Texas Hunting Forum

UC Davis study on early neutering

Posted By: Angie B

UC Davis study on early neutering - 04/10/13 04:08 PM

What we have suspected all along is no longer conjuncture. I wonder if vet schools will be changing they're protocol.


Posted By: kbobbjr

Re: UC Davis study on early neutering - 04/10/13 06:17 PM

I'm glad someone finally did a study on this. up
Posted By: changedmyname

Re: UC Davis study on early neutering - 04/10/13 06:25 PM

What's the thoughts on when to neuter if your pup is cryptorchid? I have one vet telling me 6 months and one telling me two years. I'm just scared of him developing cancer.
Posted By: First_Chance

Re: UC Davis study on early neutering - 04/10/13 08:13 PM

Originally Posted By: iliketohunt
What's the thoughts on when to neuter if your pup is cryptorchid? I have one vet telling me 6 months and one telling me two years. I'm just scared of him developing cancer.

I had a pup that was cryptorchid and we waited till he was around 1 1/2 y/o to neuter him. Mainly to give the other testicle a chance to drop and allow the dogs growth plates to close.

The shorthair I have now is intact at 8 y/o. It amazes me these days of the reaction I still get with him "hanging". People have flat out ask me "why do you leave those on him?" or "those are just gross"!
Posted By: Bigjoe8504

Re: UC Davis study on early neutering - 04/10/13 08:23 PM

Originally Posted By: First_Chance
Originally Posted By: iliketohunt
What's the thoughts on when to neuter if your pup is cryptorchid? I have one vet telling me 6 months and one telling me two years. I'm just scared of him developing cancer.

I had a pup that was cryptorchid and we waited till he was around 1 1/2 y/o to neuter him. Mainly to give the other testicle a chance to drop and allow the dogs growth plates to close.

The shorthair I have now is intact at 8 y/o. It amazes me these days of the reaction I still get with him "hanging". People have flat out ask me "why do you leave those on him?" or "those are just gross"!

I had a hound recently that was easily dual grand worthy (if i comp hunted) and people would ask me how long we were waiting to get him snipped. Heck even the Vet assistant (not the vet himself as he was an old hounder as well) saw he was intact at 2 she offered to do the procedure free of charge (assuming I couldn't afford it). I think it's part of society now that noone wants to think people breed dogs for a reason. Had one lady flat tell me it was irresponsible to not snip my hound as he MIGHT get a female pregnant. I told her that was the plan if he ever proved himself.
Posted By: changedmyname

Re: UC Davis study on early neutering - 04/10/13 08:24 PM

Originally Posted By: First_Chance
Originally Posted By: iliketohunt
What's the thoughts on when to neuter if your pup is cryptorchid? I have one vet telling me 6 months and one telling me two years. I'm just scared of him developing cancer.

I had a pup that was cryptorchid and we waited till he was around 1 1/2 y/o to neuter him. Mainly to give the other testicle a chance to drop and allow the dogs growth plates to close.

The shorthair I have now is intact at 8 y/o. It amazes me these days of the reaction I still get with him "hanging". People have flat out ask me "why do you leave those on him?" or "those are just gross"!

Was the procedure much more expensive than a regular neutering?
Posted By: MS1454

Re: UC Davis study on early neutering - 04/10/13 08:29 PM

Similar studies have already been done as well as showing the benefits for waiting to spay your female.

There is no guarantee either way but you could do some research and see what your best bet would be
Posted By: First_Chance

Re: UC Davis study on early neutering - 04/10/13 08:57 PM

Originally Posted By: iliketohunt
Originally Posted By: First_Chance
Originally Posted By: iliketohunt
What's the thoughts on when to neuter if your pup is cryptorchid? I have one vet telling me 6 months and one telling me two years. I'm just scared of him developing cancer.

I had a pup that was cryptorchid and we waited till he was around 1 1/2 y/o to neuter him. Mainly to give the other testicle a chance to drop and allow the dogs growth plates to close.

The shorthair I have now is intact at 8 y/o. It amazes me these days of the reaction I still get with him "hanging". People have flat out ask me "why do you leave those on him?" or "those are just gross"!

Was the procedure much more expensive than a regular neutering?

yes. It's a more invasive surgery, comparable to a "spaying". once you decide on when you want to get it done, look around for a low cost spay and neuter clinic and talk to them about it. Most low cost centers are just experienced vets that donate their time to helping animals (and their owners) out. I used the one in Denton and they were great and we had no complications whatsoever.

I think it was like $90... the vet with the really nice limestone office building down the road wanted $450.

I found the link:

notice at the bottom that they charge and extra $20-$40 for cryptorchid dogs.
Posted By: changedmyname

Re: UC Davis study on early neutering - 04/10/13 09:24 PM

Awesome thanks.
Posted By: Mud Shark

Re: UC Davis study on early neutering - 04/10/13 09:51 PM

Great read. Thank you for posting it Angie.

In my personal opinion, it all has to do with the responsibility of the pet owner.
There are so many pet owners out there that want a dog, but don't want to put up with the "mess", be it male or female. There are also a ton of pet owners that don't care what their dogs do or where their dogs go and have no idea if their females are in heat.
Both situations are extremely irresponsible in my opinion.

My male lab is 8, almost 9, years old and he'll never get fixed, unless he has to for health purposes. He's bred with one female and it was on purpose. He stays inside most of the time, but I do have a cement floor kennel with chainlink in the cement in a fenced back yard if I need to put him in there. He's never allowed to run the streets, he's always with in ear shot of me and he's got great obedience training.

I think if you take precaution and do what you're supposed to as a responsible pet owner, your dog will live a happier and healthier life.
Posted By: Play Maker

Re: UC Davis study on early neutering - 04/10/13 10:48 PM

I have heard of some vets advocating spaying/neutering at seven weeks of age.
Posted By: Angie B

Re: UC Davis study on early neutering - 04/10/13 10:57 PM

My corgi had a retained testicle and I removed it leaving the remaining dropped testicle.

I had a gal at a hunt test one time yell at me for not neutering my male corgi and all I said back to her is "why"?? "Why would I neuter him? Those gonads are there for more then one thing." LOL She didn't know what to say. I told her he's well trained and always with me,,, So what was her complaint.

Not all of us drink the koolaid....

I'm thrilled that there is now a concrete study as to the adverse health affects of early neutering.. I guess people are just going to have to be more responsible with their dogs.

Posted By: batesdc

Re: UC Davis study on early neutering - 04/11/13 01:30 AM

Great info
Posted By: MS1454

Re: UC Davis study on early neutering - 04/11/13 02:14 AM

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