Texas Hunting Forum


Posted By: huntwest

Vizsla - 12/05/13 10:38 PM

I am thinking about a new Vizsla puppy. Looking for information about them.
Do they do well inside a house around people?
What kind of retrievers and pointers are they?
Are they easy or hard to train?
Do they enjoy water/swimming?

I have always had Brittany's and loved them. They did everything
I wanted them to do. Point, retrieve dove, pheasants etc. Great with people. I appreciate any info from the THF crowd.
Posted By: MS1454

Re: Vizsla - 12/05/13 10:58 PM

A good vizsla will do what a good Britt will do. Which will do what a good gsp will do.
Posted By: changedmyname

Re: Vizsla - 12/05/13 11:08 PM

yes if you give them plenty of exercise.
good retrievers and pointers, imo.
easy to train, in my experience.
mine does, can't get enough of the water.
Posted By: bill oxner

Re: Vizsla - 12/05/13 11:38 PM

I've seen one several times in NSTRA trials. I get to hunt with my first one Sunday morning.
Posted By: nuprofessor

Re: Vizsla - 12/06/13 12:02 AM

I have two at present. Have owned several over the last 30 years (had two stolen- lesson= MICROCHIP)
Most Vizslas love to be around people and want to be with them all the time. Nickname is "velcro dog"- they stick to you. Can be alittle standoffish / nervous around strangers, but you can not find a better babysitter for your kids IMO.
Both my two were very good pointers. Have not hunted with them in over a year (minimal training time also) so they are out of shape and alittle forgetful. My female has a very soft mouth. What I mean is that if a bird is not dead when it squirms- bird gets loose (but she rechases it down)
The two I have now were pretty easy to train, but you CAN NOT have a heavy hand with them or they will shut down. One of my last ones (bought from a guy on this forum) I took to a trainer because of family circumstances I did not have time. He was used to training English setters and pointers. Absolutely ruined him- not gunshy, but no longer had the desire to hunt. Was not even interested in birds. Working slow and steady with short training sessions works best for me.
Neither one of mine like to swim. They will get in the water, but don't especially care for a swim.
I saw an ad on this forum for some pups that were born not too long ago. They are not cheap, but the price they were asking was fairly reasonable.
Good Luck.
Posted By: DoubleB20

Re: Vizsla - 12/06/13 04:46 PM

I have a litter on the way, pups will be ready to go home around end of March.
Posted By: Mud Shark

Re: Vizsla - 12/06/13 05:09 PM

Originally Posted By: nuprofessor
I have two at present. Have owned several over the last 30 years (had two stolen- lesson= MICROCHIP)
Most Vizslas love to be around people and want to be with them all the time. Nickname is "velcro dog"- they stick to you. Can be alittle standoffish / nervous around strangers, but you can not find a better babysitter for your kids IMO.
Both my two were very good pointers. Have not hunted with them in over a year (minimal training time also) so they are out of shape and alittle forgetful. My female has a very soft mouth. What I mean is that if a bird is not dead when it squirms- bird gets loose (but she rechases it down)
The two I have now were pretty easy to train, but you CAN NOT have a heavy hand with them or they will shut down. One of my last ones (bought from a guy on this forum) I took to a trainer because of family circumstances I did not have time. He was used to training English setters and pointers. Absolutely ruined him- not gunshy, but no longer had the desire to hunt. Was not even interested in birds. Working slow and steady with short training sessions works best for me.
Neither one of mine like to swim. They will get in the water, but don't especially care for a swim.
I saw an ad on this forum for some pups that were born not too long ago. They are not cheap, but the price they were asking was fairly reasonable.
Good Luck.

I couldn't have said it better myself. We lost our first Vizsla last October after 7 short years. She'd hop in the crib with out daughter when see was first born if she was crying. We have our second now. She was exposed to live birds the day after we brought her home at 7 weeks old. Retrieved and delivered to hand naturally...I have video. She's 5 months old and crazy as a [censored] house rat, but loved to death.
They're different dogs, but they have A LOT of the same characteristics:
Sleep under the covers, love to retrieve, point naturally, want to be touch you all the time (except when running), will swim but not big fans of water and don't do it very well, love and are great with kids, gets along with other dogs really well, etc.

I could go on and on about the breed and the dogs we've had/have. Our family will always have one, along with a lab. The Vizsla's are hard to beat.
Posted By: Saltwater Soul

Re: Vizsla - 12/06/13 10:47 PM

Check out Vizsla forums.

Posted By: bhtkevin

Re: Vizsla - 12/11/13 05:05 AM

I agree with everything except mine loves water. She loves swimming and is like a rocket in the water. They have web'ed feet so it's natural for them. She plows through the water to retrieve. They don't weigh as much as a lab, so it's a bit less dramatic. smile
Posted By: Sniper John

Re: Vizsla - 12/11/13 11:07 AM

Originally Posted By: Mud Shark
Originally Posted By: nuprofessor
They will get in the water, but don't especially care for a swim.

will swim but not big fans of water and don't do it very well,

My two Vizslas are part Nutria Rat. I have a hard time keeping them out of the water. I have even considered training mine for dock diving during the summer. I don't know why y'all's Vizsla's don't like the water, but that is not the norm at all. Old breed standards, Old letters and articles about the breed, old historical pictures and videos, 1960s FDSB water trials, and more all show just the opposite. They are even known for swimming under water. Vizslas are outstanding water retrievers. To track and retrieve in water is part of their design.

Posted By: Sherpa Dog

Re: Vizsla - 12/11/13 09:36 PM

My two really love the water as well.
Posted By: Hatch

Re: Vizsla - 01/02/14 07:09 PM

I have had four vizslas and they are just so great at everything if trained properly, key word properly. I cant explain how smart they can be, and with so much energy if they are not properly channeled they can run you ragged. Great family dogs great people dogs. Just dont be selfish if you do decide to buy a Vizsla, yes they love and do great inside, but they have to get out and run (HAVE TO)
Posted By: jdk1985

Re: Vizsla - 01/02/14 07:38 PM

I love mine. She is 90% house pet and 10% hunting dog though... I had to strip down and teach her to swim....
Posted By: Win300SM

Re: Vizsla - 01/04/14 03:25 AM

I have a 3 year old vizsla and she love the water. Cold water can be a challenge, but a good neoprene vest helps out. My vizsla did a 5 minute search on a wounded duck that continued to dive and swim the opposite way. She entered the water several times before the duck finally made it to shore and was retrieved.

Look into NAVHDA and learn about Vizslas and other versatile hunting dogs. Texas NAVHDA trains out at the grasslands and we have a great group of folks eager to help new dog owners with training tips.
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