Texas Hunting Forum

Probably killed my last doe today......ever

Posted By: cbump

Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 02:23 PM

So, this morning was my first time to get out with the rifle this year, and right at first light I shot a doe. I felt absolutely no excitement and as I was cleaning her I was actually a little mad that I had shot. To me it was more trouble than it was worth. I mean, I am the only one that even eats it at the house. So, I think I have just completely crossed over into the trophy hunter phase. I have no desire to mess with does ever again.
Anyone else feel this way?

Posted By: Stickchunker

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 02:27 PM

Nope, But my entire family eats Deer meat. The wife has been on my butt, cause i havent killed some meat yet.

Posted By: HWY_MAN

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 02:30 PM


I am the only one that even eats it at the house.

Same here, I haven't shot a doe in 18 years.

Posted By: TX4Ever

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 02:43 PM

I have never killed one!?!

Posted By: Crazyhorse

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 02:48 PM

Well, I will be the odd man out, I ain't found a way to cook antlers to where they are eatable, and I have killed more than my share of bucks over the years so I really don't care if I ever shoot a buck again.

That is not saying I won't shoot one if I have the opportunity, I just ain't gonna make it my lifes goal.

Besides, does have to be shot also to keep up the overall health of the herd in the area.

I don't know one single rancher that just shoots or sells all of his bulls when he has too many cattle.

From what I have seen, calves and cows go first. JMO.

I am quite content shooting does.

Posted By: tirtypointer

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 02:53 PM

When I lived in Iowa...one of my buddies would shoot the smallest doe he could find. The tenderness of the meat was unbeatable! Like crazyhorse said....horns don't taste good!

Posted By: esd56288

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 02:59 PM

Have to agree with Crazyhorse. My entire family will take a doe over a buck any day.

Posted By: JCB

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 03:00 PM

I have no desire to ever shoot a doe with a scoped rifle again in my life!

I do continue to shoot doe for management reasons, but I do so with a pistol, bow, and open sight lever gun! It just adds a bit more excitement for me to do it that way! Last year I took my first doe with a pistol, and it ment just as much to me as the 10 point I killed that year!

When you loose that excitement it is time to change things up a bit!

Posted By: HWY_MAN

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 03:05 PM


My entire family will take a doe over a buck any day.

Like the original poster pointed out, he's the only one in his house that eats venison, I share the same problem. This is a five deer county and I'll shoot 1 buck, for the year. I'm not against taking does; I just don't do it myself. I’ve got plenty of volunteers for that job.

Posted By: freonfreak.270

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 03:06 PM

cbump you might want to look at your hunt a little differently. what is a trophy? i hate it when guys say they only hunt big bucks and thats it, in my opinion the trophy is the hunt itself. being outdoors and in nature. no cell phones or pagers, no cars or concrete. to me any day in the field is a trophy, whether you harvest an animal or not..ive killed more than my share of bucks and does, and like they said you cant eat the antlers. it is just as much a rush for me to kill a jackrabbit as a big buck. just food for thought.

Posted By: activescrape

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 03:07 PM

I'll just put it this way, I've caught yellowfin tuna and I've caught bluegill, enjoyed catching and eating both. Same for me with game. I like rabbit hunting and I like big game hunting and I enjoy eating both. I don't do it for the fam, although my sons are both into it and my wife and daughter eat it with gusto. But even if they didn't I would.

If you don't want to shoot a doe, just don't, it's cool and it doesn't matter what I think about it.

Posted By: HWY_MAN

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 03:09 PM


i hate it when guys say they only hunt big bucks and thats it,

Why would you hate someone who's enjoying his hunt as much as you do yours?

Posted By: bowhuntr70

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 03:10 PM

I am single and can only use 1 deer and a hog or 2 per year but we have 8 MLD doe permits so I shoot 2 or 3 a year and give them to Hunters for the Hungry. I hate cleaning them to but it is worth it knowing that someone is going to put it to good use.

Posted By: HWY_MAN

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 03:11 PM


If you don't want to shoot a doe, just don't, it's cool and it doesn't matter what I think about it.

There ya go!! It's just that easy.

Posted By: Big Orn

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 03:16 PM

I have heard of folks getting like that Cbump - but most of them sit in a stand and don't physically work for the doe.

I'm not real sure you'll get over it, but changing tactics may help.

Posted By: Crazyhorse

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 03:25 PM

Don't take my post wrong folks, if shooting a big buck every year is what is important to a person then by all means that is what they need to do, and I am happy for them.

But just like was mentioned by one of the other responders in the comment about YFT's and bluegills, I like to eat fish and I like to catch fish, so it does not have to the biggest/best/whatever.

Same with hunting white tails, I just grew up under a set of conditions where meat was more important than ornaments, I am still that way.

But that does not mean I think everyone should be of that same mind set.

As I said in my first response on the subject, the only problem I see with people just wanting to shoot a big buck every year or however often they decide a buck meets their criteria, is that they are not being a conservatiionist in their hunting.

To maintain proper herd health, does and cull bucks have to be taken out, and with hunter numbers declining annually nationwide, if a certain and possible growing percentage of hunters are only taking out a specific animal annually, then the overall numbers of deer are going to increase, and overall herd quality and habitat quality are going to continue to decline.

If a person does not want to shoot a doe for their own use, think about finding folks that would appreciate the meat, shoot them a doe and either take it to those folks or have them come out and pick it up, along with a signed Wildlife Resource Document showing that the animal/meat was donated to them by the shooter, or support the Hunters For the Hungry program.

Posted By: Mr. Clean

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 03:27 PM

Can't say that i do....I am thankful for everything the Good Lord puts at the end of my gun barrel. We eat very little Beef at my house...mostly venison through the year. Does are very welcome in my camp and on my dinner table. I usually tan out their hides as well and put them to good use.

Posted By: MaggieMTx

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 03:27 PM

For us we'd rather have meat in the freezer then just horns on the wall. But ON OCCASIONS that a good buck DOES come along, I will take him & then get the meat does later. If no good bucks come along, then out tags will be full of doe.

Each person is diffrent, to each his/her own.

Posted By: HuntingTexas

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 03:36 PM


So, this morning was my first time to get out with the rifle this year, and right at first light I shot a doe. I felt absolutely no excitement and as I was cleaning her I was actually a little mad that I had shot. To me it was more trouble than it was worth. I mean, I am the only one that even eats it at the house. So, I think I have just completely crossed over into the trophy hunter phase. I have no desire to mess with does ever again.
Anyone else feel this way?

