exist.

Posted By: longhorn_cop

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/10/09 12:41 AM

Hillbilly are you serious??
You would shoot up a bunch of cops getting paid to do a [censored] job they may not agree with??? Because in your mind they would be stealing.
Look I arrested people for some stupid [censored] laws, but never the less, they were laws. I could not just pick and chosose.
Yeah- that sounds sane and as you say, not the thinking of a bunch of "backwards arse rubes"

Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/10/09 12:54 AM


Hillbilly are you serious??
You would shoot up a bunch of cops getting paid to do a [censored] job they may not agree with??? Because in your mind they would be stealing.
Look I arrested people for some stupid [censored] laws, but never the less, they were laws. I could not just pick and chosose.
Yeah- that sounds sane and as you say, not the thinking of a bunch of "backwards arse rubes"

What in the hell are you talking about? Where did I ever say I was going to shoot up anybody, cops included? Reread my posts if you must.

Posted By: texretvet

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/10/09 01:22 AM

Quoted from Longhorn_cop, "This is the USA. I love my guns. If some should become illegal then I will turn them in. I love this country too much to defy it's laws."

I understand the love of this country and wanting to follow her laws, but what about when the laws that are enacted are illegal?

When laws are passed forbidding you to say anything negative about the government or it's administration are you going to follow? What about when the law is passed that gives absolute power to the President?

Those would both be laws that would trample all over the Constitution, so I can't see blindly following them.

I love this country just as much as anyone else, but I love the ideals and rights and freedoms that it is based on.

I am sure that it was difficult for the Colonial Americans to make the decision to fire upon the English who were their own countrymen or even family at the time, but there comes a time when you must stand up against tyranny and oppression, and it is not always pretty.
I am not saying that we are at that point yet, but it could be going in that direction. Eventually everyone has to pick a side, and just like the local magistrates (or whatever they were called) during the time of the Revolution, local government and law enforcement will be caught in the middle.

As a police officer, you would have to make the same decision that the guy defending his guns would have to make, "Do I pull the trigger, or not?"

Posted By: KRoyal

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/10/09 01:41 AM


Quoted from Longhorn_cop, "This is the USA. I love my guns. If some should become illegal then I will turn them in. I love this country too much to defy it's laws."

I understand the love of this country and wanting to follow her laws, but what about when the laws that are enacted are illegal?

When laws are passed forbidding you to say anything negative about the government or it's administration are you going to follow? What about when the law is passed that gives absolute power to the President?

Those would both be laws that would trample all over the Constitution, so I can't see blindly following them.

I love this country just as much as anyone else, but I love the ideals and rights and freedoms that it is based on.

I am sure that it was difficult for the Colonial Americans to make the decision to fire upon the English who were their own countrymen or even family at the time, but there comes a time when you must stand up against tyranny and oppression, and it is not always pretty.
I am not saying that we are at that point yet, but it could be going in that direction. Eventually everyone has to pick a side, and just like the local magistrates (or whatever they were called) during the time of the Revolution, local government and law enforcement will be caught in the middle.

As a police officer, you would have to make the same decision that the guy defending his guns would have to make, "Do I pull the trigger, or not?"

Very well writen that was what I was trying to get across in my post but I seem to just ramble on lol. I would also like to salute you for serving our fine country.

Posted By: passthru

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/10/09 04:28 AM

I have some friends I love dearly who are police officers and would not like to fire on them or any other officer trying to do his job. Like I said before, we need to fight the fight now and pray it never gets to the point where it is shoot don't shoot. You are all patriots and love our freedoms and as previously stated the NRA is a necessary evil, such as lawyers. Lets support the enemy of our enemy. If we are separated we will fall apart.

Posted By: WyattT

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/10/09 06:51 AM

yes \, we elected anti gunners on a massive scale.

they will do other things before coming after guns

they will go after ammo and assault weapons

dont use newsmax or worldnetdaily, thats as alarmist as you cang get, dosent even count as news.

join the nra

buy "assault weapons"

bills still go through their regular legislative processes

thank god for Heller

Posted By: Sabrinavonbach

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/10/09 04:13 PM

I'd have to disagree, it would be un-constitutional to pass a law that breaks one our god given rights as an American. Therefore we wouldn't be the ones breaking the law the Government would

The remark I made was a tongue in cheek one. I don't believe the attitude to bow to an illegal and opressive government made anyone great, just a slave.

