Texas Hunting Forum

Salt Pickle Recipe?

Posted By: NewGulf

Salt Pickle Recipe? - 10/08/10 10:40 PM

anyone got a good one? without jalapenos please.......thanks

Posted By: NewGulf

Re: Salt Pickle Recipe? - 10/08/10 11:40 PM

garlic and onions would go good in them to............

Posted By: Stoney

Re: Salt Pickle Recipe? - 10/11/10 02:22 AM

I gotta tell ya' man, for $3 a jar those Wickles or Best Maid" spicy's are hard to beat. I always have flashbacks to the Andy Griffith show where Aunt Bea made those kerosene cucumbers....Good luck with em!

Posted By: JJSeabrook

Re: Salt Pickle Recipe? - 11/02/10 09:56 PM


I like to use pickling cucumbers that are about 3 inches long. Just buy as many as you think you want to can. LOL Wash your cucumbers well then put them in the sink with water and a whole lot of ice. You want to get those babies freezing cold.

3 Quarts of water
1 Quart of Vinegar (5% acidity)
1 cup of salt

Bring brine to a boil and have it boiling hot when you pour it into your jars. You can mix more at a time, just double or triple the ingredients.

I like to use wide-mouth jars because they're easier to stuff. Sterilize them in boiling water.

Just follow the instructions on the box.


1/2 teaspoon alum (put this in last before pouring in the brine)
1 teaspoon dill (or if you have fresh dill you can put a pretty good size sprig in the with the seeds on it, which is better)
Garlic pods...I usually put 4 or 5 in there
1 Jalapeno (cut it in half lengthwise for spicier pickles)
1 fresh Grape leaf, if you have one. If not, don't worry about it. I've made it without them and not a lot of difference.

Put the dill, garlic & jalapeno in the bottom of the jar. Stuff the cucumbers in there as tightly, and quickly, as you can. You want them ice cold when you pour the boiling brine over the top of them. Put the alum on top. Pour in the boiling brine and fill it to 1/4 inch from the top of the jar. Put your lids on the jar and screw your lid rings on. Sit the jars of pickles on a shelf and wait for at least 3 weeks. VIOLA! You have some Excellent, super crispy, spicy, dill pickles. I GUARANTEE THEM!

Posted By: NewGulf

Re: Salt Pickle Recipe? - 11/02/10 10:47 PM

thanks JJ........i'm going to try this!

Posted By: JJSeabrook

Re: Salt Pickle Recipe? - 11/03/10 12:58 AM

You're welcome! It's an extremely tried and true recipe, and I've used it with city water as well as well water. I have, however, never used it with distilled water so not sure how that would work. Probably would be okay, but just never used it and don't drink it. LOL

You can always spice it up more by adding additional jalapenos, or if you REALLY want it hot, drop a habanero in there.

Best of luck! If you follow that recipe, you really won't need any luck. :-D


Posted By: NewGulf

Re: Salt Pickle Recipe? - 11/03/10 01:05 AM

i might add just a bit more salt cuz i want them to be saltier....

Posted By: JJSeabrook

Re: Salt Pickle Recipe? - 11/03/10 01:13 AM

I wouldn't do that until you try this recipe. If you want to up the salt on it, I wouldn't do it by more than 1/4 cup.

You have to remember that the more you up the salt, the more the cuke will shrivel leaving empty space in the top of your jars, and plus screw up the pickle. Don't know about you, but I like mine CRUNCHY! Too much salt and you'll start to lose that. It'll also make the inside of the cuke hollow when you bite into it. I had a couple too many making them one time and there was no question about what caused it...I KNOW! LOL


Posted By: NewGulf

Re: Salt Pickle Recipe? - 11/03/10 12:32 PM


Posted By: Proximity

Re: Salt Pickle Recipe? - 11/03/10 04:46 PM

I'm pretty sure i'm gonna have to try this recipe out. Just a quick question, while they sit for 3 weeks is there any certain temp in which they need to reside?

Posted By: LonestarCobra

Re: Salt Pickle Recipe? - 11/03/10 09:44 PM

Originally Posted By: JJSeabrook

I like to use pickling cucumbers that are about 3 inches long. Just buy as many as you think you want to can. LOL Wash your cucumbers well then put them in the sink with water and a whole lot of ice. You want to get those babies freezing cold.

3 Quarts of water
1 Quart of Vinegar (5% acidity)
1 cup of salt

Bring brine to a boil and have it boiling hot when you pour it into your jars. You can mix more at a time, just double or triple the ingredients.

I like to use wide-mouth jars because they're easier to stuff. Sterilize them in boiling water.

Just follow the instructions on the box.


1/2 teaspoon alum (put this in last before pouring in the brine)
1 teaspoon dill (or if you have fresh dill you can put a pretty good size sprig in the with the seeds on it, which is better)
Garlic pods...I usually put 4 or 5 in there
1 Jalapeno (cut it in half lengthwise for spicier pickles)
1 fresh Grape leaf, if you have one. If not, don't worry about it. I've made it without them and not a lot of difference.

Put the dill, garlic & jalapeno in the bottom of the jar. Stuff the cucumbers in there as tightly, and quickly, as you can. You want them ice cold when you pour the boiling brine over the top of them. Put the alum on top. Pour in the boiling brine and fill it to 1/4 inch from the top of the jar. Put your lids on the jar and screw your lid rings on. Sit the jars of pickles on a shelf and wait for at least 3 weeks. VIOLA! You have some Excellent, super crispy, spicy, dill pickles. I GUARANTEE THEM!

Do you ever process them in a water bath for long term storage in the pantry or cellar?

Posted By: JJSeabrook

Re: Salt Pickle Recipe? - 11/04/10 12:52 PM

Just room temp in the 65-75 degree range has always worked for me.


Posted By: JJSeabrook

Re: Salt Pickle Recipe? - 11/04/10 12:55 PM

Yes, I have processed them in a water bath. If you're planning on keeping them for 3 years or so that's probably the best way to go. Mine never last that long. LOL I haven't processed them that way in a long time so don't want to give you an amount of time to boil them. Best I remember it was about 10 minutes, but may be more or less than that. To be sure you could probably go on the Kerr or Mason jar sites and it should be there.


Posted By: NewGulf

Re: Salt Pickle Recipe? - 04/01/14 01:28 PM

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