I'm actually in the same boat as you. I hate to mess with them because I'm the only one that eats them. I take them because I process them or have them processed and give them to my patients ( Home Health nurse ). They love the free meat and it helps them out because they all live on fixed incomes. The lease I'm on requires each hunter to take 3 does, I guess some of the guys on here don't have that requirement on their lease.

Posted By: BChambers

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 03:39 PM

I agree-you can't eat antlers, and around here the does really need to be thinned out-but I have another problem. I moved here (Kendall County) from Upstate NY a couple years ago, and since shooting my first Axis, I can't seem to bring myself to pull the trigger on a whitetail! Those spotted deer just taste too dang good! Seriously-better than the finest beef, to me at least.

As far as bucks go, there is only so much room on the wall, so it would have to be a 150 or better to tempt me at this point....

Posted By: cbump

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 03:50 PM


cbump you might want to look at your hunt a little differently. what is a trophy? i hate it when guys say they only hunt big bucks and thats it, in my opinion the trophy is the hunt itself. being outdoors and in nature. no cell phones or pagers, no cars or concrete. to me any day in the field is a trophy, whether you harvest an animal or not..ive killed more than my share of bucks and does, and like they said you cant eat the antlers. it is just as much a rush for me to kill a jackrabbit as a big buck. just food for thought.

I never said I don't get excited being out in the great outdoors. Like you said it is great being out there whether you harvest an animal or not, so I will choose to NOT shoot anymore does. And if that means not shooting anything then great. I would rather enjoy my time in the outdoors HUNTING for a big buck and not getting him than to go out and shoot a doe.

Posted By: Ka Ha Teni

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 03:53 PM

Does that mean your season is over for you cbump after you take that Trophy class buck?

Posted By: cbump

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 03:54 PM


I have heard of folks getting like that Cbump - but most of them sit in a stand and don't physically work for the doe.

I'm not real sure you'll get over it, but changing tactics may help.

I never hunt in stands or over feeders so I like to think I work for all my deer. Walked in a mile this morning to a good spot and had to drag that doe back the whole way. Would have been a nicer drag if it was a big boy!

Posted By: jrs_39

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 04:08 PM

I'm with you all the way. Neither my wife or daughter will touch venison. I have $300 dollars of venison sausage wasting away in my freezer. It will take the monster of all monsters to make me pull the trigger again. But I still have fun hanging out at the ranch.

Posted By: Big Orn

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 04:42 PM



I have heard of folks getting like that Cbump - but most of them sit in a stand and don't physically work for the doe.

I'm not real sure you'll get over it, but changing tactics may help.

I never hunt in stands or over feeders so I like to think I work for all my deer. Walked in a mile this morning to a good spot and had to drag that doe back the whole way. Would have been a nicer drag if it was a big boy!

Ugh - I bet you are bummed out. I'd hate to get that way, cbump - no offense - but it would be rough...

Posted By: caprocker

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 04:49 PM

each to their own i reckon..i can't remember the last doe i shot but i intend on doing it every year..... this year i intend to try a little harder to kill a doe from our camp feeder..and drag her 300 yards back to the hangin tree

Posted By: campcook

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 04:51 PM

I guess my Family (close family, just the 4 of us, as well as my extended family and friends...) have been spoiled. Because they have all received so many gifts of processed meat, sausage, jerkey, etc that they expect it, and are disappointed when they don't get it for Christmas etc.

I have so many allergies to the stuff given to domestic 'factory-raised' meat, that I just do better on wild game... Not to mention the benefits of lower cholesterol and fat.

I guess I will never understand people who 'just won't eat' such-and-so...I was raised by folks who grew up during the '30's and NEVER refused to eat what ever was available, and then had to raise 2 kids as a single mom on a GS-3 salary. Ate a lot of donated game meat, and fish I cought at a local pond. And gardened.

I will never be a person to downgrade what another person feels is a trophy. But as my husband has said, "after I am gone, who is gonna care about antlers on a wall?"

But, Chris, you DID enjoy the trip, and being outdoors, didn't you? isn't that the important thing?



Posted By: cbump

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 05:17 PM

Yes, I did enjoy the trip and am going back out tonight and in the morning and every evening/morning until i go back to work.
People, do not get me wrong, I am not bummed, I had a great time going hunting this morning, loved being in the outdoors, and am very thankful to have shot my last doe. The excitement factor just wasn't there so from now on I will not shoot the does. I will enjoy myself in the outdoors while waiting on a buck that I want to kill.

Posted By: Cool_Hand

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 06:05 PM

On the lease I was on for a long time and before I became a full-time member, I used to sit around and listen to the old timers talk about huntin'. Some said they didn't like to kill does because they were afraid that they would be carring a buck. Being a myth I didn't know any better so I refrained from taking does with the exception of a doe being my first kill.

Then as time passed the land owner told me how important it was to harvest does before the rut and as many freaks and inferiors that was possible. As it turned out most of the old timers came around to having us young'uns do the doe killing.

Now its public knowledge that does carry the genitics for the outcome of what is born. A healthy herd buck is essential to go with your breeding does. So harvesting does is something that needs to be done for a healthy herd.

All of this being said, I still feel like Bump!!

Posted By: Shaky

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 06:06 PM

Another good alternative is to take a youngster hunting that wouldnt have an opportunity otherwise to take a doe or two. Thats what I do on my place. I started doing it about 8 years ago and have watched several young men and women become avid hunters!

Posted By: ralph

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 06:21 PM

I will take it one step further. I don't have a desire to shoot a doe...or a buck, but would love to spend time in a stand just waiting to see what might come along.

I am no big fan of venison and my family sure isn't, but I can't express how much I love the aspect of being out and being a part of the experience of sitting and waiting in anticipation of what might just come along.

I tried to get back into deer hunting a couple of years ago and never fired a shot. To my surprise, I was perfectly happy and although I haven't deer hunted since, I wouldn't trade that time spent with my family setting up feeders and stands and sitting and waiting-for anything.

So, I have no problem with those who are hunting only trophies and also those who are hunting for the best venison. As long as it is legal, it is not my place to judge.

I think we can enjoy the sport of "hunting" in many forms and I believe to each his own.

