Texas Hunting Forum


Posted By: polishpreacher

HECS Suit - 09/27/18 06:54 PM

Ive been seeing a good number of shows on the hunting channels i have making use and advertising something called a HECS suit that is supposed to block the electromagnetic currents of the body making us supposedly almost invisible to animals. I am just curious if anyone has actually put one to use to see how it does and if they are something you would use if you could. I have a buddy who does bee keeping as a side job and while researching stuff with bees, it mentioned that bees use this current as well, so i pointed this to him as something that is worth looking into for bees as well as hunting. I have seen videos of this stuff, but i would love some feedback from actual hunters.
Posted By: MClark

Re: HECS Suit - 09/27/18 10:43 PM

Here is a previous thread.
Posted By: Bigfoot

Re: HECS Suit - 09/28/18 01:51 AM

If you are looking for a definitive answer here you wont get it. Lots of guys say it works and lots of guys say it doesn't

Sorry but that just saved you about an hour of reading through that thread. LOL
Posted By: Dave Davidson

Re: HECS Suit - 09/28/18 11:09 AM

It sounds like BS but I bought one last year. I sat 50 ft from a feeder, behind a couple of trees, and 3 yearling bucks came in. They fed calmly and didn't notice me. Later in the season, I walked in from hunting. When I got to the pasture in front of the house, I noticed a mature buck about 100 yards away. I walked slowly towards him and he wandered off but didn't seem worried. Never been able to do this stuff before. I'm going to try it again in a couple of weeks. The bottom line is that I don't yet know for sure.

But, if you try walking back to the house on a warm day, you will work up one heckuva sweat. They don't breathe. I removed it about half way in and walked back to the house in my underwear.

Ordered one yesterday for my Grandsons birthday. I've whizzed away a lot more $ than that on deer hunting.
Posted By: Double Naught Spy

Re: HECS Suit - 09/28/18 01:55 PM

If you are looking for a definitive answer here you wont get it.

I have one for you. There is no scientific basis that deer sense electromagnetic fields in the manner that the HECS suit is supposed to protect against. They claim the suit is based on science because some birds NAVIGATE by electromagnetic fields (but no science saying birds detect predators via electromagnetic fields), that field sense the electromagnetic fields of other creatures in the water (which is very true and fish have a highly develop lateral line system and other sensors to do this, but deer and such aren't what we are talking about), etc. Now they note in their promo video that the electromagnetic field given off by animals is very similar to the field given off by the earth by which they navigate and therefore they THEORIZED that maybe animals with their "uncanny" ability to detect us when no other stimuli were present might be due to them detecting our electromagnetic fields. WOW! REALLY? Never mind all the other senses used by animals to detect predators.

What is really striking is that the same exact sorts of success claims made by the HECS suit are made by folks using various patterns of camo, using ozone generators, and using scent control clothing. They ALL claim the same miracle results. They all show videos of people in proximity to animals.

There are lots of stories where people were close to deer that they attribute to the HECS suit, but it really isn't that hard to be close to deer or many other animals.

Here is a guy, NOT in a HECS suit, hunting and has the deer walk right up to him. He must not have an electromagnetic field...

This guy touches a buck with his arrow during archery season...

This guy stalks and touches a deer without a HECS suit...

This lady is within 4 yards of a bull elk, no HECS suit...

This guy sneaks up on a lounging deer. Apparently, he has no electromagnetic field...

Group of hunters meet a buck...

So how are all these hunters with their electromagnetic fields running electronic recording equipment with electromagnetic fields managing to do this without HECS suits? Miracles, right?

I put it in the category of products like the miracle fuel savers such as vortex systems, magnets, etc. People swore up and down, backwards and forwards that the systems work and they did, but they did not because the systems did what was claimed, but because people changed their behaviors. That would only last for a while however, and then people would return to their normal driving habits.
Posted By: DStroud

Re: HECS Suit - 09/28/18 02:28 PM

I call predators within feet all the time.
These folks that sell this stuff fall into a group I call less than honest.....they know you really can’t prove a negative so what the heck let’s make some money off the big words and promises that cannot be proved or disproved. Barnum Bailey knew human nature......
Posted By: Sneaky

Re: HECS Suit - 09/28/18 02:58 PM

People make fun of high fence hunters because it’s too easy, yet they do everything they can to eliminate every way a deer can detect you, making it as easy as possible.
Posted By: Bigfoot