Posted By: Longhunter

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/11/09 09:21 PM

It is getting close to TEA time...

Posted By: TTechsan

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/12/09 04:08 AM

I understand that when it comes to message boards...sometimes facts and reality don't matter.

1. The bill in reference was a bill from the 110th Congress....not the 111th Congress.

2. Maloney hasn't introduced this bill in the 111th Congress....yet.

3. While I haven't looked at THOMAS (http://thomas.loc.gov) for gun control bills yet, before this thread gets to four pages, how about some folks see if any gun control bills have ACTUALLY BEEN INTRODUCED THIS CONGRESS.

4. Simple fact folks....schitt can't pass if it hasn't been introduced yet.

5. GOA and NRA will be making a schittload of dollars over the next couple years.

Posted By: hunter254

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/12/09 06:29 AM

all i have to say is Uncle Ted for president in 2012

dont matter wt laws, bills or bans they put on guns and their owners-- them POS people out there will still be able to get guns and continue killing and causing trouble,,,,

Obama should go ahead and f-ing quit and let a real American step in

Posted By: Rwuensch

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/12/09 06:25 PM

Sure you would, wouldn't be much different than prohibition. You would get your stuff from the old man in the woods behind the wooden shack.

Posted By: killintime

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/13/09 05:02 PM

Well after Ruby and Waco Ridge, I would have to agree they were right on with the statement.

When is the last time you saw the Federal Government pay out a settlement in a wrongful death suit?

Bury your head in the sand, it's ok.

Posted By: TreeBass

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/28/09 03:36 PM

Get ready, here it comes

Posted By: bad karma

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/28/09 06:23 PM


The Nra said that about agents in 2000. Futher advised to shoot in the head because they wear vest....look it up boys, that's why I quit

Perhaps if some agents didn't act like "jack-booted thugs" they wouldn't be thought of in those terms. Yes sir....that operation in Waco really did these government "servants" proud. Perhaps if they had used some common tactical sense and taken Koresh when he was away from the compound (which was a common occurrence), instead of trying to make some kind of authoritarian statement, those agents wouldn't have lost their lives.

If you want to do some reading, check out Allan Boch's book, "Ambush At Ruby Ridge".

I'm also reminded of now deceased Marine Col. Jeff Cooper who once said that "anything wearing a black Ninja outfit needs to be shot first and questioned later."

Storm-trooper tactics and attitudes have no place anywhere but in a police state.

Posted By: bad karma

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/28/09 06:28 PM


Quoted from longhorn_cop: "If you feel like you would die for your guns go ahead and think that way."

Yes, I would die for my right to bear arms. Just as I would die to defend the freedom of speech for the a55holes who burn our flag. I can't think of anyone that I hate more than a flag burner, but it is there constitutional right.

I have already served to defend these rights, and I would gladly do it again.

Also, the worst part about the NRA is simply the fact that it must exist.

I have a statement and a question for those in government who want to deny us our 2nd amendment (and other) rights.

I am prepared to die to defend my rights as recognized by the Constitution. Are you prepared to die trying to deprive me of them?

Posted By: longhorn_cop

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/28/09 10:09 PM

Since when has owning a gun in the USA been a "god given" right. So you expect me to belive that god has given you the right to keep and bear arms??
All I am saying is that the NRA and gun mfg.s are feeding this hype to sell more memberships/guns. From some of these posts, it sounds like it is working. When is the last time the NRA called to check only on your welfare and not to solicit your hard earned money?
You guys would question a mechanic charging you a high price to work on your car, but just blindely give your money to the NRA because they say your guns are in jeopardy of being confiscated.

Posted By: Sethfish

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/28/09 10:44 PM

which side are you on brother. You see none of the constitution is God Given rights. The only right God gave you is Choosing which eternity. The Guns issue is a ground we stand on. I will not give you my guns. End of story. I will not give you any of them. There will come a day brother when you might have to pick a side, and let me tell you the liberal junkballs in this nation aren't going to win. I pray that it doesn't get there but if it does I will cling to both my bible and my guns.

Posted By: huntandfish

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/28/09 10:45 PM

I guess instead of moonshiners, we will have gunrunners!! They can never stop US!!

Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/28/09 10:50 PM

lc....so you're saying that people wanting to do anything from restrict access to all the way to impose an outright ban on some or all types of firearms, that want to be able to file frivilous litigation agains manufacturers in an attempt to drive them out of business, that want to impose astronomical taxes on guns and ammo. to make them unaffordable to the common folk, that want to make it a crime for people to be able to defend themselves, their family and their property....and these ideals all backed by people in a position to do so that are already in government....is all just a bunch of hype?