Good luck to all.

Posted By: DFWPI

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 06:43 PM


Have to agree with Crazyhorse. My entire family will take a doe over a buck any day.

Need to get those does are we might end up like the state where my brother lives and hunts. You HAVE to harvest a doe before you shoot a buck. Why not shoot one and donate it to Hunters for the Hungry?

Posted By: kwrhuntinglab

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 06:47 PM



My entire family will take a doe over a buck any day.

Like the original poster pointed out, he's the only one in his house that eats venison, I share the same problem. This is a five deer county and I'll shoot 1 buck, for the year. I'm not against taking does; I just don't do it myself. I’ve got plenty of volunteers for that job.

Yes you do.......
and your a great man for what you do.....

Posted By: HWY_MAN

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 07:03 PM

Some her, are missing the point. Nobody’s saying don't shot does, they're just saying they prefer not to. 5 to 8 does a year are taken off my place, just not by me personally.

Posted By: jdickey

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 07:14 PM

My preference is a doe... they don't stink near as bad as an ole ruttin buck! Over the years, I've found that doe meat seems to not have as bad a wild taste that most bucks will have.... but that maybe just a mental thing!

Doe management is essential in maintaining a quality buck population, just about every wildlife biologist will tell you that. Most Texas MLD programs will require you to take off a high quantity of does; that has to be done in order to manage the area herd. And, they encourage you to take does early so that they will most likely not be impregnated.

It's pretty obvious when you drive down the highways that you will see more dead does on the side of the road, there is a higher concentration of does!

Yesterday evening, I had 8 does at my feeder.... er...uhh....make that 7!

Posted By: cbump

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 07:23 PM


Some her, are missing the point. Nobody’s saying don't shot does, they're just saying they prefer not to. 5 to 8 does a year are taken off my place, just not by me personally.

I agree. No one needs to lecture me about the importance of herd management.

Posted By: Reverendbiker

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 07:41 PM


I am single and can only use 1 deer and a hog or 2 per year but we have 8 MLD doe permits so I shoot 2 or 3 a year and give them to Hunters for the Hungry. I hate cleaning them to but it is worth it knowing that someone is going to put it to good use.

My sentiments exactly. I'm the only one in the house that eats venison, but I do love it so I kill a doe for my freezer. Any buck I shoot goes to Hunters for the Hungry. On our WMA we are urged to take out a certain number of does each year to keep a good ratio. Fine with me--they taste better!

Posted By: lakewaydr50

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 07:42 PM

Cbump, I have the same thoughts and really don't have any interest in killing does. Like you, my family doesn't care for deer so I have found a family that really likes it and will take all I can bring them. On the flip side I relized that after a while if I didn't do my part on the herd management end of things that eventually I would wind up with an extremely out of wack buck to doe population. I shoot them still and I guess I always will. I am a firm believer that every one should fill all their tags if they can, if for no other reason than to improve the herd they are hunting from.
Here's why: Way back in the 80's we had a state wildlife biologist come to our lease and do a population survey. We had 6000 acres in north Louisiana. Our buck to doe ratio was somewhere around 100:1, way out of wack by any standard. The year he did the survey he issued us about 40 extra doe tags that we could use anytime during the season. We used all of them if I remember right and I remembered being worried to death that the next season we would have almost no deer to hunt. Taking those does had exactly the opposite effect. Here's what made it work; when a doe with fawns weans her youngsters and one is a young buck she runs him out of the area and allows the young does to stay with her. With a large number of these mature does missing from the herd more of the little bucks didn't leave and the ones that had already left by deer season, returned because there was nothing ther to keep them driven away. The next year we saw just as many deer, if not more and the number of bucks we were seeing, even though they were all 1 - 1/2 year old bucks shot way up. I know how you feel but you need to take some does.

Posted By: HWY_MAN

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 08:14 PM

Nobody's saying don't take doe's!

Posted By: GPS

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 09:00 PM


I think that is great for you to realize that you have lost the desire to take a doe, I find myself in a similar place. My son shot his first deer last year and it was a doe, we celebrated that doe as if it were a Muy Grande. If I were to take a doe today it would only be with a bow as a managment tool. I have also questioned if I want to take a buck with a rifle anymore. Don't get me wrong taking a doe or a buck with a rifle is fine by me, I am just looking for something different.

My son took his first buck Friday evening with a rifle his grandfather gave him. I was excited for him as I was when I took my trophy buck 15 years ago.

Bottom line I support your reasons as I support anyone who hunts by legal means.

Posted By: Bonner

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 09:53 PM

I can relate in some regards due to the culture I was raised in and the way it was for many years - just did not seem right shooting a female animal - plus you couldn't shoot a doe when I was growing up due to the law. However, after doing research and my homework I do it now strictly for management purposes. I get no pleasure from it other than putting venison in the freezer (I love deer meat) and most importantly knowing that I am doing my part for management purposes. There is a reason for the permits, tags and bag limit for doe. Maybe you can bring a friend with you to shoot the doe and use your tags to fufill the management duties we have.
I will not shoot a buck unless it is a wallhanger, a spike that I know is not a yearling spike, or a mercy killing of a wounded or ill buck. What really aggravates me to no end is seeing people shoot little bucks regardless if they are technically legal. Just my own feelings. There are two distinct groups out there - freezer fillers (kill the maximum bag limit regardless) and management minded. I went to a processor with my two doe weekend before last and was literally sick to my stomach seeing some of the bucks that had been shot. They were legal (technically) but from a management perspective it was absolutely senseless killings - they would have been great deer the following years (judging by the weight of the hunters there with these deer - it was not as if they were starving and really needed the meat). Then to add insult to injury was to hear them say they did not want the horns. I just do not understand it. I am sure this may ruffle feathers but I live to hunt for the wall hangers and elusive big ones and do my part by letting decent legal bucks walk to give someone else or myself the opportunity to possibly have a wallhanger the following year. Just my two cents.

The exception to this rant about bucks is when it come to youngsters. I completely understand the thrill and satisfaction of their first buck regardless of size.

Posted By: MaggieMTx

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 09:55 PM

Honestly...if YOU, rather not take any...cool. I bet it still wont stop you from getting out there & enjoying the outdoors, nature, ect.. ..no worries

Posted By: jdickey

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 10:16 PM

Hey MaggieTx..... I see a whole truck load of 10 POINTERS! That's a beautiful buck.... did you get him at Bangs?

