Texas Hunting Forum

left eye dominant--right hand shooter

Posted By: atascosa_red

left eye dominant--right hand shooter - 08/26/07 07:01 PM

My neighbor and I have just taken up bow hunting. I used to bow hunt 20 years ago and decided to buy new bow and start again. I am left eye dominant and shoot right handed. My bow is sighted and I am hitting well enough to be confidrnt that I can make a clean kill.
My neighbor has the same problem I just found out today, but his is much worse. His problem is he can not wink and he can't see thru the peep at all. We put a patch on his left eye and he is doing much better.
My question is, is there a sight that will extend out far enough for him to use his left eye to aim---he is not using peep at all--eye is too weak. I know that he could switch to left handed but with money being an issue, it is too late for that. Any help?

Posted By: ZenArchery

Re: left eye dominant--right hand shooter - 08/26/07 08:25 PM

a guy in a spring league i shoot is left eye dominate shooting a right hand bow. he shoots with both eyes open. he's using a copper john pro the extension bar is probably 8". he's very successful doing this. give it a shot.

try the eye patch others have used that as a solution

finally if all else fails he may have to get a new bow.


Re: left eye dominant--right hand shooter - 08/27/07 01:14 AM

I had the same problem when I started bow hunting years back....I tried a patch, but decided to buy a left-handed bow....To my amazement it seemed easier to pull

Posted By: Gonhuntin

Re: left eye dominant--right hand shooter - 08/28/07 04:44 PM

I have the same problem so I learned to shoot a left hand bow. However, over the last couple of years I have practiced closing my left eye and holding my right open for a period of time. So when I decide to buy my next bow I might get a right hand one. Before that time I'll borrow a right hand bow and see how it works out. After about 20 seconds my right eye starts to close so I'll have to close the deal on the animal quickly.

Posted By: glen

Re: left eye dominant--right hand shooter - 08/28/07 11:46 PM

Take the peep off of your bow. put on a kisser button and a nose nock. Shoot wth both eyes open. I do this and can shoot dot league and hold my own. I will never be a 300 shooter every week but there are advantages. You can hunt earlier and later and see out of a ground blind better. If I can see it I am able to shoot- when I was using a peep sight I had problems with low light situations. Give it a try - you may be surprised.

Posted By: Texas_Quail

Re: left eye dominant--right hand shooter - 09/13/07 12:10 AM

Id use both eyes open as said earlier post

Posted By: stdcrk17

Re: left eye dominant--right hand shooter - 09/13/07 12:41 AM

Anybody else think a hind-sight might be a possible solution? Elimanates the peep, any fool can use it. Check it out atleast:

Posted By: cajundave

Re: left eye dominant--right hand shooter - 10/01/07 01:52 AM

same problem and it's why I can't shoot a dove to save my life.

Posted By: tirtypointer

Re: left eye dominant--right hand shooter - 10/04/07 03:26 AM

I'm the same way....I've learned to deal with it.
Practice enough that you get used to it and it becomes 2nd nature. I tried shooting lefty and that didn't go so well LOL

Good Luck

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