You may not like the NRA for whatever reason, but to say that the threats stated against the right to keep and bear don't exist is just not facing the truth.

Posted By: longhorn_cop

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/29/09 12:23 AM

Look brother, I love guns also. What I am saying is why are you guys getting so wound up in this "katy bar the door, they are coming for my guns" stuff. The gun companies make billions through gun sales to all of us. Why is an organization like the NRA needing to solicit our money. The gun companies have enough that they could "donate" enough to every politician to ensure needless gun bans are never passed in legislation. All's i'm saying is that the gun companies love these times. If you don't believe me, go check your local gun store.
There are enough gun supporters in congress that it will not happen.

Posted By: Sethfish

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/29/09 12:24 AM

enough gun supporters in congress, are you kidding me.

Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/29/09 12:41 AM


Look brother, I love guns also. What I am saying is why are you guys getting so wound up in this "katy bar the door, they are coming for my guns" stuff. The gun companies make billions through gun sales to all of us. Why is an organization like the NRA needing to solicit our money. The gun companies have enough that they could "donate" enough to every politician to ensure needless gun bans are never passed in legislation. All's i'm saying is that the gun companies love these times. If you don't believe me, go check your local gun store.
There are enough gun supporters in congress that it will not happen.

More antis in congress than supporters....and the antis have control of the White House as well as much of the judicial branch, which will only continue to grow under the current administration.

Look back at my posts...I've specifically said that the feds aren't going to come start kicking in doors. Those who wish to disarm us use much more creative and under-the-radar tactics with which to do so. Keep believing it's all hype...I'll keep listening to and reading the words of those who are on the other side of this issue.

Of course the last time I stated my reasons for supporting the NRA in a rational way, you accused me of wanting to "shoot up a bunch of cops." So forgive me if I don't pay too much attention to your rebuttals.

Posted By: bluesman

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/29/09 01:17 AM


The NRA? They still have the jack booted thug stance on federal agents???? That's why I quit!

One the best positions they ever took!!!!!!!!! They were absolutely correct. That's when I decided to become a life member.

Posted By: Bonehead

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/29/09 01:23 AM

LC, that is what the Brits said years ago also. Take a look at the thread down in the "off topic" section about the Brits wanting their guns back!
It CAN happen unless we make sure it doesn't.

Posted By: bluesman

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/29/09 01:25 AM


JMO....but the if they say that I don't want anything to do with them. I have guns and won't give them up, however I cannot support a group who says things like that....JMO

I dayum sure can!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More power to em for not being afraid to speak the truth!!!!!!!!!!

Posted By: longhorn_cop

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/29/09 01:28 AM

Hillbilly- this was not a rebuttal, it is my opinion of the OP.
I do apologize for the "shoot up a bunch of cops" mix up. I was refering to another post. You did not say anything about shooting cops.
Just like back with the Clinton scare of no more guns, everyone went out and raided the gun stores. With George W, that all slowed down. Now Obama is in, and the same old thing is going on.
Like I stated previous, my opinion is this is gun companies using the marketing campaign of "buy all you can, while you still can.."
If you guys belive the end is coming, that is your right.
All I am saying is I will wait it out like last time.
Just a difference of opinion, thats all

Posted By: bluesman

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/29/09 01:36 AM


Since when has owning a gun in the USA been a "god given" right. So you expect me to belive that god has given you the right to keep and bear arms??
All I am saying is that the NRA and gun mfg.s are feeding this hype to sell more memberships/guns. From some of these posts, it sounds like it is working. When is the last time the NRA called to check only on your welfare and not to solicit your hard earned money?
You guys would question a mechanic charging you a high price to work on your car, but just blindely give your money to the NRA because they say your guns are in jeopardy of being confiscated.

You comments remind me of a foolish little man who is so scared of the Federal Government (or perhaps you actually work for it????) that you are basically in sync with the sad old liberal saying "better red than dead".

Are you sure you are not on the wrong website????

Posted By: bluesman

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/29/09 01:49 AM


Look brother, I love guns also. What I am saying is why are you guys getting so wound up in this "katy bar the door, they are coming for my guns" stuff. The gun companies make billions through gun sales to all of us. Why is an organization like the NRA needing to solicit our money. The gun companies have enough that they could "donate" enough to every politician to ensure needless gun bans are never passed in legislation. All's i'm saying is that the gun companies love these times. If you don't believe me, go check your local gun store.
There are enough gun supporters in congress that it will not happen.