We've got a big ole granddaddy that's been hiding in the bushes too.... but he almost made a mistake yesterday! ! !!

Posted By: lakewaydr50

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 10:36 PM

Bonner, that is the mind set I have as well. Unfortunately back when I was in this lease in La. everybody including myself considered any buck a trophy and we shot them all, so really I dont know that we improved our situation at all by taking the does because we didn't make the commitment to let the young bucks walk. These days I am sure that the folks that are still in this lease have changed their way of thinking and are letting them walk. Back then we just didn't know any better but with the advent of the hunting shows and networks people are more informed and people that I never thought I would here talking about deer herd management are uttering the words you speak.

I will not shoot a buck unless it is a wallhanger, a spike that I know is not a yearling spike, or a mercy killing of a wounded or ill buck. What really aggravates me to no end is seeing people shoot little bucks regardless if they are technically legal. Just my own feelings. There are two distinct groups out there - freezer fillers (kill the maximum bag limit regardless) and management minded. I went to a processor with my two doe weekend before last and was literally sick to my stomach seeing some of the bucks that had been shot. They were legal (technically) but from a management perspective it was absolutely senseless killings - they would have been great deer the following years (judging by the weight of the hunters there with these deer - it was not as if they were starving and really needed the meat). Then to add insult to injury was to hear them say they did not want the horns. I just do not understand it. I am sure this may ruffle feathers but I live to hunt for the wall hangers and elusive big ones and do my part by letting decent legal bucks walk to give someone else or myself the opportunity to possibly have a wallhanger the following year. Just my two cents.

The exception to this rant about bucks is when it come to youngsters. I completely understand the thrill and satisfaction of their first buck regardless of size.

Posted By: dgilbert

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/16/08 10:57 PM

Chris, I know where you are coming from, and to me it is still hard sometimes to shoot a doe, but I will do it when I need to and will continue. I know you enjoy the outdoors and going through some changes, we all do(at else some of us do), this saying you can't eat them antlers, duh, is getting old. Hang in the buddy, so do what you need to do to enjoy the outdoors more.

Posted By: Dennis in Ft Worth

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 12:05 AM

Maggie: That picture is just PRECIOUS!!!

Posted By: tkuehn5410

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 12:57 AM

I understand your situation. I consider shooting does rather boring unless it's late in the year and I haven't found a buck that excites me. I consider myself a horn hunter and go after big old bucks.

I quit taking pleasure in shooting does until I started bow hunting, and now I just flat out get myself worked up and nervous being close to deer and does. In fact, I am considering putting away my rifle because it sometimes seems too easy to get a good buck with a bow. It's one thing to get him with a smoke pole, but its another to find a deer and figure out where his backyard is, setting up a couple stands and hunting for the specific deer.

Posted By: Crazyhorse

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 01:07 AM

There is a statement I have an issue with:


I quit taking pleasure in shooting does

I do not take pleasure in shooting anything except rats and coyotes.

Everything else, bucks/does/bulls/cows/hens/roosters/boars/sows, there is no or really should be no Pleasure in shooting, that is what a person is out there to do, kill the animal of their choice.

Being elated that vyou are getting the chance to kill an animal that is special to an individuals on wants and desires is one thing, getting pleasure in taking a life, without respecting the concept that as a human we are given that priveldge, not the neccessity of having to kill to live, to me is wrong.

I go out to kill something when I pick up the gun.

I get no pleasure out of the kill, but to accomplish my goal of collecting some meat, or if I am after horn, killing to obtain that, is just merely part of the mechanics of the hunt. JMO.

Posted By: cbump

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 01:10 AM


There is a statement I have an issue with:

What's new?

Posted By: Crazyhorse

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 01:18 AM

Oh Yes, Like I am The ONLY person on here that ever says that.

Posted By: BBDhillcountry

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 01:25 AM

for mgt. reasons I think it is good to take does (like said earlier by someone) and if you don't want to mess with them then take them to a processor that gives the meat to the hungry (there are some where I hunt that offer this)...I think you have to pay about $20 but at least you will feel good about it and help your buck population so you will see more trophy bucks. just an idea if you can't use the meat...though I am like some others in this topic that LOVE..LOVE...LOVE the doe meat and fortuntley so does everyone in my family...mmmmmmmmmmm. I do understand that you might not get the same feeling when shooting a doe vs. a buck but for me I feel like it is good practice.

Posted By: 1000YRDSTARE

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 01:50 AM


So, this morning was my first time to get out with the rifle this year, and right at first light I shot a doe. I felt absolutely no excitement and as I was cleaning her I was actually a little mad that I had shot. To me it was more trouble than it was worth. I mean, I am the only one that even eats it at the house. So, I think I have just completely crossed over into the trophy hunter phase. I have no desire to mess with does ever again.
Anyone else feel this way?

Nope not at all, I am actually going out in the morning after I get off at 4 am with a rifle to try to take a doe, {to ensure a quick hunt}. I am trying to help my friend put some meat in his freezer He needs it and loves it. I passed on a few does all last week and now am kicking myself because I let my friend down.

I kept saying to my self while I was watching them through my scope last Friday a.m. "why am I sitting on this log and not in my stand with my bow"??????

Now I understand about the excitement side and stand point. It was killing me not hunting with a bow, I have said it before and I will say it again, I may have put the rifle down for a long time; when I can hunt with a bow I will 100% of the time. There is excitement in that for me

Posted By: BChambers

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 02:26 AM


There is a statement I have an issue with:


I quit taking pleasure in shooting does

I do not take pleasure in shooting anything except rats and coyotes.

Everything else, bucks/does/bulls/cows/hens/roosters/boars/sows, there is no or really should be no Pleasure in shooting, that is what a person is out there to do, kill the animal of their choice.

Being elated that vyou are getting the chance to kill an animal that is special to an individuals on wants and desires is one thing, getting pleasure in taking a life, without respecting the concept that as a human we are given that priveldge, not the neccessity of having to kill to live, to me is wrong.

I go out to kill something when I pick up the gun.

I get no pleasure out of the kill, but to accomplish my goal of collecting some meat, or if I am after horn, killing to obtain that, is just merely part of the mechanics of the hunt. JMO.

