Texas Hunting Forum

DFW man hunts Bigfoot at Mineola park using oranges and steak

Posted By: NacHunter

DFW man hunts Bigfoot at Mineola park using oranges and steak - 12/16/10 04:14 AM

Area Man Kicked Off Mineola Nature Preserve Trying to Bait Bigfoot in His Toyota

A man from Lancaster spent Monday night in a nature preserve 75 miles east of Dallas trying to lure Bigfoot to his black Toyota sedan, police say.

Mineola Police Capt. Jack Newman tells us he responded to a trespassing call Tuesday morning to find the man camped out in his car along the Sabine River, with bait on the roof of the car he said was meant to draw the reclusive forest giant out of hiding.

"He had some pieces of orange and a piece of steak and some nuts right on the top of his car," Newman says. Next to a tree about 20 yards away, he says, the man had scattered a few more orange pieces. "I don't know if he'd been trying to coax him over to the car or what."

"He'd heard something about Bigfoot down around the Sabine River," Newman says, though as far as he knows, the biggest wildlife draws around the preserve are deer and wild hogs. Fanning the flames of mystery, Newman says he can't release the name of the man, who he says left the scene when asked. "He didn't know he wasn't supposed to be in there," Newman says.

A report from KMOO radio in Mineola, though, says there have been fresh rumors of a Bigfoot sighting on private property near the preserve.


One possible explanation: the Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy held its annual conference in nearby Tyler in late October, though as Noah Bailey pointed out after hearing me on the phone this afternoon, Mineola has been a hotbed of Sasquatch activity for years.

Buster Green, a Mineola Nature Preserve caretaker who works for the city, says he spotted the man Tuesday morning and spoke to the would-be hunter briefly before calling police. "He was rolled up there sleeping in his vehicle when I come by," he says. Green says the man had a camera in his car; KMOO reports he was otherwise unarmed. "He said he'd come down here on kind of a whim," Green says.

"He was a big boy. He's over six-foot, 230-ish," Green says. "He didn't need nothing to be hunting Bigfoot. He could've gone down there with just a switch."

Posted By: SapperTitan

Re: DFW man hunts Bigfoot at Mineola park using oranges and steak - 12/16/10 04:15 AM

I sure wish someone would catch a bigfoot

Posted By: NacHunter

Re: DFW man hunts Bigfoot at Mineola park using oranges and steak - 12/16/10 04:19 AM

Originally Posted By: sappertitan
I sure wish someone would catch a bigfoot

Tricky part would be the seatbelt. And the ride back into town.

Posted By: SapperTitan

Re: DFW man hunts Bigfoot at Mineola park using oranges and steak - 12/16/10 04:20 AM

LOL can u get a ticket if ur bigfoot isn't wearing a seatbelt?

Posted By: Parker

Re: DFW man hunts Bigfoot at Mineola park using oranges and steak - 12/16/10 04:24 AM

Originally Posted By: NacHunter
...He could've gone down there with just a switch."

Posted By: NacHunter

Re: DFW man hunts Bigfoot at Mineola park using oranges and steak - 12/16/10 04:28 AM

Originally Posted By: sappertitan
LOL can u get a ticket if ur bigfoot isn't wearing a seatbelt?

Of course.

Just look how many Bigfoot sightings there have been according to the BigFoot conservancy's google map tracker


It's pretty awesome, that BigFoot tracker. Each Bigfoot icon has a story attached. Oddly, for some reason, alot seem to involve teenage girls.

Posted By: bigz71

Re: DFW man hunts Bigfoot at Mineola park using oranges and steak - 12/16/10 04:33 AM

Originally Posted By: NacHunter
"He was a big boy. He's over six-foot, 230-ish," Green says. "He didn't need nothing to be hunting Bigfoot. He could've gone down there with just a switch."

I guess bigfoot isn't that big

Posted By: SapperTitan

Re: DFW man hunts Bigfoot at Mineola park using oranges and steak - 12/16/10 04:36 AM

Wow that a lot of bigfoot encounters

Posted By: NacHunter

Re: DFW man hunts Bigfoot at Mineola park using oranges and steak - 12/16/10 04:59 AM

Originally Posted By: sappertitan
Wow that a lot of bigfoot encounters

When I went through OSUT(21C) at Ft Leonard Wood and later a return to attend Sapper School, little did I know that there was a secret Bigfoot/UFO research lab there!