You are simply wrong. The gun companies are at a great financial disadvantage. There is far more money on the gun grabbers side. Look up George Soros sometime. He could buy all of the gun companies out of his checking account. Also take a look at the chairman of progressive insurance, Peter Lewis he has given the ACLU over 23 million dollars since 2000. No telling how much he has given to the gun grabbers - no one knows. It is this type of billionaire the NRA and gun manufacturers are up against.

Soo - Mister cop - you are just totally wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted By: bluesman

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/29/09 01:55 AM


Hillbilly- this was not a rebuttal, it is my opinion of the OP.
I do apologize for the "shoot up a bunch of cops" mix up. I was refering to another post. You did not say anything about shooting cops.
Just like back with the Clinton scare of no more guns, everyone went out and raided the gun stores. With George W, that all slowed down. Now Obama is in, and the same old thing is going on.
Like I stated previous, my opinion is this is gun companies using the marketing campaign of "buy all you can, while you still can.."
If you guys belive the end is coming, that is your right.
All I am saying is I will wait it out like last time.
Just a difference of opinion, thats all

Unfortunately it is NOT "just a difference of opinion, thats all".

It is a basic perceptual and philosophical difference that runs far deeper that just opinion. It is the type of philosophical difference that is very dangerous and can cause serious problems.

Posted By: HillbillyDeluxe

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/29/09 01:58 AM


Hillbilly- this was not a rebuttal, it is my opinion of the OP.
I do apologize for the "shoot up a bunch of cops" mix up. I was refering to another post. You did not say anything about shooting cops.
Just like back with the Clinton scare of no more guns, everyone went out and raided the gun stores. With George W, that all slowed down. Now Obama is in, and the same old thing is going on.
Like I stated previous, my opinion is this is gun companies using the marketing campaign of "buy all you can, while you still can.."
If you guys belive the end is coming, that is your right.
All I am saying is I will wait it out like last time.
Just a difference of opinion, thats all

Fair enough....and I understand your position and the comparison of Clinton and Obama. I guess I personally never really worried under Clinton and certainly didn't feel the same way I do now.

But much has happened since the Clinton era both in the political climate and the public consiousness when it comes to this issue. And the alarm I hear isn't coming from the NRA or the gun companies, but directly from the mouthes of those who are in favor of strict gun control or outright abolition....some of whom are now in the president's cabinet.

Agree to disagree I guess.....I just feel that the NRA has been and is vital to securing our rights.

Posted By: bluesman

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/29/09 02:09 AM


Hillbilly are you serious??
You would shoot up a bunch of cops getting paid to do a [censored] job they may not agree with??? Because in your mind they would be stealing.
Look I arrested people for some stupid [censored] laws, but never the less, they were laws. I could not just pick and chosose.
Yeah- that sounds sane and as you say, not the thinking of a bunch of "backwards arse rubes"

If it's a [censored] job that you don't agree with then how can you honestly do it. You are saying (all in the same breath)

"I don't like my job, I don't agree with it, but I have no real moral compass or convictions so I am going to do it anyway - and, by the way, no one should blame me (and I should suffer no retribution) for what I do even though I don't believe in it - I'm innocent."

If I made the argument you made I would quit and find another job.

Posted By: longhorn_cop

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/29/09 02:14 AM

Bluesman, first calm down man, sounds like you need anger management classes...this is a cordial discussion about a passionate topic
second, take a look at some of the out of court settlements that gun companies have paid in frivolous lawsuits without blinking an eye.... in the billions.. a billion= 1,000 million
Your right I forgot how little money the gun mfg.s are pulling in..

Posted By: longhorn_cop

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/29/09 02:29 AM

Blues, I don't have to justify my job to you.
I never said I did not like what I do. In fact, I love what I do. I dang sure don't agree with every law ever passed, but took an oath to enforce them. Since I took that oath, I will do my best to enforce them. I don't feel like a citizen should actively resist arrest if they feel the laws they have broken are not applicable or fair to them.

We are a civilized society. We follow the laws enacted by our lawmakers. That's what sets us apart from 3rd world countries that have no such system.
You sir, are a rather confusing individual, but entitled to your say.