I agree totally. This is one of my big problems with all those hunting shows. To me, all the whooping and hollerin' and high fives show a lack of respect for the kill. I get gret pleasure from the hunt in all its various aspects, but the actual kill itself? No. Bringing death may be a necessity, but it is not, IMO. a cause for celebration.

Posted By: cbump

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 02:29 AM

Why is it a necessity???

Posted By: Texas Dan

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 02:31 AM

I don't take issue with anyone who refuses to harvest does. Just don't take issue with other hunters who have to take an extra one because of it. For every buck that leaves the woods, a doe needs to be taken as well to maintain balance.

Posted By: cbump

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 02:41 AM


Just don't take issue with other hunters who have to take an extra one because of it.

Who has taken issue with this?

Posted By: BChambers

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 02:41 AM

Perhaps necessity is too strong a word-perhaps "desirable". And I agree with Dan-better trophy quality in the future depends in most cases on doe harvest today.

Posted By: Smoker1

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 02:51 AM

I look for does just like I do bucks!
In fact, early season I am exclusively hunting does because by then practically all of my venison from the previous season is gone.
But my family and friends all love venison.

Posted By: Johnny_J_JaMata

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 02:57 AM

Chris, my feeling is do what you enjoy, weather you harvest them, let them walk or donate them. Forget what everyone else says......it's your time in the woods, your hunt and ultimately your choice. Nothing else should matter!

Posted By: kwrhuntinglab

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 03:16 AM



Just don't take issue with other hunters who have to take an extra one because of it.

Who has taken issue with this?

I have issues.....I just don't know what they are yet....

Golly Gee Willickers Chris......

Can't you just follow proper herd management.....and shoot a pure trophy....

Posted By: helomech

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 03:36 AM

I am just as happy taking a doe. I have killed many does, and still get excited when I take another one. I am out of deer meat, and I am looking forward to getting me a doe soon. Yes I would like to kill a big buck as much as the next guy, but am happy with a doe also.

Posted By: HWY_MAN

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 03:51 AM


I am out of deer meat, and I am looking forward to getting me a doe soon.

Not much longer, looks like y'all will be here when the big boys are moving.

Posted By: helomech

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 03:52 AM



I am out of deer meat, and I am looking forward to getting me a doe soon.

Not much longer, looks like y'all will be here when the big boys are moving.

That is the only thing giving me any hope for this season. I am looking so forward to it. We got the hotel reserved.


Posted By: Nick

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 04:06 AM

I'm like some of you. I will shoot a doe at the end of the season but only when I can't get a buck. It used to be just my dad and I eating it....now it will be just me...and some friends if they want some.

Posted By: texascowboy

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 04:12 AM

Yeah same here I will shoot a buck if its a good size but, now days its about putting meat on the table. New idea though thinking about tring to get into bowhunting; have heard it brings back the thrill of the hunt. May start praticing{sp} before next season.

Posted By: BradleyGT

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 12:45 PM

Chris, take that doe make it into jerky. When you go back to work and you want to be out hunting for that BIG BUCK grab a piece of that jerky and before you know it you will forget you are at work and you will be dreaming about that big monster BUCK!!!!!!

Posted By: huntnfishtx

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 01:22 PM

I haven't ever shot a doe. I have really considered it though... and if I ever thought I had too much in the freezer already, there is always the Hunters for the Hungry program...

Posted By: kwrhuntinglab

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 01:28 PM



I am out of deer meat, and I am looking forward to getting me a doe soon.

Not much longer, looks like y'all will be here when the big boys are moving.

Save one for me....
I am still trying for the bow kill.....

Posted By: cody

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 01:33 PM

I haven't killed a buck in many years. Simply because the last buck I killed was my biggest to date and I've not seen one better. He was a very heavy 10, 6.5 years old. I kill two or three doe every year. I don't gather any excitement by shooting the does. I get my kicks out of sitting in a bush. Listening to the sounds, watching a bird, smelling everything you can't smell sitting in an office. I love hunting! I don't care if I ever kill another deer as long as I can get close to them and nature.

Posted By: txtrophy85

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 01:55 PM

although i will not shoot a buck with mediocre horns (apart from culls) i love shooting does, there good target practice. we get in the jeep, corn the roads and take only head or neck shots. we have to take a bunch of does any way, we proccess the ones we want and donate the rest. shooting a doe in a stand over a feeder looses its appeal quick but if you make a game outta it, ie. shoot them in the head/ with a muzzle loader or pistol/bow, or whatever it becomes fun. we do make sure we shoot them in the road because packin a doe for over a mile is rediculous.

if you ever need some practice cleaning a deer come on down to my place for weekend, we can put you to work after a few dozen you can do gut a deer in about 3 min

Posted By: TexasHeat

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 01:56 PM

Nothing wrong with that! No one needs to kill to eat now a days! I shot does all the time! Reason is, everyone in my house loves venison. Also make a huge batch of deer and duck / goose jerky to pass out for xmas up at the office. Also I feel way better feeding it to my family. I know exactly how to care for the meet and knows it's safe and clean. I process my own and have for years! I would go broke if I took every deer or duck/goose to processor!

Posted By: GUTIT

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 02:19 PM


I'm with you all the way. Neither my wife or daughter will touch venison. I have $300 dollars of venison sausage wasting away in my freezer. It will take the monster of all monsters to make me pull the trigger again. But I still have fun hanging out at the ranch.

Do not waste it, throw some my way. My family and friends cannot get enough venison. You hunters that do not want to mess with the does after you shoot them may find many of us that will take them off your hands and live close to you. Post an add. Hunters For the hungry always takes them.

Posted By: rstewlandman

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 02:28 PM

JMO but i feel like if you shoot a buck you should shoot at least one doe...esp if you hunt the Hill Country...but I pretty much use that as my rule of thumb....but then again we eat all eat the meat.....I dont get a big rush from a doe but feel like I am doing the herd good overall

Posted By: Curly

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 02:40 PM

Yep cbump, in that case you should definately not shoot another doe. Even though it's good for buck to doe management, there's no need in feeling that way. I for one eat all the venison I can and don't mind shooting a doe a year even if I get a buck. Please don't waste that sweet venison though!

Posted By: Double_Drop_Tines

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 02:53 PM

Cbump, I can understand how you feel. I actually feel sorry for you. I hope some day you can convince your family that venison is really a great tasting meat. We have most of ours ground up and use it like hamburger. Everyone in my family likes venison, all my grown kids and even my grandkids. I fixed it for them, let them eat it, and then told them what they ate. They never knew what hit'em.