Re: HECS Suit - 10/01/18 04:18 PM

See like i said some hunters will say it works and some dont. No definitive answer. I would listen to the people that have used them and have experience with them. Obviously there are plenty of nay sayers but experience using the product is the people i would listen to. I dont have one but have wonderedd on a few occasions when i spooked animals up close if they would not have spooked wiyh a hecs suit.
Posted By: Bigfoot

Re: HECS Suit - 10/01/18 04:24 PM

How does showing video of people not wearing a hecs suit prove anything about wearing one?? That doesnt make sense to me at all
Posted By: Double Naught Spy

Re: HECS Suit - 10/03/18 09:24 AM

Originally Posted By: Bigfoot
How does showing video of people not wearing a hecs suit prove anything about wearing one?? That doesnt make sense to me at all

Simple, the claim is that it allows you to get closer to animals. HECS mentions that animals appears to have a 6th sense and HECS intimates that their suit will protect against it. Well, videos of folks not wearing HECS suit shows that folks are getting close to animals just fine without them and that animal 6th sense is apparently not the reality that is indicated.

It is troubling how they say the suit is based on science and then they make a bunch of tangential correlations which are NOT science based. This bit of advertising sleight of hand isn't kosher. They are suggesting that because fish sense electrical fields and avoid predators accordingly, that other terrestrial animals may as well. This latter aspect is not based on science, just marketing. Then they note that some animals, even terrestrial mammals, use the electromagnetic field of the earth to navigate for migration and hence may be able to detect other animals. Again, there is no proof that animals such as deer, elk, coyotes, etc. can detect other animals via electromagnetic fields. The field that do this have special organs for the task, such as the ampullae of Lorenzini in sharks. Can you show me any such special organs on deer, coyotes, or any other terrestrial animal that are for this task? That would be some real science. Or, can you find any studies showing terrestrial mammals are able to discern the presence of other animals in a blind study where their other senses cannot be used? That would be some real science. HECS doesn't offer forth any such studies. Ever wonder why?

So without proof that animals such as deer having this electromagnetic 6th sense for predator detection, the much more likely and scientifically based facts are that many animals such as deer do have heightened capabilities through normal senses such as smell and hearing.
Posted By: Nogalus Prairie

Re: HECS Suit - 10/03/18 09:45 AM

Originally Posted By: Sneaky
People make fun of high fence hunters because it’s too easy, yet they do everything they can to eliminate every way a deer can detect you, making it as easy as possible.

This junk is nothing but marketing anyway, but the analogy there is apples and oranges. Manipulating oneself to avoid detection is different than manipulating the quarry so it cannot escape certain confines.

At any rate, I doubt most people on the train of HECS, Ozonics, laser-guided scopes, etc. take much issue with HF shooting. People looking for “easy” are generally not picky about what “easy” entails.
Posted By: Texas buckeye

Re: HECS Suit - 10/03/18 05:58 PM

I wrote this on the ozonics post and will regurgitate it here as the same applies:

There is a big difference in scientific basis and anecdotal basis.

Science will experiment with controllable situations, with a control group, under different conditions to ensure something works. An example would be two groups of hunters, all hunting similar areas or similar deer density locations with known deer habits (yes, deer are wild and you can't control them, but certain places are known to be deer havens) one group with HECS and one with whatever other camo/suits they want. See which one gets detected and at what range.
Then, you switch the groups and go at it again....there is something to that experiment that can be explained and then learned from.

Simply someone saying "this works" is nothing more than saying they might have tame deer or young deer or starving deer that need to eat, etc, etc...so many variables and no way to separate out the HECS suit as the solution.

There are a lot of products with advertising that incorporate "scientific priciples" that have nothing to so with real science. Advertising is simply a way to get you to feel good about spending your money. If the idea of something allures you and you don't have the where withal to do some research and see if the stuff actually makes sense based on known information, then you are just a gullible buyer. As long as you don't have remorse, no big deal.
Posted By: crapicat

Re: HECS Suit - 10/08/18 11:52 AM

Originally Posted By: Double Naught Spy

I put it in the category of products like the miracle fuel savers such as vortex systems, magnets, etc. People swore up and down, backwards and forwards that the systems work and they did, but they did not because the systems did what was claimed, but because people changed their behaviors. That would only last for a while however, and then people would return to their normal driving habits.

I agree. If you want my money, produce a product that helps me fill a NEED...not that VOID in my knowledge.
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