According to our source, within the secret organization allegedly at Fort Leonard Wood and corroborated with many eye witness accounts, the military had started a secret program in 1983 at Fort Leonard Wood when locals found a crashed UFO on the boarder of the Mark Twain National Forest and the military reservation. Shortly after the crash was found, many sightings of Sasquatch like creatures were seen throughout Pulaski county. The latest sightings of UFOs and Sasquatch like creatures happened December 24, 2009 near the Gasconade River, just off Highway 133. Our source said that the UFO studied at Fort Leonard Wood was actually a control module and incubation chamber created by advanced reptoid aliens. The module/incubation chamber held the DNA of the reptiod aliens genetically altered ape-like shock troops used to destroy humanity. Some of the creatures escaped and started to breed in the wild. Without an active control module to condition them for combat, the creatures reverted to a natural state. Many sightings of these creatures have been seen throughout the county. Our source has also stated that the U.S. Army has created a new module, and with the remaining DNA found in the original craft, have created their own version of those Sasquatch type shock troops. Our source also stated that they will be tested in Afghanistan sometime in 2010.

Dr. Kelek Zinn
Missouri Fortean Organization (MOFO)

Posted By: SapperTitan

Re: DFW man hunts Bigfoot at Mineola park using oranges and steak - 12/16/10 05:02 AM

I went thru OSUT in Leonard Wood as well but im a 21B I hate everything about that place LOL

Posted By: NacHunter

Re: DFW man hunts Bigfoot at Mineola park using oranges and steak - 12/16/10 05:05 AM

Originally Posted By: sappertitan
I went thru OSUT in Leonard Wood as well but im a 21B I hate everything about that place LOL

When I die and end up in hell, it will look like Fort Leonard Wood.

Posted By: jdickey

Re: DFW man hunts Bigfoot at Mineola park using oranges and steak - 12/16/10 05:15 AM

The BFRO has a number of reports from that area also!


Plus a few very recent ones from our group...


Posted By: Lazy L

Re: DFW man hunts Bigfoot at Mineola park using oranges and steak - 12/16/10 03:35 PM

Originally Posted By: sappertitan
I sure wish someone would catch a bigfoot

Would be a lot easier if the actually were real.

Posted By: Texas Heat

Re: DFW man hunts Bigfoot at Mineola park using oranges and steak - 12/16/10 03:48 PM

Just submitted my bigfoot sighting to that site. I swear I saw him in Walmart behind the milk, lol.


Re: DFW man hunts Bigfoot at Mineola park using oranges and steak - 12/16/10 04:26 PM

We have found ever insect/bird/fish and reptile that crawls in the United States and we can't find a big hairy 8' tall creature........come on bigfoot hunters....sorry to be the break it to ya, but it ain't real.

Posted By: Big Tony

Re: DFW man hunts Bigfoot at Mineola park using oranges and steak - 12/16/10 04:57 PM

I wonder what these folks are really seeing when they think they spot a Bigfoot. I saw a hunting show once where a Dude was looking at a bear with a front leg injury. The bear would walk a little on all 4's, then raise up and walk on it's back legs for a fairly good distance. With blury video, I can see where that would look like one. I have to agree with FISHUNTER, you'd think that after what, a hundred years or so of searching, someone would have found one by now dead or alive.

Posted By: bassinbiker

Re: DFW man hunts Bigfoot at Mineola park using oranges and steak - 12/16/10 05:24 PM

Originally Posted By: sappertitan
I went thru OSUT in Leonard Wood as well but im a 21B I hate everything about that place LOL

ya'll should have had the pleasure of OSUT at beautiful FT Benning ....nothing but hills and sand!!!

Posted By: yaqui

Re: DFW man hunts Bigfoot at Mineola park using oranges and steak - 12/17/10 12:02 AM

He had nuts on his car, what about the nut IN the car?

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