Posted By: krs_2007

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 04:10 PM

Not sure if you have kids or not, but I was the same way for a while till my boys got older. Now they enjoy deer meat and are ready to shoot their own deer. But being the only one to eat deer meat in the house makes it hard to shoot anything. I guess thats why I moved to Turkey hunting till they got older. And my wife is now starting to eat it, but mainly the backstrap.

Posted By: cody

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 04:12 PM


if you ever need some practice cleaning a deer come on down to my place for weekend, we can put you to work after a few dozen you can do gut a deer in about 3 min

3 minutes...what the heck takes you so long
Ya'll are going to think I'm full of it, but I've got a buddy that can gut'em like lightening. No exageration, I've timed him at 48 seconds! We do alot of population control, one day we shot 16 doe and I timed him on several. He averages a little under a minute, record was 48 seconds. Absolutely amazing! We give the deer to a woman here in town that has 14 foster kids. We pull up and the kids come boiling out of the house and go to skinning. They've got it down to an art.

Posted By: PrimitiveHunter

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 09:41 PM

I'm with you. My wife can't (not won't) eat red meat so I don't bring any deer meat home. On our lease, we can shoot 1 buck but we HAVE to shoot 2 does. I'm not trying to be disrespectful to the deer or other hunters but to me, shooting does is about as much fun as shooting dogs. We can drive up to witin 30 yards of them in our Jeeps. They just stand there and look at you while you shoot them. Really leaves a bad taste in my mouth so I wait till the last minute to do it. There's always somebody on the lease that will take the meat (Yes, I fill out the form in the rule book). Every year, I come up with some oddball rifle to use just to add a tiny bit of fun to it. The guy that runs this lease doesn't allow bowhunting. This year, I used my AR for both does. I was going to use my Mosin for one of them but didn't feel like going back to camp to get it. Next year, I'll use my PC4.

Below is a pic of how wild they are. That silver thing is the top of the tailgate of the truck I was in. I just slid the back window open to take the pic.

Posted By: cody

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 09:48 PM


shooting does is about as much fun as shooting dogs.

Now that sounds like fun!

Posted By: JohnWester

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/17/08 09:49 PM


So, this morning was my first time to get out with the rifle this year, and right at first light I shot a doe. I felt absolutely no excitement and as I was cleaning her I was actually a little mad that I had shot. To me it was more trouble than it was worth. I mean, I am the only one that even eats it at the house. So, I think I have just completely crossed over into the trophy hunter phase. I have no desire to mess with does ever again.
Anyone else feel this way?

Have you considered Duck Hunting...

Posted By: lakewaydr50

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 01:02 AM

Amen brother!

Have you considered Duck Hunting...

Posted By: lakewaydr50

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 01:05 AM

One other suggestion on taking the does: If it really turns you off hunting them with a gun. Fill your buck tags first with a gun and then fill your doe tags with a bow. It brings a whole nother level of excitement.

Posted By: cbump

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 02:35 AM



So, this morning was my first time to get out with the rifle this year, and right at first light I shot a doe. I felt absolutely no excitement and as I was cleaning her I was actually a little mad that I had shot. To me it was more trouble than it was worth. I mean, I am the only one that even eats it at the house. So, I think I have just completely crossed over into the trophy hunter phase. I have no desire to mess with does ever again.
Anyone else feel this way?

Have you considered Duck Hunting...

I want to BAD. I have just never been around anyone that duck hunts so I don't know how to call, how to setup or even where to go.

Posted By: Crazyhorse

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 02:51 AM

Okay, if everyone is going to stop shooting does, because there is no thrill or excitement in it, does that mean everyone is ready to give up on trying to manage the deer herd to produce quality bucks?????

If the does are not managed/shot and the overall numbers kept to a manageble level, then bucks will not reach their genetic potential due to over population of does.

Am I totally missing something or has management theories changed?

Posted By: HWY_MAN

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 02:57 AM


I want to BAD. I have just never been around anyone that duck hunts so I don't know how to call, how to setup or even where to go.

Don't need any calls! We just sneak up the side of the tank dam and blast them on the water.

Posted By: Brother in-law

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 04:26 AM

They are pretty boring. I to have become more of a horn hunter. I still shoot them to keep ratio and to see the thanks on peoples face when I give them the meat. I can buy a lot of good cow for the same price.

Posted By: HunterTed

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 05:06 AM

Our neighbors seem to have the same views about killing does. Thats part of the problem why our buck to doe ratio is so screwed up. We estimate there are around 35 does to every buck. I will be doing my part and killing 2 does next week. No they don't offer the same excitement as bucks do, but it is a necessary evil. Plus we have a friend that just had open heart surgery and the doctor said he couldn't eat red meat anymore and he is tired of chicken, but venison was on the list of stuff he could eat so we are gonna fill his freezer.

Does don't offer the same excitement to some as they do others, but I know there are lots of folks even kids that would do anything just to be able to shoot a deer. What better way to help your herd out, and promote the sport than by taking someone hunting and letting them kill your does.

Posted By: HWY_MAN

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 11:08 AM


What better way to help your herd out, and promote the sport than by taking someone hunting and letting them kill your does.

That’s exactly how I do it. Plenty of volunteers for that job!

Posted By: cbump

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 01:16 PM


Okay, if everyone is going to stop shooting does, because there is no thrill or excitement in it, does that mean everyone is ready to give up on trying to manage the deer herd to produce quality bucks?????

If the does are not managed/shot and the overall numbers kept to a manageble level, then bucks will not reach their genetic potential due to over population of does.

Am I totally missing something or has management theories changed?

Why are you argueing about a bucks genetic potential when you readily admit that you will shoot the first legal deer you see, even if it is a young buck.

Posted By: cbump

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 01:17 PM

Ok everyone, here is the kicker. 90% of my hunting, including this latest doe I took, is done on public land! Not sure I care about managing any herd on public land!

Posted By: BenBob

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 01:43 PM

I hate killing does and sometimes I am able to put it off long enough that it does not happen. But, if we do not take does off of the place, the entire herd, not just the bucks will suffer, as we have more deer than our country can reasonably support. A dry year means a die-off and I figure a bullet is less suffering than starving to death. I am getting where I hate to kill anything, but I think that comes with age.

