Texas Hunting Forum

What a Day

Posted By: ttugmc

What a Day - 12/01/09 02:56 AM

Long story...but a question and a testimonial to Tracking Dogs. Last Monday I had a great 20 yd shot at a nice 10 pt. took the shot, hit, but the arrow did not pass through. The shot was slightly quartering away and because the arrow did not pass through I know very well where it hit. Slightly back, but that should be good on the entrance of a quartering away shot, the only thing I really did not like is that it was a little high. Given that the arrow did not pass through, decided to wait about 90 minutes before I get down to look for blood. Get down, no blood, call my brother we look for about 30 min., still no blood. We are about two hours from the shot, so we decide to do a grid search. We go about 1.5 hrs, and at that point I remember some posts I have seen on this site about tracking dogs (yep I troll quite a bit). So, call the wife and a quick google search later I am speaking to a guy with a Bavarian Mountain Hound who is coming out in 90 minutes to help us search...so we pull out and wait on the dog.

The dog arrives, and we go back to the spot where I took the shot. He IMMEDIATELY is on the scent and we are off and running. We find a few spots of blood along the way so we know he is on the right track. Long and painful story short we tracked this deer for about 2-3 miles up hills, across fences, across streams but no luck. We finally called it about 9 hours after the shot. Very little blood the whole time and we never found the arrow, which almost certainly means it stayed in the deer, as I know we were following the exact path of the deer with the dogs help.

So the points:

1) I still cannot figure out where I could have hit the deer to not get a pass through. The entrance hit was a bit high, but obviously not spine, and a touch back, but I needed to shoot a bit back due to the quartering away angle. I had convinced myself that I hit the exit side shoulder and that stopped the arrow. That would have been a great shot and we would have been eating back strap Monday night. If I misjudged how far back the arrow went and it was gut shot, there is no way that arrow stops, 20 yds with a 70 lb pull Reezen, the arrow exits. So what did I hit? Any ideas, would be appreciated, it is a week later and it is still driving me insane, it just absolutely hurts to know I hit something but did not recover it.

2) Those tracking dogs work,and if you know you hit something, but cannot find the trail USE THEM. I was absolutely amazed with this dogs ability, he went everywhere and was all business for about 4 hours. For a total cost of $100 to come out (and this was about a 75 minute drive for dog and handler) and another $100 if they find the deer. That dog earned all $200 and he got it (was not his fault we did not find the deer, that was all me). I cannot possibly over state how impressed I was with this animal, he had a ton of heart and was all business. The handler was a great guy who worked his tail off to help me try to find this deer as well, just totally amazed with the experience. I would post his name, but just not sure if that is appropriate.

Appreciate any feedback on where that arrow hit to not pass through, it is a week later and it is still driving me nuts to know that I did not recover the animal.

Posted By: quick&quiet

Re: What a Day - 12/01/09 04:19 PM

let me start by saying how much that suxs. sounds like you did everything rite and expended every effort to recover your deer. if you don't mind i would like to ask a couple of questions. just so i can picture in my head. 1. how high is the stand? 2. what kind of broad head? 3. did he jump your string any?

Posted By: dgilbert

Re: What a Day - 12/01/09 07:01 PM

I had simlar shot about 3 weeks ago on a cull buck, had a pass through but no blood, wasn't positive on the shot placement.

After several hours of trying to find one drop of blood, I felt the buck was still alive and kicking. Sure enough, I got him on TC, I hit high in front of should, I do not know how I missed the spine in the base of neck.

Posted By: BOBO the Clown

Re: What a Day - 12/01/09 08:30 PM

Deer are some crazy tough animals some times.. Hats off to you for calling in the dog.. Stand up thing to do

Posted By: ttugmc

Re: What a Day - 12/02/09 07:19 AM

quick&quiet - Stand is about 14 ft up, i was shooting a 100gr Slick Trick, and i do not really think he jumped the string, possible I missed it in the heat of the moment, but I do not think so. Probably should have mentioned that the shot did not really seem to impact his running, he ran pretty normal after the hit.

BOBO - one of the main goals of the post is to get the word out on the tracking dog. $200 is a small price to pay to recover a downed animal and you get the added bonus of seeing an incredible animal perform his job, he was truly amazing. I have that number stored in my cell phone and will not hesitate to use it again, although I hope I never need to.

Posted By: quick&quiet

Re: What a Day - 12/02/09 09:00 PM

ttugmc- after going over that scinerio(or how ever you spell that)in my head. 14' 20yds that angle should have hit something vital. hitting hi quartering away? unless the arrow went over liver infront of guts and behind lungs. wow. never hit sumthin and missed everything at the same time. well bud keep your head in the game. hope you get to see him up and around. than stick another arrow in him. one thing that should make you feel a little better is that the dog couldn't find him either. that tells me that the deer is fine and none the worse for wear. love seeing a good dog work. it's a great thing.

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