Posted By: sig226fan (Rguns.com)

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/30/09 07:27 PM


Blues, I don't have to justify my job to you.
I never said I did not like what I do. In fact, I love what I do. I dang sure don't agree with every law ever passed, but took an oath to enforce them. Since I took that oath, I will do my best to enforce them. I don't feel like a citizen should actively resist arrest if they feel the laws they have broken are not applicable or fair to them.

We are a civilized society. We follow the laws enacted by our lawmakers. That's what sets us apart from 3rd world countries that have no such system.
You sir, are a rather confusing individual, but entitled to your say.

I too have taken oaths. That does not absolve me from thinking about the orders I am given. Just because I took an oath doesn't mean I will blindly follow whoever is in front.

... Gird ye on every man his sword.... I Smauel 25:13

For the God given rights crew, God did intend for us to defend ourselves, clearly. In numerous passages He insists that we take up arms and defend ourselves. He never intended for us to be the sheep to the slaughter.

Of all the rights that someone takes away....free speech, assembly, freedom of religion, .....they have to take away the guns first.

Posted By: xxxhunter

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/31/09 04:30 AM

I'm not going to touch this one

Posted By: budreau

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 01/31/09 08:38 AM



Since when has owning a gun in the USA been a "god given" right. So you expect me to belive that god has given you the right to keep and bear arms??
All I am saying is that the NRA and gun mfg.s are feeding this hype to sell more memberships/guns. From some of these posts, it sounds like it is working. When is the last time the NRA called to check only on your welfare and not to solicit your hard earned money?
You guys would question a mechanic charging you a high price to work on your car, but just blindely give your money to the NRA because they say your guns are in jeopardy of being confiscated.

You comments remind me of a foolish little man who is so scared of the Federal Government (or perhaps you actually work for it????) that you are basically in sync with the sad old liberal saying "better red than dead".

Are you sure you are not on the wrong website????

i agree. maybe he needs to check out on of the gun control sites

Posted By: longhorn_cop

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 02/02/09 06:23 PM

"For the God given rights crew, God did intend for us to defend ourselves, clearly. In numerous passages He insists that we take up arms and defend ourselves. He never intended for us to be the sheep to the slaughter.

Are you serious?- so now gun owners are being compared to "sheep" going to slaughter.

Posted By: bluesman

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 02/13/09 09:42 AM


Bluesman, first calm down man, sounds like you need anger management classes...this is a cordial discussion about a passionate topic
second, take a look at some of the out of court settlements that gun companies have paid in frivolous lawsuits without blinking an eye.... in the billions.. a billion= 1,000 million
Your right I forgot how little money the gun mfg.s are pulling in..

Bullooooooooooooney. That is a total fabrication. I am a lawyer, give me the cite to one case and I will look it up and post it. You can't because it does not exist!

Posted By: sig226fan (Rguns.com)

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 02/13/09 06:20 PM



Bluesman, first calm down man, sounds like you need anger management classes...this is a cordial discussion about a passionate topic
second, take a look at some of the out of court settlements that gun companies have paid in frivolous lawsuits without blinking an eye.... in the billions.. a billion= 1,000 million
Your right I forgot how little money the gun mfg.s are pulling in..

Bullooooooooooooney. That is a total fabrication. I am a lawyer, give me the cite to one case and I will look it up and post it. You can't because it does not exist!

THe gun companies have paid SQUAT in frivolous lawsuits. What is causing the lack of guns available right now is two fold. First, the obvious election results and people wanting to get it while they can...Second, one of the ways gun companies are managing risks in this era of stupid lawsuits is running on marginal inventories. They have the guns sold to distributors long before they are built. Very few gun companies had much if any inventory on election day. The production company acts as a shell, acquiring operating capital just large enough to procure materials to build what is already sold. The money is not even in the original companies.

This trend has caused the shortage of availability and in part the drive in prices.

As for the gun bans..... I few months ago I thought this was a foolish rush. As I see more of the Obama administration....I am also becoming worried that we will see dramatic changes in our rights.

They want to change a lot of our rights.....one is speech. Obama clearly wants it to be illegal for you to speak against him or his policies. Before they can change that, they have to control the guns....

Posted By: oldoak2000

Re: Congress' plan would let AG 'ban guns at will' - 02/14/09 12:59 AM


Quoted from Bad Karma:
. . . . I am prepared to die to defend my rights as recognized by the Constitution. Are you prepared to die trying to deprive me of them?

Except for the above quote, everything else written on this thread is just a waste of words . . . . .


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