Posted By: FamousAmos

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 01:48 PM


I think I have just completely crossed over into the trophy hunter phase. I have no desire to mess with does ever again.
Anyone else feel this way?

I think that being a "trophy hunter" you sort of are forced to shoot some does, just to manage the herd in such a way as a trophy is possible. I could be wrong, though.

Posted By: cbump

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 02:00 PM

I think you should read my above post.

Posted By: cbump

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 02:02 PM

And HWYMAN's posts about letting others shoot the does. So yes, you can be a trophy hunter and not shoot does.

Posted By: Crazyhorse

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 02:18 PM

Not argueing, just pointing out, since the majority of folks on here want to shoot quality bucks, that to achieve that level of quality, does have to be managed as much or more so than the bucks.

Over the past couple of years on here, I have come to look upon those of us who just want to kill A deer, as being or becomming a minority.

The more people that make the move to just shooting big bucks, for what ever their reason, reduces the number of does that will be taken out of the herd.

The fewer does taken out, means an increased demand on the available habitat/food source, whether on Private Land or Public Land.

What I will or won't shoot is not part of the issue, the issue is the concept that not taking does out, and only shooting the bigger bucks, is some how going to not end up being detrimental to the over all health of the deer herd in that area.

As I have said, if all a person wants to shoot is Big Bucks, then more power to them, and I am happy for them.

I just do not share that attitude, and feel that a continued decrease in the number of does being taken out of the herd will in the long run prove to have been counter productive as far as bucks reaching their full genetic potential antler wise due to the decreasing amount of nutrition, due to the continueing increase in the numbers of does and inferior bucks.

If the increase of inferior bucks is thrown into the equation, that means those animals will be the ones doing the breeding, passing on those inferior genes, resulting in fewer trophy class or even bragging class bucks in the herd, putting things right back to where they were whan the AR's were first instituted.

Posted By: caprocker

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 02:26 PM


Not argueing, just pointing out, since the majority of folks on here want to shoot quality bucks, that to achieve that level of quality, does have to be managed as much or more so than the bucks.

Over the past couple of years on here, I have come to look upon those of us who just want to kill A deer, as being or becomming a minority.

The more people that make the move to just shooting big bucks, for what ever their reason, reduces the number of does that will be taken out of the herd.

The fewer does taken out, means an increased demand on the available habitat/food source, whether on Private Land or Public Land.

What I will or won't shoot is not part of the issue, the issue is the concept that not taking does out, and only shooting the bigger bucks, is some how going to not end up being detrimental to the over all health of the deer herd in that area.

As I have said, if all a person wants to shoot is Big Bucks, then more power to them, and I am happy for them.

I just do not share that attitude, and feel that a continued decrease in the number of does being taken out of the herd will in the long run prove to have been counter productive as far as bucks reaching their full genetic potential antler wise due to the decreasing amount of nutrition, due to the continueing increase in the numbers of does and inferior bucks.

If the increase of inferior bucks is thrown into the equation, that means those animals will be the ones doing the breeding, passing on those inferior genes, resulting in fewer trophy class or even bragging class bucks in the herd, putting things right back to where they were whan the AR's were first instituted.

good point but no one is saying that they dont agree with management practices..theyre just saying that they dont get a rise out of killing does and carrying it out ..kinda like you state that you dont really get a rise out of hunting a big rack..

Posted By: cbump

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 02:37 PM

thank you caprocker, I was about to say the same thing. Not one person has argued that not killing does won't hurt the herd.

Posted By: Crazyhorse

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 02:56 PM

Not getting anything out of killing a certain animal, buck/doe or a certain size/age animal is one thing.

Stopping shooting animals all together because the excitement is gone reduces the number of animals being taken out of the herd.

In areas where the herd is at or below carrying capacity of the range the effects will take longer to manifest themselves.

In areas at or above the carrying capacity, which covers many areas of Texas, the effects manifest themselves much more rapidily.

With hunter numbers already declining, the actual effect hunters have on overall deer numbers is already having only a minimal impact on those numbers.

The more people that stop shooting does/inferior bucks/or more than 1 deer a season, are changing the aspect of hunters being a form of healthy control of the deer herd, to one of hunters being an unhealthy management tool, since they are now being selective to the point of only taking the biggest and the best.

Results being, more deer overall are left in the population each season, and more inferior deer are left in the population.

If our economy turns around and Texas starts experiencing the growth in human population at the rate it had or has been over the past 10 to 20 years, or even an accelerated growth of the human population, the amount of open/available habitat for deer will continue to shrink.

Is deer hunting evolving, at least with some people, that if shooting an animal no longer provides them with an anticipated thrill, they will just selectively stiop shooting anything except animals that fit a certain "Excitement Criteria"?

At what point does not wanting to shoot does because there is no excitement involved, turn to not wanting to shoot anything under 150 B&C because there is no excitement involved?

Posted By: cbump

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 03:01 PM


At what point does not wanting to shoot does because there is no excitement involved, turn to not wanting to shoot anything under 150 B&C because there is no excitement involved?

Whenever I decide it is at that point. Everyone hunts for a different reason. If my reason is that I want to kill a big buck for the excitement than so be it!

If there was no excitement involved, I wouldn't hunt at all!

Posted By: Crazyhorse

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 03:26 PM


If there was no excitement involved, I wouldn't hunt at all!

That maybe a reason why hunter numbers are declining nationwide that no one has really explored.

Maybe many people that did hunt, stopped being excited, and not just with the actual kill, but the whole process.

Loss of hunting companions, loss of hunting areas, loss of goals in being able to kill a better animal.

As some folks pass on to higher levels of maturity, the aspects of the hunt/kill that meant something to them at one time changed and their expectations/desires or enjoyment level changed.

That happens.

Posted By: PrimitiveHunter

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 03:35 PM


Okay, if everyone is going to stop shooting does, because there is no thrill or excitement in it, does that mean everyone is ready to give up on trying to manage the deer herd to produce quality bucks?????


Am I totally missing something or has management theories changed?

You are totally missing something. I haven't seen anything that says "everyone" (third word in your first sentence) is going to quit shooting does. Don't take the easy way out and paint everyone with the same brush in order to promote your ideas.

I said I didn't like shooting does. I didn't say I was going to quit shooting does.

