Texas Hunting Forum


Posted By: Nathan Nelson

Tipping - 12/12/12 02:48 AM

So not to long ago people were talking about tipping and getting a bad tip. So this weekend I had two deer guides and I did not tip them a dime, not one red cent. No instead I took them on a goose hunt, and paid for the hunt, for all their meals and, their hotel rooms...

They came along with my deer hunters after we had taken our deer.

Guess who wants me to come back and hunt with them next time...

Just saying, a tip has nothing to do with money it has to do with expressing your satisfaction over ones actions.
Posted By: STXHO

Re: Tipping - 12/12/12 03:57 AM

Posted By: fbchunter

Re: Tipping - 12/12/12 04:16 AM

Well done nathan. Everyone on the thf knows you are a standup fellow!
Posted By: txshntr

Re: Tipping - 12/12/12 04:31 AM

Posted By: Southfork Outfitters

Re: Tipping - 12/12/12 04:58 AM

Thats Awesome!!!!! Well Done!
Posted By: BBD84

Re: Tipping - 12/12/12 04:59 AM

Exactly, i once guided a super nice older man and he got a great buck in STX and was super excited. When he left he shook my hand and thanked me graciously but didn't give me a dime. No sweat of my back it made my weekend to see his eyes light up and the joy it put in that 75 or so year old mans life. 3 weeks later i received a UPS box with a note thanking me again with a pair of Swarovski Binos in it and sad he would return agin which he did and i got him on a bigger deer than he was paying for, it works both ways if your appreciative then so will the guide be in the end. Good job once again Mr. Nelson and thank you for what your doing.
Posted By: doggey111

Re: Tipping - 12/12/12 09:09 PM

I can appreciate this because my mom cooks for hunters, and many times gets no tip at all. On the other hand, she now has a full-time position with a couple ranches because the hunters loved her and her cooking, and complimented her so much. Word of mouth spread, and now others want her help. Awesome thoughts!
Posted By: don k

Re: Tipping - 12/13/12 12:01 AM

Very true on the tipping. If a person has a good hunt telling others how it was is probably better in the long run than getting a tip. Sometimes just saying that you enjoyed the hunt and maybe will come back the next year is better than a tip. I had a gentleman from East Texas hunt with me this year.He did tip me, but even better than that I got a Christmas Card from him today. That says a lot when someone you don't really know does something like that.
Posted By: Cody Malone

Re: Tipping - 12/13/12 03:16 AM

Originally Posted By: txshntr
Posted By: Mike Honcho

Re: Tipping - 12/13/12 07:49 AM

Kudos Nathan. My dad once went on a bear hunt in bc and he said that he'd never seen a guide take the time to make it more than just a hunt but a memory my old man will always remember and cherish. He still tells all his buddies and myself how awesome this guy and his operation was. from the first step he landed in Vancouver till he reached the airport 7 days later every photo my dad took he was all smiles, that aint my old man! My dad had a custom rifle built for that hunt and knew it was gonna be a safe queen after the hunt so when he got out at the airport he left his brand new 338 win mag and a thank you. Needless to say my dads story has sent 9 other friends/business associates in the last 3 years.

Great story Nathan and way to show how guides and outfitters really can be a great resource for hunting and fishing.
Posted By: BowsnRods

Re: Tipping - 12/13/12 11:19 PM

Hats off to you Nathan!
Posted By: LandPirate

Re: Tipping - 12/14/12 01:26 AM

Most guides regard the opportunity to experience my awesomeness as more than enough tip.
Posted By: Trifecta Outdoors

Re: Tipping - 12/14/12 02:51 PM

Thats awesome LandPirate! Discussion on tips is always interesting. As an outfitter I can tell you how hard it is to find a good guide. Most exceptional woodsmen and hunters are not to brushed up on their people skills. When I do find some good ones I make sure I pay them plenty so they are not depending on tips. I think way too many outfitters have guides come work for very little money from the outfitter and hoping for big tips. Tip is just an extra thank you not necessarily money.
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