Posted By: Double_Drop_Tines

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 04:24 PM

I'll shoot your does. I need the meat, and I won't even charge for doing it. BTW anyone need culls shot or hogs, I do those for free as well. At least until my tags are gone.

Posted By: PrimitiveHunter

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 04:47 PM


I'll shoot your does.

I promise that if the landowner would allow it, I'd gladly drive you around to shoot does. Three things not allowed on our lease by the landowner:

1. Women
2. Alcohol
3. Guests

She said all those things (especially the first two) cause trouble in a deer camp.

Posted By: Big Orn

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 04:57 PM

Me thinks this thread got misconstrued....

Posted By: Crazyhorse

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 05:04 PM

Was not intending to paint everyone with the same brush, and really are not trying to promote my ideas.

If however anyone is going to say that they hunt to help control the numbers of deer in the environment and are being an active conservationist, and then turn around and only kill one big buck every year or every second or third year, then they are not being a conservation minded hunter.

If you believe they are, please explain?

Not that I remember any of my responses during this thread being aimed at you personally, but this statement of yours:


I said I didn't like shooting does. I didn't say I was going to quit shooting does.

Is not the statement the OP was about, it is/was about hunters completely stopping killing does and only hunting for a single large buck.

You are basically saying in the quoted sentence, what I am trying to promote.

Just because there is no excitement in it or a person does not like it, does not mean that they should just stop killing does completely, because in the long run, if enough people adopt that same philosophy, it will have a negative impact on the deer herd.

Posted By: PrimitiveHunter

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 05:27 PM

Okay, here's what I think.

Posted By: lakewaydr50

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 11:39 PM

cbump, I was in the same boat as you. This year my son and I just closed our eyes and made the leap. So far it's been OK. our biggest problem hasn't been getting on ducks but rather sorting out the difference between lead and steel shot. It takes a little different approach and it seems we are getting close to where we need to be.

Posted By: Skinner0_2

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/18/08 11:55 PM

Man thats crazy talk. Are you actually processing it too, or are you just gutting them? I have had the same thoughts you are talking about, but i am tired of processing my own deer. However i cant justify spending the money to have it done when i am skilled at it. But on the flip side, Im sick and frickin tired of boneing, trimming, vacume sealing, and grinding. I have passed on several good does this season just because the thought of packaging the meat for the freezer out weighed the want to take. However, my entire family will devour any and all venison i put in the freezer. I wont call you names, but i will instead state what i reasoned within my mind. Have i myself crossed over from deer killer to trophy hunter? Or am i just getting lazy? Im tagged out in Wise, and working on a second MLD doe where i work. Thatll be five deer for the freezer, and i will make every cut. I guess if my family didnt love it it would be different. Skinner

Posted By: cbump

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/19/08 02:07 AM

"If however anyone is going to say that they hunt to help control the numbers of deer in the environment and are being an active conservationist, and then turn around and only kill one big buck every year or every second or third year, then they are not being a conservation minded hunter."

Who said that?

Posted By: cody

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/19/08 02:11 AM


"If however anyone is going to say that they hunt to help control the numbers of deer in the environment and are being an active conservationist, and then turn around and only kill one big buck every year or every second or third year, then they are not being a conservation minded hunter."

Who said that?


Posted By: Crazyhorse

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/19/08 02:14 AM

Which part????

I was the one that put it in one of my responses, but I do not remember attributing it to any person in particular.

Problem with that?

Posted By: FM-Mark

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/19/08 02:16 AM


I'm with you all the way. Neither my wife or daughter will touch venison. I have $300 dollars of venison sausage wasting away in my freezer. It will take the monster of all monsters to make me pull the trigger again. But I still have fun hanging out at the ranch.

i'll take a few pounds of that

Posted By: cbump

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/19/08 03:38 AM


Which part????

I was the one that put it in one of my responses, but I do not remember attributing it to any person in particular.

Problem with that?

I was asking who you were talking about that said they were a conservation minded hunter but didn't kill does. They way you stated it came off as you were talking about a particular person. So I asked who ever said that?
Otherwise, if you aren't talking about anyone in particular, than you are just stating the obvious I guess.

Problem with that?


Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/19/08 05:03 AM

Opening weekend I killed my last doe...Until the next one walks out in front of me. To each his own. We eat it so we shoot as many as we have tags for. If I could I'd trade in my buck tag many times over to shoot another doe. This year we are just targeting does and our bumper crop of spikes and 4 points. I have a friend who will only shoot a buck because his wife got ahold of some bad tasting venison one time and won't eat it. She's even convinced his young son and daughter that deer meat is gross. He shoots his buck takes it to the processor and pays God knows what to have the whole deer made into jerky.

Posted By: Crazyhorse

Re: Probably killed my last doe today......ever - 11/19/08 12:56 PM

No offence intended, no offence taken.

From your post it seemed to me that you were accusing me of attributing the statement I made to a particular person.

Contrary to some folks belief on this site, I do have a life away from this place and do talk to and know all sorts of folks.

Over the years in various conversations with folks, I have heard people make such claims as trying to be a true conservationist hunter.

I was merely pointing out that a person that intends to be a true conservationist with their hunting, has to look at the overall effect of their hunting effort and that they have to look at total herd management, not just the biggest and the best.

Do people make such claims, yes they do. When called out about such claims does it change their hunting strategy, NO.

I guess, it comes down to each individuals own feelings about the future of deer hunting as it relates to them.

In your case, with the deer you are killing coming off of Public Land, there really is very little you can do as an individual in managing the deer in the areas you hunt.

People hunting Private Land and wanting to have or claiming to have a Management Program in place, on the other hand, really have to take an active part in some manner to achieve their goals.

Some like Hwy_man achieve it by allowing folks to come on their places and shoot out those does and culls to keep the numbers in check.

It is when folks on Private Land stop killing the numbers of animals that need to be taken out, problems develope, especially folks hunting the low fence ranches.

The fewer total numbers being killed off, the more total numbers of animals on the range.

More animals, more competition for the available food sources, more competition for that food means each animal is receiving less nutritional intake for producing good antlers and healthy fawns.

The cycle repeats itsself.

Just like my belief in what the outcome of the AR's will be over the long term, I believe that selective trophy hunting and reducing the number of does that are being taken out will put the Texas deer herd back to the point where the over all quality both weight wise and antler size wise will suffer. JMO.

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